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Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
Jehovah’s Witnesses (or ‘Russellites’) and Masonic orders; the Bible and the Watchtower Renette Vermeulen
Relating Article: The ‘Lost’ Tribes of Israel — Fact or Fiction? Contents · HIS VOICE WILL NOT BE HEARD IN THE STREETS FORCING PEOPLE, (Isa. 42:1-4: Mt. 28:19-20.) · Here is the absolute proof: JWs were founded by MASONIC AGENT CHARLES RUSSELL · IN THE MASONIC WORDS OF RUSSELL, ONE OF THE FOUNDERS OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES · JW Founder Russell taught Egyptology as Christian eschatology or “end-time” theology · Watchtower 15.5.1925: ‘The Great [Egyptian] Pyramid is… a witness of the Lord…” · Russell believed in, and published much on the masonic ‘Golden Age’ · DID ANY OF THE MANY JW PROPHESIES COME TRUE? · IS GOD’S ‘PERSONAL NAME’ REALLY ‘JEHOVAH’ AS JWS CLAIM? · Biblical “born again believers” VS JWs’ “elite born again class: only 144,000!” · Salvation is ‘only possible in the JW society’ · THE ‘CLASS’ SYSTEM: HEAVEN VERSUS ‘PARADISE ON EARTH’ · Jehovah’s Witnesses’ “Great Tribulation” · Armageddon and ‘annihilation,’ not Jesus’ return and eternal hell · Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Water Baptism · IS THE HOLY SPIRIT AN IMPERSONAL FORCE LIKE ELECTRICITY OR FIRE? · IS JESUS ‘A GOD LIKE SATAN,’ AND NOT “THE” GOD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH? · WHERE DOES BIBLE TRUTH SAY THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL ‘BECAME’ JESUS? · The Scriptures, which JWs use to supposedly ‘prove’ the archangel Michael became Jesus · Replacing “firstborn over creation (with ‘of’) creation and brethren” make Jesus “Michael” · Was Jesus or supposedly Michael resurrected as a spirit without flesh and bones? · JWS believe Jesus, (the human Michael,) ascended into heaven to become Michael again · JESUS’ (or allegedly the archangel Michael’s) “INVISIBLE RETURN” or “Rapture” in 1914 · Is it possible to Leave the organization? GOD’S VOICE WILL NOT BE HEARD IN THE STREETS FORCING PEOPLE, (Isaiah 42:1-4; Matthew 28:19-20.)As with all my other work, I am not “judging” (as in sending souls to hell, which only God can do,) anyone’s character in this study. However, as Jehovah’s Witnesses disseminate their beliefs worldwide, we all need to “test” their teachings “to see whether it is from God” and according to the true context of Scripture, as God commanded, (1 Ths. 5:21;1 Jn. 1:1-4; 2; Heb. 3:13-14! Tim. 2:15 KJV!) The society, organization, political party, religion, or church that controls our minds, controls us and defines our lives on earth and for all eternity. Thus, we must all “gird up the loins of our minds; be sober, and rest our hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to us at the revelation of [the true, Biblical] Jesus Christ… not conforming ourselves to [manmade philosophies and religious structures...] Because the end of our faith is the salvation of your souls.” The soul is the mind, where the will, intellect, and emotions are seated; not the supernatural, ever-living human spirit, which both share the human body while we live on earth, (1 Ths. 5:23; Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Pt. 1:9, 13-19.) Although Jehovah’s Witnesses members gather in “kingdom halls” and not in churches, they also call themselves “Christian.” Isaiah 42:2 proclaims the following fulfilled prophecy concerning Jesus, (Matthew 12:19,) Who is the Savior of the whole world for everyone who would personally believe in Him, accept Him, and follow Him according to what HE had said, (Jn. 3:16; 1:1-13; 14:6; Mt. 28:19-20!) Isaiah prophesied, “Behold My Servant Whom I uphold… He will bring forth justice to [both believing Hebrews and all believers from the Gentile nations, Jn. 1:1-14; 3:16-17.] He will not… cause His voice to be heard in the streets...” So, in the light of how Jesus commissioned His believing disciples to preach His True Gospel to the world, how do Jehovah’s Witnesses justify their aggressive street and house-to-house evangelization, which is not based on Jesus’ True Word, as I will prove without a shadow of doubt in this study? As every other church or organization that preach manmade dogmas, norms and forms, they get their ‘mandate’ to ‘turn the whole world into Jehovah’s Witnesses and other denominations, from their society’s leaders, not from the contextual truth of Scripture. JWs are working so diligently to spread their organization’s literature worldwide because they believe they are “doing Jehovah’s will” - and they believe they are gaining ‘points’ that add to ‘Jehovah’s favor. But, we must ALL be certain that we preach God’s Truth, as Paul warned in Galatians 1:6-10, “[Why do you turn from] the grace of Christ to a different gospel… and pervert the Gospel of Christ... But if we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel [than the True, New Covenant Word of Jesus Christ,] let him be accursed!” The Jehovah’s Witnesses Society say they are not a church institution “like the whore daughters of Mother Rome,” the founding church of all Christianity. Yet, just as the “church system,” their society is not really about the Scriptural, spiritual believing body of Christ. JWs also cling to manmade norms, forms, and an unscriptural, hierarchical priesthood that teach false doctrines; blending paganism, (Egyptology and masonic teachings,) with Bible Scripture. However, Paul taught that a lifelong process of the “renewal of the [sinful, programmed] mind” must follow our personal acceptance of Jesus and His Scriptural Truth, (Rom. 12:1-2; Jn. 1:12-13!) This can only happen through personal study with a clear mind, as all members of churches and societies were indoctrinated to read the Bible from their own perspective. Hence, we must all reject what religions societies and churches taught us about God and His Word to understand the “entire” truth of the Scriptures, and to “know what is that... perfect will of God [to obey Him,]” (Rom. 12:1-2.) In all of this, God’s Holy Spirit, (not an impersonal ‘force’ such as electricity but God Himself,) is the Only Source of Truth because He is the Only Real Teacher of the Word, Who also works through Jesus’ believing disciples who know the truth of His Word and live in it, (Jn. 16:13; 14:26.) JWs view Jehovah as an “invisible spirit ‘person’ separate from the Son, Jesus Christ, “Who is a ‘creature’ of God and not divine.” But different from the trinity dogma of Christianity as well, Jesus declared, “Before Abraham was, I Am [JHWH]!’ (Ex. 3:14-15; Jn. 8:58.) When Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father, He declared in John 14:8-11; 10:30, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me? ...I Am in the Father and the Father in Me… I and the Father are One...” In the beginning was the Word. He was with God. [Jesus is the Word became God incarnated.] All things were made through Him… In Him Is life and the light of men…” (Jn. 1:1-14; Heb. 1:1-14.) JWs say “the kingdom of God is a government in heaven that will soon replace human governments and change the earth into God’s ‘paradise on earth.’ Jesus is the king of ‘Jehovah’s’ kingdom, which He began ruling in 1914. [This is false prophecy.] Satan is Jesus’ brother as just like Jesus; he is also ‘a son of God.’” This is full blown blasphemy. Satan was the angel Lucifer who tried to dethrone God, (Rev. 12:7-9.) To test the faith of believers, God allows Satan to deceive the whole unbelieving world, (1 Jn. 5:18-19.) But Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM [God,]” (Jn. 8:58!) The spiritual Kingdom of God [not heaven] is “within” all true believers, (Lu. 17:20-21 KJV; 1 Cor. 3:16-17!) Jesus declared to Pontius Pilate, “My Kingdom is not from here…” (Jn. 18:36.) In real Scriptural truth, true believers in Christ are in a lifelong battle for the renewal of their minds, (thoughts and beliefs,) because from birth and way beyond what religious institutions teach as salvation, the enemy of our souls or minds will try to deceive us into believing we may understand God’s Word, (the full contextual truth of the Bible,) as we choose! Yet, “as the serpent deceived Eve... so our minds were corrupted from the simplicity in Christ. For if he who preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached [according to the truth of Scripture,] and if you receive a different spirit [than the Holy Spirit of the Bible,] and [if you believe] a different gospel which [is not according to the truth of the New Covenant in Christ,] you may well put up with it!” (2 Cor. 11:3-4.) This is why Jehovah’s Witnesses and every other person who do not seriously search for God’s Real Truth, (the “entirety of Scripture,”) are in serious spiritual danger, (2 Tim. 3:16.) It is, therefore, distressing to know how this society describes God’s eternal Word, the Bible. “Watch Tower publications teach that the Bible is an "organizational book" that does not belong to individuals and cannot be understood without guidance by "Jehovah's visible organization." JWS WERE FOUNDED BY EGYPTOLOGIST MASONIC AGENT CHARLES RUSSELLMasonic Orders are not ‘charity’ organizations, ‘non-religious’ organizations, or mere extensions of Christianity. Although they accept people from all religions, (Christianity in particular,) into their orders, they have only one god called Jahbulon in the lower degrees, who is revealed as Baphomet in the higher degrees. Masons worship a god, and their dogmas declare he is none other than Lucifer. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and their ‘kingdom halls’ are supposedly famous for their “lack of signs and insignia.” However, in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century, when Charles Taze Russell and Joseph Franklin Rutherford formed the Jehovah’s Witness Society, masonic orders were veiled in complete obscurity. During that time, it would have been impossible for non-masons to openly teach masonic doctrine and vocabulary the way Charles Taze Russell did.
[Acknowledgement to the person who published this photo] Above: The masonic pyramid near the grave of Jehovah’s Witness Founder, Charles Taze Russell. The inscription below the Roman Catholic, Masonic Knights Templar symbol, the cross and the crown, (Christianized by even the Baptist and Apostolic Faith Mission Churches,) reads: WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. (THE PHOTOS BELOW ALSO PROVE RUSSELL WAS A MASON.)
This pyramid undoubtedly proves that Russell based his Watchtower teachings on masonic doctrine. Until 1931, the Jehovah’s Witness Society placed the cross and crown symbol on its publications. Later on, JWs argued that Jesus was not crucified on a cross, but on “a single, upright post.” Since then, they related the cross to Satanism, and will not even look at it or touch a cross. However, the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society pyramid above proves that masonic orders orchestrated all unscriptural churches, the Jehovah’s Witnesses Society as well. Masons can never resist the urge to boast about their evil connections, influence, and works. Hence, photographs, masonic signs, obelisks, (the symbol of phallic and sun worship,) and pyramids especially, always tell the truth about religious leaders and the clandestine origins of their false doctrines and prophecies. Since Medieval times, none but “free and accepted mason brothers,” who were all sworn to silence at the peril of their own lives, knew anything about the dark agendas, secret initiations, and underhanded works of secret societies. (Is it still strange that JWs call their organization a “society?”) During that time, as in our day, the only face that masonic societies presented to the “unenlightened,” non-masonic world, was that they represent ‘noble freemasonry’ and ‘gentlemanly,’ ‘charitable’ works. Today, their occult origins are common knowledge.
[Acknowledgement to the person who published this image] Above: This badge and its inscription come from the masonic source book. Note the popular ‘Cross and Crown’ symbol that once typified JWs, and still typify the Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM,) and other Christian organizations and churches. “The [masonic] York Rite has similarities and differences in ritual, degrees and practices among the various countries where it is working today. Within the USA, the first five degrees are grouped together as Royal Arch, the next two as Cryptic Mason degrees, and the last three as the Chivalric degrees. The culmination of the Chivalric triplet is the Order of the Temple, which makes the Mason a [Christian] Knights Templar.”
[Acknowledgement to the people who published these images] Above left: Note the ‘rose’ in the middle of the cross on the emblem of the masonic Rosicrucian Order. Middle: The Divine Plan of the Ages by Jehovah’s Witnesses founder Charles T. Russell displays the badge of the Rosicrucian Order, which also uses the “winged globe” or the flying sun disk of the Uraei, as found in the temples of the gods of Egypt. It is clear that Russell did not serve the God of the Bible, although he pretended otherwise! Above right: Note the masonic pyramid on this edition of “The divine Plan of the Ages.” This is the pure masonic dogma of their false gods, as also explained in Jehovah’s Witness Egyptology. The flying sun disk is described as follows by Murray Hope in Practical Egyptian Magic, “Emblematic of the element of air, this consists of a circle or solar-type disk enclosed by a pair of wings. In ritual magic it is suspended over the altar in an easterly direction and used when invoking the protection and co-operation of the sylphs…” Naville wrote in ‘Myths of Horus,’ “Horus commanded Thoth that the Winged Sun-Disk, with Uraei, should be brought into every sanctuary wherein he dwelt, and into every sanctuary of all the gods of the lands of the South and the North, and in Amentet, in order that they might drive away evil from therein.... This is what is meant by the Winged-Disks, with the Uraei, which are seen over the entrances of the courts of the temples of all the gods and goddesses of Egypt.” The masonic religion was designed by Satan and thus, it is dedicated to satanic worship under the cloak of all other religions. Ancient Babylonian worship and Egyptology guide their dogmas. Towers, pyramids, and the compass and square, (signifying the sun god in constant copulation with the Mother Earth goddess,) are some of the most important symbols of the ‘great architect’ of the masonic lodge. Secretly, all masons are racists, communists, imperialists, and evolutionists. They are clandestine occult masters and through their so-called ‘innocent’ rituals and incantations, they practice pure black magic, which mostly mock the God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ. Their control is also symbolized by the Rosicrucian ‘cross’ that was prevalent among Protestant church fathers such as John Calvin and Martin Luther.) The control of masonic orders spell eternal death and everlasting darkness for every institution, (political and religious,) that sprouted from them.