Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from)

Codrington, the man who took it upon himself to recite apartheid laws without any context, or by presenting Marxist realities, wrote the following:  “Here is the final wording of the motion passed in South Africa’s National Assembly on the 27 February 2018 on the Expropriation of land without compensation (as amended)

“The House –

(1) notes that South Africa has a unique history of brutal dispossession of land from black people by the settler colonial white minority;” [South African black people are also “settlers,” who migrated much later from the interior of Africa than whites, who first set foot in the Cape as early as 1488.  Speaking of the history of brutality over land (and finances,) we must then also focus on the thousands upon thousands of farmers and other whites that have been most cruelly tortured to death by Africans since 1994, and driven off their land by intimidation and crime; Affirmative Action and Black Economic Empowerment legislation.]    

(2) “Further notes that land dispossession left an indelible mark on the social, political and economic landscape of the country, and has helped design a society based on exploitation of black people and sustenance of white domination;  [This has also been reversed onto whites since 1994 through “sustenance of [African] domination,” as explained.

(3) “Acknowledges that the African majority was only confined to 13% of the land in South Africa while whites owned 87% at the end of the apartheid regime in 1994; further acknowledges that the current land reform programme has been fraught with difficulties since its inception in 1994, and that the pace of land reform has been slow with only 8% of the land transferred back to black people since 1994.” [As seen in The Development Trust and Land Act of 1936 (Act 18,) these ratios did not remain the same as they allege.  Jan De Lange, News 24, City Press, “Black people already own more than half of all agricultural land in two of South Africa’s most fertile provinces: the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal. [The other seven provinces where they own land are not mentioned here.]  Landowners who are not white own 26.7% of agricultural ground and control more than 46% of South Africa’s agricultural potential…  [Brown and Indian land owners are not mentioned.] “The picture of land ownership – and, more specifically, land ownership of high-potential agricultural land – actually looks totally different to what the perception is,” said Pringle. [A correct audit is in progress.] “Twice as much land has been transferred to black entrepreneurs and farmers through ordinary commercial purchases than the state has managed to buy for black owners as part of its land redistribution programme, the study found. These statistics are contained in a comprehensive land audit undertaken by economist Johann Bornman…” 

(4) Recognises that the current policy instruments, including the willing buyer willing seller policy, and other provisions of section 25 of the Constitution may be hindering effective land reform. [The answer from Jan De Lange, News 24, City Press, prove this to be very incorrect.] 

(5) [clause 7 removed in amendment]

(6) Notes that in his State of the Nation Address, Cyril Ramaphosa, in recognizing the original sin of land dispossession, [what about the original sin when Zulu King Dingaan took the price of the land which he sold to Piet Retief, and murdered him and his party in cold blood,  as well as the many attacks and most brutal murders on Trekkers and their children, etcetera.  If we must talk about ‘original sin,’ we must be fair and talk about all ‘original sin.’ Weren’t apartheid sin and Marxist revolution sin supposed to have been straightened out at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission after 1994?] made a commitment that Government would continue the land reform programme that entails expropriation of land without compensation, making use of all mechanisms at the disposal of the State, [sounds as if this complete dispossession of their white citizens certainly include forcible removal by police and even the military — what a terrible threat to the small minority of white people!] that must be implemented in a manner that increases agricultural production, [their land-repatriation schemes have made much of the land barren up until now, and diminished much of productive farming and agriculture,] improves food security and ensures that the land is returned to those from whom it was taken under colonialism and apartheid and undertake a process of consultation to determine the modalities of the governing party resolution.” [It would have been totally unnecessary to impoverish and dispossess whites if Mr. Ramaphosa and his predecessors focused on teaching Africans to build their own wealth, and also by curbing the present government’s “sins,” which have, during the past 24 years (now in 2018,) destroyed and ‘withered away’ much of all the country’s perfect infrastructure, productive farming, companies and industries, while more than a million jobs have been lost — and as a result, millions upon millions of African workers, who are supposedly ‘empowered’ by racial discrimination, suffer the most.  Then he must look at his party members who live in mansions, drive the most expansive vehicles, and have the best jobs — in fact Africans have nearly all the jobs in the formal sector.  Officials have also accumulated for themselves immense wealth through the withering away of the hard-earned taxes of all law-abiding South Africans through billions upon billions that already disappeared through bribery, corruption and mismanagement.  These billions could surely have financially empowered many millions of people from the  poor masses?] 

(7) Further notes that any amendment to the Constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation must go through a parliamentary process as Parliament is the only institution that can amend the Constitution; and with the concurrence of the National Council of Provinces instructs the Constitutional Review Committee to –

(a) Review [change] section 25 of the Constitution and other clauses where necessary to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation, and in the process conduct public hearings to get the views of ordinary South Africans, policy-makers, civil society organisations and academics, about the necessity of, and mechanisms for expropriating land without compensation;

(b) Propose the necessary constitutional amendments where applicable with regards to the kind of future land tenure regime needed, and

(c) Report to the Assembly by no later than 30 August 2018.”


Wasn’t the constitution of South Africa, (before and after 1994,) properly negotiated to make whites and all other citizens of South Africa believe what is written in the constitution cannot be changed because it is to protect all South African citizens against exactly the kind of “amendments” or changes to the constitution, which the government is declaring now? 

Land or any other expropriation was never mentioned by the new government at that time. 

So, if they can now ‘amend the constitution’ as they please because they are fully set on dispossessing all whites, not just the farmers, what will hinder them in doing the same to other minority groups? 

We must remember the history of socialism throughout the world and the whole of Africa.  When governments  in Africa have finally ‘dealt’ with all the whites country by country, they began with their citizens of other races — and for at least 50 years now, they are still making war against their citizens that are not part of their political party or ethnic heritance

It is a misconception that during the socialist struggle in South Africa, and the military onslaughts from superpowers like Russia, Cuba, and Libya from without South Africa, the Bush or Border war that ensued was about race.  I don’t know of anyone in South Africa that heard the old government forced whites to do police and military service and lay down their lives, families, and jobs, (supported by many volunteers from other races, Africans included,) to protect the country against people of other races. 

We were all taught that we were fighting against “The Red Danger; (“Die Rooi Gevaar,) a.k.a, the expansion and rule of socialism.  Of course it is now turned around to say the white man fear the “black danger,” (African governance,) but originally, this was not so as far as I know. 

I believe, as most other white South Africans as well, that people of other races are not our enemies.  Let us never lose sight of the fact that, under the old government, it was racism in the form of apartheid that oppressed and dispossessed people of other races.  Not all whites were or are racists.  And now, it is racism in the form of socialism that oppresses whites.  Not all Africans and people from other races are racists. 

Articles & Books

Þ What do the Two Swords in Lu. 22:36 represent?  (“Sell your cloak to buy a sword”) 

Þ The Power of Praise in Deliverance from Affliction 

Þ Deliver us from evil and Restore our souls” 


Aftermath of the Boer War; poverty and deprivation 

Masonic Brotherhoods Rule by Stealth and Deceit 

Rise of the Afrikaner Brotherhood; the Apartheid Regime 


The socialist struggle and Bush or Border War  

Þ Does the New Testament Allow Believers to Defend themselves against Murder, Land-grabbing, and Other Crimes

Þ A Prayer for South Africa and the Whole World

Þ How Do We Prepare for the end of the End-times we are living in