Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen


Renette Vermeulen




New Covenant Old Covenant.jpg

[Acknowledgement to the person who compiled and published this image]


“Are you the [political] king of the Jews?”  Pontius Pilate demanded.  “My Kingdom is not of this world,” Jesus answered.  “If My Kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My Kingdom is not from here.”   God’s  Spiritual Kingdom has no earthly origin, source, or political aspirations, (John 18:36.) 


Related articles

Þ Israel’s National, Old Testament Law or The First Covenant was Their Way to God 

Þ The Bible was written in Two Testaments or Covenants for a very good reason 


On this page:

Þ The Temple Veil was torn from top to bottom; separation between man and God ceased 

Þ The Eternal New Testament Covenant, written in the blood of Jesus 


THE TEMPLE VEIL WAS TORN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM; SEPARATION BETWEEN MAN AND GOD CEASED: Mt. 27:51. [This is an extract from the free e-book Relationship Versus Religion.]

Shortly before That Day of the unparalleled suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ, when “His physical body was marred [disfigured] more than any other man who lived,”  He declared in John 12:30-33, “[The inhumane torture I am about to endure] does not come for My sake but for the sake [of all My true follower-disciples: John 3:16-18.]  Now, [when I die on that cross,] is the JUDGEMENT for this world, [for humanity’s fall in the garden: Glen. 3:15; Rom. 5:12.]  Now [the deceiver who caused humanity’s spiritual and physical death, separation from God, mind corruption, cursedness, and all other forms destruction,] will be [totally] cast out [from all truly believing humanity!]  For when I am lifted up [on the cross,] I will draw [true believers] from all the nations of the earth to Myself,” (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 52:14; 53:1-9! Eph. 1:12-14!) 

So it happened on That Day that the Lord Jesus Christ completely FULFILLED GOD’S ENTIRE LAW, (the ceremonial, sacrificial temple law as well as the inward Moral Law,) IN OUR PLACE by “wiping out the handwriting of requirements that was against us: Matthew 5:17-20! Revelation 20:11-15; Hebrews 10:15; Ephesians 1:7.)  He took it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.  [This was the Lord Jesus’ FULFILLED victory on a SPIRITUAL LEVEL over ALL evil so that no evil has any hold on any true believer in Christ: 1 John 518-19!]  Having [entirely] disarmed [every single] principality and power, [Satan, his demons and his human satanists of all sorts,] Jesus made a public spectacle of them; utterly triumphing over them in it!  [Thus...] you are complete in Him, Who is the Head of ALL principality and power!”  (Col. 2:13-15; 8-10! 1 Jn. 5:18-19!)

Spiritually, Christ Jesus obliterated ALL the power of Satan, demons and human minions when He died with this shout of victory on His lips, "IT IS FINISHED!”  (Jn. 19:28-30!)  On a spiritual level, evil lost its grip on all true believers in Christ!  What’s more, at His resurrection from the grave, the Lord Jesus’ conclusive atonement for all genuine believers made them spiritually alive through their spiritual rebirth in Him, as He then also conquered for all eternity their separation from God and their spiritual and physical death!  (Jn. 3:3-5; 1:12-13; Col. 2:13!) 

Hebrews 10:11-18, “Every [Old Testament temple] priest ministered daily and offered repeatedly the same [blood] sacrifices, WHICH COULD NEVER TAKE AWAY SINS. [Those sacrifices only covered the sin of the Hebrews as SYMBOLS that pointed towards Jesus, the Lamb of God, Who took away the sins of the WHOLE believing world: John 1:29.]  But this Man, after he offered [Himself] as One Sacrifice for all sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.  From that time waiting till His [physical] enemies [too,] will be made His footstool [at His judgment over the physical dimension which will be executed at His return: 2 Pt. 3:10-14!] 

That is why, at that moment when Jesus died, the veil of the temple, which separated the holy place where the priests ministered, from the Holy of Holies where the tabernacle, (representing God’s direct presence,) was rent from top to bottom, (Heb. 9:7; Jn. 3:16-18.) “The earth quaked, and the rocks split and opened mausoleums so that many entombed bodies of [true believers] which slept, rose…” (Rom. 5:12; Rev. 1:18, Heb. 2:14-15 KJV.)  This incredible miracle was a symbol of the bodily resurrection that awaits all those who physically die in Jesus and goes to the grave, (Mt. 27:51-52; 1 Ths. 4:14-18;  Luke 25:39! 1 Cor. 15:20-21; 50-58!)


Jesus’ wonder of tearing apart the separating temple veil, is that we still experience His almighty power at the preaching of His true Gospel.  By the power of God’s Word, which is ‘spirit and life,’ people who are still separated from Him are set free of deception and disobedience, which cause spiritual death - if they choose to “eat” or accept the Tree of Life and reject the tree of ‘The knowledge of good and evil,’ which they inherited from the fall: Mt. 27:51; Jn. 6:63.  This is how God, by His grace in the Lord Jesus Christ, calls His “chosen [personally believing, New Covenant] nation… out of darkness, [spiritual death and separation] into His [Kingdom] of marvelous Light [and Life:]” 1 Pt. 2:9-10. 

►►► After the Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Son of God, died with that cry of victory on His lips, there can never be another war for the spiritual redemption, salvation, and blessing of humanity. “The judgment of this world, when the ruler of this world will be cast out…” was when God’s prophecy in Genesis 3:15 that “Satan would bruise His heel but He will bruise Satan’s head,” was manifest. There will never again be any other war for the human spirits of men.  Christ Jesus did at forever for us.  To supposedly “war” against a completely defeated foe, is simply silly. 

►► The “battle” or “fight” humans now face is for the mind, (will, intellect, emotions) of man, which the Bible calls “the [sinful] flesh,” which must be constantly renewed through true knowledge of God’s  Word to understand His will for every situation, (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-11; 12:1-2!)    



Jesus did not annul the Law until He fulfilled it: Matthew 5:17-20    

The Old Testament’s ceremonial or ritual temple Law, “being a shadow of the perfect things to come [through Jesus Christ…] could not, with the sacrifices of [animals, etcetera,] make those who approached God [in the old temple] perfect…  It is impossible that the blood of [animals] could take away sins:” Heb. 10:1-4; Col. 2:9-10!  Those Old Testament, ceremonial offerings only had power because, as representations or symbols, they pointed to the Ultimate New Testament “Lamb of God, Who would take away the sin of the whole [believing] world:” Jn. 1:29; 19:28-30; 3:16-18.

>> Hebrews 7:18-19: “..There is an annulling of the former [sacramental or ceremonial] commandment [or law] because of its weakness and unprofitableness.  For the Law made nothing perfect [through Israeli temple ceremonies.]  On the other hand, there is the bringing in of a Better Hope, [the New Covenant in Christ,] through which we draw near to God.”

> Jesus’ eternal, spiritual New Testament Covenant could only be established once He fulfilled the entire dual, Old Testament temple Law ceremonially, (outwardly throughout His life and on the cross,) and the Moral Law, (inwardly through His perfect teachings, examples, and conduct on earth.)  The Lord could not have been obedient to every single precept of the entire Law until that moment when He said, “It is finished!” [‘I have fulfilled every precept of the whole Law in the place of all true believers globally:’] Mt. 19:28-30!  As the temple was done away with, so all its outward ceremonial laws ceased, (Heb. 9:8-12.)  Not a single external, old covenant law remains: Gal. 2:21. 

>> Accordingly, Jesus declared before the cross: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets, [the Hebrew Scriptures; our Old Testament. And this does not mean that Hebrews, Messianic Judaists, and others may keep to the fulfilled, ousted, law: Hebrews 7:18-19!]  Not one jot or tittle, [even the smallest letters in the Hebrew and Greek alphabets,] will pass away until it is all fulfilled [when Jesus dies.]  Therefore, [after the cross,] whoever breaks one of the least of [My New Covenant, Moral Law] commandments, [as the old ceremonial temple Law was annulled when He died,] and teach men so… [will be punished:] Heb. 7:18-19!  Unless your [New Covenant] righteousness [in Me] exceeds the [outward temple] righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, [who could not fulfill the Law,] you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven:” Mt. 5:17-20. 


The contextual Truth of New Testament Scripture teaches, at the cross, the Lord Jesus first utterly fulfilled and then completely annulled God’s Old Testament Covenant with the Hebrew nation concerning the country of Israel, the literal temple, the ceremonial temple law, the Levitical priesthood, and everything pertaining to it: Heb. 8:7,13; 7:15-19; 9:8-15.   

This study is not ‘replacement theology,’ which, Messianic Judaists say, ‘replaced physical Israel’ to “supersede Judaism.”  Messianic and other Judaists reject the Lord Jesus of the New Testament Covenant, the Only Way, Truth, and Life, as the One and Only Christ of the entire believing world, (Jn. 3:16-18.)  They do not believe the many Scriptures that state, the Lord Jesus literally ousted the entire Hebraic Old Testament Covenant.  Instead, they reject the New Testament and falsely allege that the Old Testament “remains valid for Jews” and Messianics: Heb. 8:13.  They are still waiting for their christ to come, while the Old Testament prophesies that refer to the Christ, were fully fulfilled by the Lord Jesus.  There is no doubt that there is no other Christ than the Lord Jesus.  And yes, His Greek Name is Jesus, as the New Testament was written in Greek and not in Hebrew.  The ‘holy name’ movement blaspheme by twisting and rejecting the Name of Jesus

Paul explained the function of the Old Testament during New Testament times as follows in 1

(Continue to the Bible was written in Two Testaments for an important reason )