Unbanned Bible Publications |
Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Empires Renette Vermeulen
Part 2: Masonic Orders: Dragon Worship Worldwide
© COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS NONE OF THESE BOOKS, DISCUSSIONS, AND ARTICLES ARE FOR SALE, YET THE CONTENT AND CONTEXT MUST NOT BE ALTERED, SOLD OR USED IN MATERIAL THAT IS SOLD, CLAIMED OR PREACHED AS PERSONAL PROPERTY AND REVELATION, OR MISUSED IN ANY WAY. IF YOU FIND MY BOOKS FOR SALE, PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE FRAUDULENTLY SOLD BY PEOPLE WHO EXPLOIT MY WORK FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Contents · The Fourfold Beast of Daniel 2,7-12 and Revelation 13 governs during our time · The Visions of O.T. Daniel and N.T. John’s are Similar and must be Interpreted together · Most Commentators Pull Believers into the Kingdom-Now Theology · The Four Beasts execute a Combined, Global, Multilevel Fulfilment for “The Time at the End” · The Four Beasts are Four World-Structuring, World-Governing spirits making a ‘Fourth World’ · Global European Imperialism began: the lion spirit in the United Nations · America was made: The dragon-lion Lost it’s Wings; “Two Feet” a “Man’s Heart” was given it · Suddenly, the spirit of the Soviet Bear appeared · The spirit of the Bear has “Three Ribs in Its Mouth” · Marxism Is a Religion: the Worship of Dictators · The three goals of Imperialist Marxism · Secularism in particular, has three very important components · Islam’s Communist Rule is Depicted in the Vision of the Ram · The “Little Horn” is not A man but Like a man · The Arab League Flourishes and Islam is Disseminated Worldwide · For ‘Peace’ and ‘Safety,’ “He Causes ALL to Receive a Mark…” · THE FALL OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN BIBLE PROPHECY (Rev. 18.) · Four Heads of the Leopard: U.N.’s Basic Components of Superpower Stature, or Soft Power · Four Wings of the Leopard: U.N. Military Control · Pax Britannica and Pax Americana (Western global rule) VS Pax Africana (Eastern global rule) Most Eschatologists or End-time Teachers Pull Believers into the Kingdom-Now TheologyDispensationalist Christian teachers, who probably all masons themselves, hardly ever speak of the secret masonic orders that govern the world from behind political and religious scenes. This is why Dispensationalists name the four end-time beasts in Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, and John’s visions, (the lion, bear, leopard and dragon,) as the literal, national, ancient kingdoms of Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire – all long gone! Their interpretations of those visions and end-time events are great errors, because they are based on the false Israeli Timeline, Messianic Judaism, and Christian Zionism, which originated from the mouths of masonic orders and not from true preachers. Most believers did not even relate the identical visions of Daniel in Chapters 2 and 7-8 to the vision of John in Revelation 13. So, they materialized the four global spirit beasts in the visions as geographical kingdoms, ruled by four human, by-gone ‘kings:’ Nebuchadnezzar, Nero, Napoleon, and Hitler — or another unknown “antichrist man” that must supposedly “still be revealed!” They overlooked the fact that God repeatedly said, “These visions are for the time of the end,” and will affect the entire earth, as revealed in the vision of John, (Rev. 13:4-8; 13-18.) ► It is necessary to understand, where New Testament Scripture speaks of “the antichrist, the son of perdition,” etcetera, it does not refer to “a one-man antichrist that will rule the whole world.” It refers directly to Satan, the captain of all his demonic armies, both spiritual and human, (Col. 2:9-15; 2 Ths. 2:9-12!) Satan and his demons are spirits; they need humans to manifest their dirty works. The Bible tells us that the antichrist spirit inhabits all people who reject Jesus as the Savior, Redeemer, and Blessor, no matter how religious they are or how pious they sound, (1 Jn. 5:18-19.) And religion means anything: masonic orders, Buddhism, Hinduism, Satanism, Christianity…THE FOUR BEASTS OF DANIEL 2, 7-12 AND REVELATION 13, GOVERN DURING OUR TIMEGod said in Daniel chapter 2:27-45, The “great image of excellent splendor,” which king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon saw in a dream, was made from four different materials: gold, silver, bronze, and iron mixed with clay. Daniel explained this as four world-structuring ‘kingdoms or rulers,” which will adversely affect the whole world “during the last time.” Yet, God’s victory over it all was already completely fulfilled when Jesus set up His eternal, spiritual Kingdom “within” all true believers at Pentecost, after conquering every political and religious kingdom, demonic principality, and power at the cross! (Dan. 2:34-35,44-45; Col. 2:9-15; Luke 17:20-22 KJV; Jn. 19:28-30!) Jesus said that the battle at the cross was “the judgment of the world, when the ruler of this world was cast out” of all true believers in Christ worldwide, (John 12:31; Gen. 3:15!) ► Where the end of literal history on earth is concerned, no one can nullify God’s apocalyptic prophesies in the Books of Daniel, Revelation, and throughout Scripture. In contrast to the mixture of ancient history, fact, fiction, and literalism, which churches teach through the false Israeli Timeline, these prophesies refer directly to the last of the end days just before Jesus’ return to earth, (Dan. 2:28; 7:21-25; 8:23,26; 10:1,14; 11:35; 12:4!) As proven in this study, church clergies crossly twisted and ignored the contextual truth of the Lord Jesus’ New Testament Covenant, end-time prophesies. And so, they lied horribly about everything; especially about the spiritual aspects that steer end-time history on earth, (Matthew Chapter 24; Luke chapter 17,21; Mark chapter 13.)
As seen in Part 1 of this book, secret masonic orders are behind the course of worldwide history. God allows them to lurk behind the scenes because until Jesus returns, the “whole world [without Him will remain] under the [deceptive] power of Satan,” (1 Jn. 5:18-19; Rev. 11:15!) But it is not God’s will that His truly born again believers should fall under that ‘sway.’ Thus, He prophesied those events in Scripture to alert us of what is to come, (Dan. 12:4; 8:17,19,26.) ►► In Daniel Chapters 7-8, Daniel received two visions from God, which connect to Nebuchadnezzar's dream about “the great image” that was comprised of four parts or four kingdoms, which became analogies of four global, historical timeframes that will manifest on earth during the latter times,” (Dan. 2:27-28; 1-45.) About six centuries later, John saw the same end-time visions as a combined, fourfold spirit beast, and both Daniel and John saw that those beasts were followed by another beast, the “beast from the earth or religious world.” All of them will be destroyed when God returns on the clouds, (Rev. 13:1-2; 11-18, Dan. 2:44-45; 7:9-14; 12:1-2.) ►► The Lord clearly and repeatedly revealed that all the visions in the Book of Daniel refer to “many days in the future…” “He made known to king Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days…” “Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end... I Am making known to you what will happen in the latter time… Shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end…” (Dan. 2:27-28; 8:17, 19, 26; 14:4.) ►►► What is absolutely unique about the similar visions of Daniel and John, is that they refer directly to the history of the whole world during the last time we are now living in. Despite many attempts to rule the whole world, until now, no single despot ever succeeded, because those ‘four kings’ or beasts are like-minded, demonic entities, which are working together through all evil politicians and church clergies on a worldwide scale. ►► As recent as a century ago, this double vision of Daniel and John could not be understood, but now it is time to understand, because global history since at least the 1500s, but especially since the dawning of the 20th century, is clearly the manifestation of those visions. The following proves what I am saying. Daniel 12:4, “[These visions] were “shut up and sealed until the time of the end, when many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase…” Undoubtedly, the major scientific and technological advances before and after World War One and Two are undeniable, literal fulfillments of this end-time Bible prophecy. At the turn of the 19th century, soldiers were making war on horseback. When the First World War began in 1914, they had submarines, depth charges, military aircraft, chemical weapons, armored vehicles and tanks, etcetera. In World War Two, (1939-1945,) the incredible modernizing of cargo planes, fighter planes, flame throwers, atomic bombs, and stealth and space technologies were rising at an unbelievable pace. On a religious level, modern technology enabled even ecumenical and dispensational Christians to run “to and fro” across the earth to disseminate their church dogmas and later, to run “to an fro” across the whole world to follow false miracles, signs, and wonders, just as Jesus warned they should not do, (Mt. 24:21-28; Dan. 2:27-45; 12:4; 8:17,19,26.) THE FOURFOLD SPIRIT-BEAST EXECUTES A COMBINED, MULTITIERED, GLOBAL FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY FOR THE “WHOLE EARTH AT THE END OF THE WORLD”The visions of Daniel and John have a multitiered fulfillment: spiritual, emotional, financial, physical, and international. They do not focus only on Israel as a nation or a / ►► Daniel saw four beasts, (a lion, bear, leopard, and a fourth beast more terrible than them, which is not clearly named,) come up one by one out of the stormy sea (or political world,) because each beast plays its role through four demonic-human manufactured time-slots during end-time history. ►► John saw them rise from the sea as three beasts merged into one leopard-like beast, with the fourth, the dragon, empowering the leopard beast, (Dan 7:1-8.) History has proven that these four beasts work globally as one, but only one beast operated at a time, while it was clandestinely aided by the other beasts. These beasts have never, and will never be separated here on earth. They form the formidable end-time unit of global, masonic-socialist destruction and control. ► Both Daniel and John mention another “beast, which came from the earth” or from the religious world. This beast came up after the ‘beasts from the sea’ to support them, (Rev. 13:11-18, Dan. 7:24-27.) State and church, king and pope, and president and pastor are never separated in the machinery that turn the politics of this world. All religions, with Christianity at the forefront, (the Roman Catholic Mother Church and all her many Protestant divisions or daughters, which still rule the Western world at this stage,) are now striving openly to unite the world under a one-world religion. ►► The dual prophecy of Daniel Chapters 7-8, in combination of John’s prophecy, warns that this twofold beast from both the political and religious worlds, will greatly upset the lives of all those who live in the last of the New-Testament times - especially the personally born again believers of Christ, whom God redeemed with the blood of Jesus form all the nations worldwide, (Rev. 7:9.) John confirmed this, saying, “It was granted to him to make war with the [New Covenant] saints, [not only with the ‘Jews’ according to the ‘Israeli timeline,’] and to overcome them…” (Rev. 13:7-8.) The literal war for the physical land of Israel might be one of the levels on which these beasts work. But it is certainly not as Kingdom-Now preachers pervert God’s Word to annul Jesus’ New Testament Covenant of Grace to ‘automatically’ save the nation of Israel as a whole, without personal faith in Jesus Christ. These false teachers even lead believers to think they must all be of ‘Jewish descent’ by calling Jesus “by Hebrew Names,” which is another huge deception of the end-time beasts. WHAT THE FOUR BEASTS IN JOHN AND DANIEL’S VISIONS REALLY LOOK LIKEAs proved by the bloody, extremely tremulous events of modern history, which spread globally during the twentieth century, the four beasts from the sea are definitely not ‘one man, one antichrist, one nation, or a single king.’ Recent political history proves, although those spirits revealed themselves one by one, (as world-structuring entities,) together they aimed (and are still working towards) complete, global control, (Dan. 7:1-10.) Their plan, which now nears completion, was to structure four worldwide “kingdoms,” using four worldwide, political dogmas to achieve their aim to rule the whole world. (Dan. 7:23-25.) As we will see in this study, we are all already living in an alliance of countries that operate under control of the international One-World Government. ►► “[The fourfold spirit beings that John saw, (Revelation 13,)] was like a leopard.” It has the stealthy, covert character of a leopard, which symbolizes the global governing philosophies of the end-time, operating through secret masonic/communist orders. In the 1500s, when Europeans began to carry African slaves into nearly the whole world, the end-time satanic dogma of humanism, (which is NOT Godly love,) became necessary to unite all Africans worldwide by supposedly ‘liberating’ them from colonialism through communism and socialism. Christianity joined in and so communism and socialism spread at a steady but unstoppable pace throughout the whole world. >>>> The leopard is the emblem of Africa and signifies international, end-time, African/Eastern rule, in union with the many African inhabited countries worldwide, (called Pax Africana.) The insignia of the leopard-beast vision that both Daniel and John saw, is even at the back of the South African R200 note, with Illuminati, Roman Catholic, Jesuit agent Nelson Mandela on the front.
Above from left: Pax Africana, African-Eastern global control, is a fast growing fulfilment of the prophecy of the fourfold leopard-beast entity in Daniel 7 and Revelation 13. The communist-socialist Nelson Mandela was chosen by the Illuminati to officially inaugurate the rule of this global fourfold beast. He did not only represent South Africa. Mandela was a worldwide figure of “political, communist liberation,” as the leopard and Bengal tiger show on the Euro note. Above on right: The Euro note also symbolizes Pax Africana rule: the current merging between Africa, (the leopard,) and the East, (symbolized by the Indian Bengal tiger,) to rule the whole world.
►► Ever dependent upon the other three beasts in sculpting the Old World Order into a New World Order, the perverted leopard beast that John saw, has “feet like those of a bear,” (Rev. 13:1-2.) The bear is the second beast Daniel saw rising from the sea. (Dan. 7:1-7.) The bear is the end-time emblem of Russia. This means, communism/socialism openly manifested in 1917 in Russia, and is was ‘carried’ globally by the political dogmas and indiscriminate violence of the Soviet bear. ►► “[The leopard’s] mouth was like the mouth of a lion,” (Rev. 13:1-2.) This means the world-unifying English language, which represents the enslaving, global imperialism of Britain and her European counterparts. The lion personifies the political and religious qualities of the Western world, synonymous with Christianity, which was seemingly in contrast with the Orient and Islam. ►► The dragon that [monetarily] powers the leopard beast is the god and crest of China and symbolic of Eastern culture, (Rev. 13:2.) This is the most destructive “fourth beast” [or end-time “Fourth Kingdom” from the East, [Daniel 7:23-25, 8:20-26; John 13:4-8,] which gave the leopard-like beast “his power, throne, and great authority…” The Dragon is worshipped in the East, especially in China and Japan, as a coiled serpent with a scaly body, a perverted horse’s head, and it has four legs with either five, four, or three claws on each foot. Five toes symbolize royalty; four toes indicate aristocracy, and three toes stand for the worker’s class. The snake-dragon also symbolizes pharmacy, (witchcraft using magical ‘medicine’ to conjure up spirits,) craftiness, and deceit. Generally, a horse’s head means beastie appetites, freedom, and power. On top of that, the dragon signifies a hard, unyielding, unforgiving, brutal culture based on barefaced witchcraft; much feared and therefore, perversely revered in politics and in patriarchic, (male domineering, male oppressing) cultures. Brutal Eastern Emperors, tyrannical dictators, and unreasonable, inhuman patriarchs are all called ‘dragons.’ Yet in the East such beasts, either spiritual or physical, are worshipped in fear and reverence as the national ancestor gods of nations, families, and households. ►► The dragon from the East already and progressively gives ‘power’ to the perverted leopard-like beast on a global scale. The Imperialist West has always been powered by trade with the East: spice, silk, sugar, opium, oil… However, God warned that “This fourth kingdom [of the dragon] will be different from all other kingdoms. It will devour the whole earth, (Dan. 7:7-8; 23-27.) It will destroy [the whole earth] and break it in pieces, trampling the residue with its feet... It has ten horns and another little horn that came up among them while three others were plucked out…” In interpreting the vision God said in Daniel 7:24-25, “It’s ten horns are ten kings, [nations; governing entities,] who will rise from this kingdom. And another will rise after them, different from the first ones, and will subdue three kings. He, [Satan working through people, not a so-called ‘one man antichrist,’] will speak pompous words against the Most High and persecute the saints... And he will intend to change times and [all the precepts of God’s Moral] law… (John 13:34.) He, [the dragon,] will make war against the saints and prevail against them until the Ancient of Days comes… One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven!” ►► Note that this international fourth (dragon) kingdom will destroy the whole earth and ten rulers, (or superpower countries) will govern it, with one prominent antichrist nation/religion that ultimately governs them all. This has never happened in all of history. There was never a single nation and religion, which could rule the world to the four corners of the earth. Hence, we know for certain that this is a last of the end-time prophecies, and if we look at world events today, we can see that this prophecy is being fulfilled right now. The spiritual serpent-dragon was the first to bring spiritual death to man in Eden. “He” (Satan,) was spiritually conquered at the cross. The political/religious dragon will be the last entity that brings terrible misery and physical death to man on earth before Jesus returns through the four entities from the sea. |