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(Continued from If only people would read the Real Bible for themselves)


 By teaching that Job Chapter 38 ‘confirms’ the so-called tangible formation of the foundations of the earth, flat earthers deny the vital meaning of what the Creator God said to Job: no human being can ever tell how He created the earth! Hence, this flat earth argument is just as pointless as the “big bang” theory!”  God actually said in Job 38:4-13, “[YOU THINK YOU ARE SO CLEVER,] NOW DECLARE IF YOU UNDERSTAND: WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I LAID THE FOUNDATIONS, [OR BEGAN TO CREATE] THE EARTH?”  Certainly, everything that was made has a foundation, cornerstone, (a first primary stone,) a framework, or “a beginning.”  Nothing, (either physically, emotionally, or allegorically,) can be constructed without “a beginning.” But to abuse God’s Word to change allegorical terms into literal terms to teach that earth is a ‘flat disk/square [WITH FOUR LITERAL CORNERS,] (see this depiction on the previous page,) “is simply satanic, to say the least. God actually said to Job, “I LAID OUT THE MEASUREMENTS OF THE EARTH [or meticulously planned and created the earth.]  BUT TELL ME IF YOU KNOW: [IF ITS FOUNDATIONS AND EVERYTHING ELSE ARE LITERAL,] TO WHAT WERE ITS FOUNDATIONS FASTENED?” GOD ACTUALLY SAID, ‘HOW IS EARTH SECURED TO IT’S FOUNDATION?  ANSWER: NO HUMAN BEING KNOWS!’ 

· But wait!  In another great oxymoron, they also say, in that great ‘dark nothingness’ into which the ‘STATIONARY’ DISK/SQUARE, DOMED PLACE’ constantly “speed upwards,’ it also STANDS AN FOUR LITERAL PILLARS!  They brought in this contradiction in an attempt to use the first chapter of the Book of Genesis to confirm this statement as literalism, but here, in the Real Bible, (not their ‘flat earth bible,’) God does not mention “pillars of the earth” at all!  Additionally, throughout the Old Testament where God addresses the misunderstanding and sin of people, He also speaks ALLEGORICALLY about humanly incomprehensible things, as proven above.  For instance, “PILLARS THAT TREMBLE WHEN GOD SHAKES THE EARTH” refers to earthquakes, not pillars under the earth!  To justify their wild notion that their so-called ‘flat disk/square literally stands on “FOUR,” pillars,’ (“four pillars” do not exist in true Scripture,) they distort God’s Holy Word in ways no human being should even think to do, (Job 38:4-13! 

How can anyone believe ‘the flat place’ literally stands in “nothingness on its pillars?”  Answer: deceivers are playing New Age/flat ‘place’ mind games with them by turning allegories into illogic literalism and vise versa, to confuse and control gullible people who do not search the Scriptures and do not want to think for themselves.

“ANCIENT BABYLONIANS THOUGHT THE EARTH WAS A SQUASHED GLOBE (some kind of disk,) with hollowness underneath, floating in the ocean.”  It seems logic that totally uninformed cartographers could come to such a conclusion.  Yet, with the flat placers that thoroughly iced over the tropic ‘north pole’ in the middle of their ‘flat disk/square’ on their ‘equator,’ (what an impossibility!) their model of the ‘flat place’ is really just the Babylonian squashed globe.  How can it be that in this technologically advanced age people return to Medieval darkness? 


      hic habitat.png    HIC HABITAT3.jpg  hic habitat 2.jpg  

[acknowledgement to Wikipedia for info on uncharted territories on maps]
ABOVE:  "Here be dragons," (hic sunt dracones) [OR ‘HIC HABITAT LEONES’ - here dwell lions,] means unexplored territories:’ a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where dangers were [suspected.]”[1][2]


Nothing here in the real Book of Genesis to “dam up” the oceans on the edges of a flat earth —especially not a sounding rim of ice! 

· Addressing such human philosophical context, God asked Old Job, “[...IF YOU ARE SO CLEVER, TELL ME,] WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I FIXED MY LIMIT FOR THE SEA AND KEPT IT BEHIND BOLTED GATES... AND BARS AND DOORS?”  (Job 38:10.)  How can anyone take God’s argument with Job literally?   As seen in Genesis 1:9-10, God did not ‘dam up’ the oceans but separated the Sea from the Earth to give us dry land. 

· The symbolism of “the sea behind bolted gates’ is still all about the total inability of man to understand how God created everything.  When the sea “bursts it’s boundaries,” earth experiences the awesome might of tsunamis, which is still under the control of God!  It has nothing to do with “surrounding walls of ice” or LITERAL bars and doors!  “Bursting banks” is a natural phenomenon of rivers and other great water sources.  Yet, as God promised Noah after the flood, water will never overflow the whole world again, (Gen. 9:8-17.)  God’ Himself set the boundaries of the ocean at creation, and when Noah left the ark, He promised to do the same with every other water source.  God constantly spoke figuratively or in parables to Job and other people in the Bible, to illustrate His marvelous creation in human terms so they can form a picture of how well-planned and meticulous He created the earth and everything and everyone on it.  

However, ignoring facts and the truth of Scripture, flat placers say no one has ever been to the ice wall or seen it, because “NASA  guards it!”  Now we may seriously wonder, why didn’t people fall or sail off the ‘flat place’ before NASA existed?  And what about the expeditions that went and still go to Antarctica or the South Pole?  Can they see the “wall of ice” that surround the ‘flat place’ to keep the oceans dammed inside?’ 

· To justify their “re-creation” of the earth, the oceans, sun, moon, stars, and the rest of the cosmos, (the whole universe, even God’s throne in the spiritual heaven,) flat earthers abuse Genesis 1:3-5 to say THEY DO NOT NEED THE “TWO GREAT LIGHTS; (the sun and moon, as described in Genesis 1:14-19,) BECAUSE ON THE FIRST DAY, GOD MADE LIGHT/DAY AND DARKNESS/NIGHT WITHOUT “THE TWO GREAT LIGHTS.”  So, they attempt to erase God’s creation of the sun, moon, and stars.  But even a little child can understand that without the physical sun, everything on earth will die and the physical moon and stars will lose their light, as “clearly seen” during a sun and lunar eclipse! (Rom. 1:20.)  Although flat earthers deny this sure reality of the sun, the STATIONARY SUN remains the epicentre of the universe and does give warmth, light, and life! 

UNBELIEVABLY, THEIR FLAT DISK/SQUARE IS WITHOUT GRAVITY and “it has no core because it is flat and there is nothing underneath.”    Yet, even the Old Hebrews and pagans, who had no science, knew from logic observation that gravity existed and that the core of the earth is hot.  So, gravity is used in Scripture in an allegorical way to explain heaviness, steadfastness, attraction, and so on.  The hot core was always used to explain the location of  hell or sheol ‘the underworld’ ‘beneath’ or underground, (Isa. 5:14:9-16; Prov. 15:24 KJV, etcetera)  If gravity does not exist and there is “nothing under the flat earth,” this also messes up the tides of the oceans, among other important things. That is why they skillfully annihilated the function of their moon as it cannot influence the tides without gravity.  

Practical and Scriptural facts prove that God meticulously planned and structured or ‘mechanized’ the universe and everything in it to physically move and literally function in a specific, harmonizing order, as we can “clearly see and understand” by looking at everything else in His physical creation!  That is why God asked Job in Chapter 38:31-33, “CAN YOU BIND [OR CONTROL] THE CLUSTER [or star constellation] OF PLEIADES… OR THE BELT OF ORION [that I created as you can clearly see by looking at the firmament, heavens, or sky?]” CAN YOU BRING OUT MAZZAROTH, [an astronomical constellations such as the Zodiac star constellation,] IN ITS SEASON? .. OR THE GREAT BEAR WITH ITS CUBS?  [Ursa Major or “Great Bear” is the third largest of the 88 known star constellations in the Northern sky!]  DO YOU KNOW THE ORDINANCES OF THE HEAVENS [or space and outer space?]  CAN YOU SET THEIR DOMINION [orbits] OVER THE EARTH?”  What is amazing is that “STAR CONSTELLATIONS REALLY DO COME OUT IN THEIR SEASONS!”  Certain constellations or star patterns can be clearly seen during specific seasons of the year!  E.g., on summer nights Scorpios is prominent in the Southern sky.  In the Northern Hemisphere ‘Orion The Hunter’ can only be seen in winter!  Everything was literally designed and made to physically perform exactly as God proclaimed in the Truth of His incredible Word

· As all of the above is IMPOSSIBLE on a flat earth, flat ‘placers’ actually say no one can explain how the ATMOSPHERE ON THEIR ‘FLAT PLACE’ CAN CONTAIN HUGE STORM CLOUDSThat is true.  No one would be able to test their non-existent model practically as it is totally unworkable.  However, merely with our limited understanding and observation, (Romans 1:20,) we can comprehend what GOD SAID IN JOB 38:9, “[AND WHERE WERE YOU WHEN I MADE THE CLOUDS ITS BLANKET/GARMENT [atmospheric pressure,] AND IT’S SWADDLING CLOTH, [dense fog?]”  Even real, level-headed scientists that are total unbelievers, can “clearly see,” “understand,” and very accurately predict through material science and real technology how even the weather functions and manifests on a daily basis!  As all this are such sure realities in our practical world, it is the furtherest from any clear thinking mind to believe that flat-earth dogmas can be ‘literal,’ practical, or Scripturally true!  Even more horribly; if flat earthers can so callously ‘re-create’ planet earth and the whole cosmos, they are capable of teaching people any other illogic thing that enters their New Age polluted minds!     



Besides the fact that we must “see and understand” everything in context, we must also consider that we live on a multilevel here on earth.  We live spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually, and decidedly as free willed beings, (1 Ths. 5:23; Jn. 3:3-5; 1:12-14.)  So, it is important to know that physical things belong to the physical world, while supernatural things belong to the spirit world.  For instance, it is impossible to spiritualize the literal earth!  Although personally and sincerely born again believers in Christ live spiritually in God’s spiritual realm, they must still continue to live on a soulical, (intellectual, free-willed, mind) level as normal people on the earth, (Col. 2:9-10; 1 Ths. 5:23; Jn. 1:12-14; 3:3-6.) Jesus commanded, “RENDER TO CAESAR THE THINGS THAT ARE CAESAR’S, AND TO GOD THE THINGS THAT ARE GOD’S,” (Mt. 20:22; 1 Cor. 2:14!)  So, God commanded us to actively use the talents and gifts (functions and abilities) He entrusted to us in our daily lives on this side of the grave, (Mt. 25:14-30.)  For instance, it calls for great deception to “clearly see” the reality of the meticulous arrangement and function of God’s earthly, microbial, and astronomical worlds;  and still choose against all logic to believe that the universe “accidentally” created itself.  So after that, millions of different life forms [allegedly] began to create themselves!”  (Rom. 1:18-32.) 

· Authentic science and technology have nothing to do with New Age and flat earth illusions or the spirit world.  This is just a short prelude to this topic to emphasize that although scientists use natural science to do to good as well as evil, real scientists do not blend the physical with the supernatural. (Think of the amazing but deadly atomic bomb, which they literally designed and built through material science and technology.)  Contextual, Scriptural Truth, (received spiritually from God and processed in humble reliance on Him through sober thought processes to understand everything as far as humanly possible,) is really our only light in the floods of false and twisted information and disguised New Ageism, which we are subjected to on a worldwide scale, (Rom. 12:1-3.) 

· If we decide to throw logic out the door, sanity will leave with it.  See the Bedford Level Experiment debunked by authentic, logic science, and how the agnostic professor Dave nonetheless perfectly explains how airplanes conform to the curvature of the earth, and that commercial airlines DO fly over the pacific ocean

“MOTHER EARTH” OR THE NEW AGE ‘EARTH GODDESS’ AND THE FLAT DISK/SQUARE ‘PLACE.’  When religionists deliberately distort and confuse literal facts and reality, we can be sure they are into New Ageism in some way or another.  Even many of those who believe earth is a globe, (let us call them “globalers,”) evolutionists, New Agers, Christians, and flat earthers also call on the ‘self-creating’ “Mother Earth,” (mother Mary in the Christendom,) when they refer to the work of God’s hands

THIS IS A DEAD GIVEAWAY OF THE REAL FLAT EARTH AGENDA.  Calling on ‘mother earth’ or nature and spiritualizing planet earth, [“IT IS NOT A PLANET BY A PLACE OR A THING,”] clarifies their rejection of literal science and matter in favor of QUANTUM MYSTICISMThis perfectly explains their illogic, speculative, philosophic, and spiritualized explanations of the physical earth, universe, and all the realities and materialism in the natural realm.  While flat earthers supposedly stand on the “literalism of Bible Scripture,” they explicitly deny physical reality.  (“Earth is ‘a place’ not a planet.”)  They covertly teach universal New Age surreality under a Christian guise, which is just another form of masonic spirit science, based on so-called “sacred geometry!”  ►► Because they spiritualize the earth as “a place,” one cannot reason logically with them about the “clearly seen” and thus “understood” round sunset and sunrise, a curved lunar eclipse, or a boat sinking away behind the horizon, and not growing smaller in the distance of a so-called “flat earth.” 

· ADVOCATES OF THE FLAT DISK/SQUARE PLACE WILL BRING IN THE GOLDEN AGE.  Flat earthers say they will supposedly establish “The Golden Age” on “their flat place.”  All those who plan to rule the world, use the false promise of a “perfect earth” to mythically and militaristically enslave people en-masse to their religious/political ideologies.  Religion and politics are always combined in mind-altering dogmasThat is why New Ageism in all its forms is not ‘merely’ striving for “universal consciousness.”  It’s final aim is worldwide, governmental control.  Religion and Christianity especially, where the abuse of the Bible is concerned, always “ride” the political “beast,” (Rev. 17:1-6: 18:4.)  JESUS FORBADE US TO “LAY UP TREASURES ON EARTH” INSTEAD OF IN HEAVEN,  (Mt, 6:19-20, KJV.)  But in defiance of God, the fake ‘paradise on earth’ or Golden Age is found in many branches of Christianity and especially among the masonic/Egyptologist Jehovah’s Witnesses

As everyone was taught to focus on religion and politics, the ‘Golden Age’ is also found in Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, etcetera.  However, their Golden Age is an impractical model that was based on the false Kingdom-Now theology, (Jn. 18:36 KJV!)  It also links to the chaos, destruction, and poverty of the entire world under the control of socialism and communism - which  result in only a few extremely mean, ‘golden men’ on top of that destructive pyramid  So, it is not strange that flat earthers promise their followers a Golden Age while hiding their masonic, New Age origins behind their flat earth Bible.  As seen in South Africa, the Calvinist apartheid regime fought against the destruction of communism, but they were clandestine communists working with terrorists to shift the world into the “Golden Age” of the One World Order

· Reality versus illusion is the actual quarrel flat earthers initiated with globalers to lure people into their Golden Age.  Yet, the contextual truth of God’s Word from both the Old to the New Testaments makes it plain that this physical world is destined for annihilation by fire when Jesus returns on the clouds with His innumerable angels, (2 Ths. 2:6-12; 2 Pt. 3:10-14.)  In That Single Day, He Who has made all of humanity His custodians of the earth, will require an account of everything He had entrusted to us on both physical and spiritual levels, (Gen. 1:27-28; 2 Cor. 5:10.)  As, during our time, intellectual and spiritual deceptions are infecting nearly every brain on the planet to turn everything Godly and true on its head, humanity has to wake up from secular and religious trickery to obey the New Covenant commandments of Jesus



Churches literally stretch the vision of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2:36-44 to the end of the world, although it was already completely fulfilled when Jesus set up His eternal, spiritual Kingdom in the hearts and minds of all true believers worldwide; conquering every political and religious kingdom, principality, and power at the cross! (1 Ths. 5:23; Col. 2:9-15; Jn. 19:28-30.)  That was “the judgment of the [fallen] world, when the [destroyer] of this world would be cast out [of the human spirits and minds of all true believers in Christ worldwide,]” (Jn. 13:31.)  That was the cut-off point for Satan where the souls of humanity are concerned, (1 Jn. 5:18-19.)  Yet, Jesus said that no one will change the things that are coming upon the world, (Luke 21:26 KJV.)  Illuminati theologians bungled all the prophesies in the Book of Daniel to fit them into their false Israeli timeline and it’s unscriptural dogmas, because the prophesies in Daniel Chapters 7–12 could not be understood until now that we can clearly see them manifesting in the churches, worldwide politics, and especially in history since the beginning of the twentieth century.  This is so because those prophesies were “SHUT UP AND SEALED UNTIL THE TIME OF THE END, WHEN MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO, [following lies, liars, and false christs, exactly as Jesus prophesied three times in just the Chapter of Matthew 24!]  AND [THEN, DURING THE END OF THE END TIME, SCIENTIFIC, TECHNOLOGICAL, AND ALL OTHER] “KNOWLEDGE WILL [VASTLY] INCREASE,’ (Dan. 12:4.)  This is a sure sign that worldwide control and Jesus’ return are imminent


Knowledge has never increased like we witnessed since the turn of the nineteenth century, (1899-1902.)  During the British War on the farmer-hunters in South Africa, they erected concentration camps as a socialist experiment to murder thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians.  British engineers had balloons in the air to control battles, and trains to bring in hordes of soldiers and supplies, but they were all still warring on horsebackOnly twelve years later, during World War One in 1914, the League of Nations that preceded the United Nations, had artillery that took automatic weapons to unbelievable heights; armored tanks, flame throwers, mine fields, fighter planes, poison gas, deadly U-boats or submarines…  By the end of World War Two in 1945, Germany had the masonic brutality of the British concentrations camps of 1900-1902 on steroids, and massive crematoriums to compliment their unspeakable crimes against humanity.  During that time, America had scientists that manufactured and detonated atomic bombs, while Hitler’s scientists were already experimenting with stealth and space technology

· Another example of the end time’s “increase in knowledge” is that in the nineteen fifties, indescribably immoral scientists ‘evolved’ the hydrogen bomb into a neutron bomb, which grew into the cobalt bomb.  The neutron bomb is called a ‘clean’ bomb because it has the capacity to destroy all life without causing much damage to property.  Yet, the mother of these monsters remains the all-destroying ‘dirty’ cobalt bomb, which produces gamma rays that penetrate everything.  It is impossible to hide from this bomb either underground or in shelters. 

· Now, if this sudden surge in science and technology that kept on flying higher through the twentieth century to our day is not a literal fulfilment of Daniel chapters 7-12, what is?  It is worthless to debate the shape of the earth, as the space race that culminated in 1969 was another incredible expansion of science and technology.  They surely had the science and technology to really land on the moon and send photos of the earth from there.  Maybe the moon landing was a farce as people allege.  But if nothing else, the much debated moon landing gagged the Soviet Union.  For what it’s worth, NASA does attempt to explain the seemingly waving flag and other oddities during the landing.  But by now, so many explanations and conspiracies contradict one another it’s virtually impossible to distinguish fact from fiction.



These technological realities are undeniably true.  If people do not know that the earth is a globe by now, they will definitely not know if it were flat.  Ancient New Ageism, or “the way of the Gentiles,” (Jeremiah 10:2-10,) which is described in this passage as the worship of nature — and also based on astrology, (foretelling the future by the stars,) among other forms of idolatry and witchcraft, was revived in the 1960’s when rebellious hippie cults or ‘flower children’ began to pollute America and most of the Western world with their terrible immorality and hatred for technology.  They were also allegedly “searching for their universal identity through transnationalism.”  Many forsook their families to live in communes, and pretended to be ‘harmless’ and ‘one with nature.’  They were literally ‘high’ on ‘flower power’ or dangerous drugs; ‘free’ from responsibility, in governmental and social opposition, and totally sexually immoralPrior to this, Hillbilly cults, just as flat earthers, manifested the same lawless spirit of hippie cults and, among other uncivilized behaviors, “resisted the modernization of society.” 

So, it was no coincidence that American theosophist David Spangler… [a ‘practical mystic,’] formally developed the fundamentalsiof the [modern] New Age movement in the 1970’s. He believed that the ‘release of new waves of spiritual energy,’ [demons,] signalled certain astrological changes.  [E.g., the movement of stars into a new cycle known as the Age of Aquarius supposedly triggered floods of deception or false “light,” a mighty revival of worldwide pantheism or the worship of nature, and an explosion of sexual and other immorality ‘as in the days of Noah and Lot.’]  The Age of Aquarius also initiated the coming of the New Age, [the Golden Age of universal consciousness.]  Spangler said people must follow him in this new ‘energy’ [or demonic  power] to manifest the New Age [worldwide.]”  [Wikipedia.] 

· To occupy such a prominent position in the occult, Spangler certainly belonged to global masonic powers.  So, it is no surprise to again find concrete evidence that masonic orders are behind every religion, political party, and revolutionThe New Age worship of Spangler ‘revived’ the “beliefs and lifestyle of the [New Age] hippies of the 1960’s and 1970’s, which originated from the dogmas of 17th century Catholic Rosicrucian's, masonrytheosophy, and the ritual magic in the 19th and 20th centuries.  “The 19th century, masonic Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, announced a coming New Age, [the Golden Age.]  She believed that theosophists [who embraced Buddhist/Hindu Brahmanism, ‘the highest belief of Ultimate Reality in the Universe,’ which is metaphysics that supposedly changes everything natural [to turn the entire universe into ‘spirit,’] should assist the evolution of the human race and prepare them to cooperate with the Ascended Masters of the Great White [masonic] Brotherhood, whose arrival was imminent.  Blavatsky believed that the world’s hidden leaders, members of this mystical brotherhood, [who are also in control of Christian churches and every other chaotic cult,] will ‘guide the destiny of planet earth.’  Blavatsky’s successor, [masonic agent] Annie Besant, predicted the [so-called New Age] coming of a messiah [or world savior - of whom the infamous Hitler was allegedly also ‘a maitreya’ or ‘christ’ of the dawning Golden Age.]”  [Britannica.com] 

THE ABOVE IS NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND THE MASONIC NEW AGE SPIRIT BEHIND FLAT EARTHERS AND THEIR ‘flat earth bible,’ (so-called ‘biblical literalism’ that they turned into New Age metaphysics, “abstract science” or “spirit science,”) it is necessary to, merely on a basic level, compare their pseudoscience or quantum mysticism  to material science or physics.  The most important thing to remember in all this, is that real, natural science or physics has nothing to do with the supernatural world.  “Calculated mathematical science is only concerned with the physical structure and properties of matter, mechanics or technicalities, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, atoms, etcetera.” So, concrete “quantum mechanics is fundamental in physics to describe the physical properties of nature at the scale of [physical] atoms and subatomic particles.2]Physics carries all [the physical realities] of quantum physics including quantum chemistryquantum field theoryquantum technology, and quantum information science,” [Wikipedia.] 

In contrast, (as also seen before,)  flat earthers and other New Agers confuse the material and spirit worlds by shifting from one meaning of a word or concept to another, to supposedly make the entire physical world into “an illusion.” (“Earth” is not a planet it’s a place.”)  Hence, everything literal, tangible, and what real science or physics say, New Agers and flat earthers turn into “real magic that does not physically exist.” Because learned science and mechanics are “complicated and thus difficult to understand, New Agers and flat earthers misuse, misinterpret, and misrepresent the word ‘QUANTUM’ to confuse people and make literalism into mysticism and so-called ‘spirit science.’  In real physics, ‘quantum’ means, “a discrete quantity of literal force proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation it represents.”  So, by turning the physical world and everything else into “spirit,” while turning what is allegorical into literalism, NEW AGERS AND FLAT EARTHERS ARE DANGEROUSLY MESSING WITH THE LOGIC, INTELLIGENT MINDS OF PEOPLE. 


(Continue to Prof Dave explains real science perfectly )