Unbanned Bible Publications |
Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
Secret Societies Control the Rise and Fall of Empires
Renette Vermeulen
[Acknowledgement to those who compiled the photos and images in this study]
Contents · JESUS CAME TO BRING ORDER OUT OF CHAOS NOT FROM CHAOS · POST SOCIALIST ORDER IN HE ‘NEW’ WORLD · AN IMPORTANT CHISEL THAT SHAPED HISTORY · HOW THE OSSEWA BRANDWAG EVOLVED INTO THE AFRIKANER BROEDERBOND · BRITAIN’S RACIST EXPLOITATION READIED THE MINERS FOR REVOLUTION · THE WHITE ‘REDS’ OF 1922 IN THE ‘RAND’ REVOLT · CIVIL WAR ON THE RAND · THE REDS ACHIEVED NOTHING AND THE SUFFERING INTENSIFIED · THE REAL ISSUE REMAINED “UNCONDITIONAL COMMUNIST MAJORITY RULE” · THE THREAT THAT LOOSENED THE APARTHEID MONSTER · THE BLUEPRINT OF THE BROTHERHOOD · ‘STRAINING AT GNATS’ · MONOGAMY, GOD’S CREATION PRINCIPLE AND COMMANDMENT · POVERTY: THE CONSEQUENCE OF POLYGAMY IN AFRICA AND ELSEWHERE IN THE WORLD · THE HEINOUS POLYGAMOUS SINS OF RELIGIOUS WHITES THE FALSE FATHER GOD AND HIS “ELITE:” THE RACIST BROTHERHOODThe “brotherhood of man and fatherhood of god; peace and mutual understanding” of freemasonry has nothing to do with the God of the Bible, the Prince of Peace Jesus the Christ, or His commandment to love one another as we love ourselves. This “brotherhood of man” is the Masonic Brotherhood, which consists of all the many different fraternities that flow from the control centre or ‘all-seeing eye’ of the Jewish Cabalism on top of the worldwide masonic pyramid. They believe in a ‘universal god, a supreme being,’ which brings this Brotherhood into union through worldwide, continuous suffering, induced by riots, revolt, and war. At its core, all the fraternities of the Cabbalist pyramid share Hinduism’s ‘universal christ conscience;’ the belief that man is god; he only needs to realize [through occult enlightenment] that he is the great ‘I am.’ For each individual race, this New Age ‘realization’ culminates in an elite people, an exclusive society such as Hitler’s ‘Aryan race.’ Hitler took this concept directly from the Hindu Tibetan “Masters of the Universe” and applied it to the German people to allegedly turn them into a god-race. That is how they could believe they were the ‘god-ordained’ rulers of all the other peoples of the earth and it was their god-given ‘right to murder millions of “undesirables” (all people from other races, nations and languages) at will. Such ‘elitist’ racism had its origin in the first societies on earth and today, it is still fueled by masonic orders, which are active in every religion, society and nation across the globe. For instance, in 1947, Japanese saw themselves so superior to the ‘inhumane’ Chinese that they butchered up to 200,000 defenseless civilians in the town of Jiangning, China. The Japanese had absolutely no mercy on them, although they were all Asian, because Chinese were supposed to have been the underdogs, the cannon fodder; the useless eaters of the ‘lower’ world. Such elitism was also demonstrated by British genocide in South Africa when they murdered thousands upon thousands of white and non-white women, children and old men in concentration camps. Masonic racism peaked during the two world wars of the 20th century, and is still flying off the charts in all communist countries worldwide, which flourished in the years since ‘peace’ was declared after World War 11. Former mason Jim Shaw stated in his book, ‘The Deadly Deception,’ “The “fatherhood of god” relates to the [masonic] letter “G” and is inseparable from the Hebrew letter “YOD.” Worryingly, the Zionist letter YOD is also the multicolored symbol Y on the new South African flag! Shaw continued, “YOD” represents deity in general and is the worshipped phallus [of masonic orders] in particular. ‘High’ mason Albert Pike confirmed that the “G” is merely the “YOD of the Cabala,” [the writings of the Jewish Cabalists,] and the “image of the Cabalist Phallus.” The ‘G’ or ‘YOD’ therefore symbolizes the masonic god Baphomet, the goat-god of lust and power, the ancient sun god Osiris, masonry’s Great Architect of the Universe – or the ‘fatherhood of god.’ The creed, “fatherhood of god and the brotherhood of man,” was incorporated into all masonic and other secret societies - even in their youth societies such as the Wolf Cubs, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Brownies, Girl Guides, and Rainbow for Girls, which were founded by Baden-Powell and his wife. Baden-Powell became famous during England’s war on South Africa at the turn of the 19th century, when the ‘Boer’ commandos besieged Mafeking. Although Baden-Powell was supposedly not a mason, six masonic lodges were named after him, and Baden-Powell and his wife introduced all masonry’s ‘noble,’ ‘character-building’ values, creeds, and symbols to their many ‘youth programs.’ Similarly, Afrikaner youth societies such as the Junior Rapportryers and even the entire the Voortrekker Movement were also based on masonic creeds, norms, and forms. [Partly From: ‘Freemasonry and Baden Powell,’ by Edward Robinson.] JESUS CAME TO BRING ORDER OUT OF CHAOS NOT ORDER FROM CHAOSThe world is not randomly going mad. All the chaos in the world is ruled by planned lunacy, insecurity, poverty, instability and ceaseless war; the goal of which is to create total desolation on earth. Such emptiness, brought about by communist chaos, will then finally birth the masonic “One World Order,” which will reconstruct the entire world under their New Age banner and control. That is why there is indeed a definite purpose to the many holocausts of history! Without global chaos, Masonic Forces can never exercise global control. Without political oppression (such as that of the apartheid regime,) communist ‘liberation’ can never gain control of a country! As mason Judge Farmer said about the immense suffer of World War 1, “Again the world moves forward under a New Order and in its Regeneration [or socialist ‘re-creation,’] the Masonic fraternity will occupy an important place...” [Sounds like President Zuma’s creed, “Moving South Africa forward!”] Global Planner, high cabalist Adam Weishaupt declared, “We will rule [the whole world] by stealth and deceit.” Stealth and deceit are the hunting techniques of the leopard. It is therefore no coincidence that the ‘heart’ of the demonic beast, described in Rev. 13:2, is the philosophy of humanism or human rights. This great end-time beast was brought to life by worldwide European imperialism, and molded by imperialist Marxism to “resemble a leopard.” However, praise God, for no matter what the Global Planners do, His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, came to bring us life in abundance! Opposing the masonic creed “Ordö Ab Chao,” [Socialist] One World Order From Chaos, Jesus came to bring us spiritual ‘Ordö Ex Chao:’ Order Out Of Chaos – saving His blood-redeemed nation, the Scripturally born again believers, out of spiritual death and anarchy, (Jn. 10:10; Heb. 18:22-29.) Still, mason AA Cooper proved in his book that “the whole [physical] world [will remain] under the power of the evil one” until Jesus returns on the clouds. Jesus never promised that He would bring outward peace in this world, because most people choose to remain under the deceptive power of the evil one, (1 Jn. 5:19.) Jesus promised us spiritual and emotional peace, the supply of all our needs, and eternal life in heaven. In fact, this entire world is destined for the fire on all levels of its existence, (2 Pt. 3:10.)
Above: Ordö Ab Chao emblems — depicting so-called masonic ‘order’ from deliberate communist destruction and ‘chaos.’ Since the first socialist Experiment of the Boer War, Marxism and its workhorse socialism have been destroying the entire world country-by-country through ongoing war, civil rebellion, mass genocide, mass displacement, mass dispossession, and mass starvation. POST SOCIALIST ORDER IN THE ‘NEW’ WORLDWe must realize that the Masonic declaration of Judge Farmer marches on, “Again the world moves forward under a New Order and in its Regeneration the Masonic fraternity will occupy an important place...” The New World Order is past and present, as Dr. Colman said in his book, ‘Committee of 300.’ Yet, many people believe that the world is already ‘beyond’ the destruction of Marxism; Marxism is ‘dead,’ and it is ‘good’ that we have entered into the ‘golden age’ or the “new civilization” of “prosperity for all, ushering in a universal Brotherhood.” Therefore, socialism allegedly ‘no longer poses any threat’ to our person or property. This new world, now, in 2017, is ‘resurrected’ from the ashes of suffering and desolation as seen in China, India, etc., but it will become a most arduous place for all ordinary people, (Rev. 13:1-18.) As early as 1985, Constance Cumbey addressed the ‘post-socialist order,’ which the Global Planners has been creating in the decimated, post World War Two Japan. She wrote in ‘A Planned Deception,’ “No longer is ‘made-in-Japan’ [or in China and India] a symbol of cheap production and shoddy labor. The Japanese, [Chinese and Indians] have rapidly gained dominance in the industrial world – particularly in the ‘high-tech, high-touch, information society...’” Post-socialist Russia and other Communist Paradises are following suit. But this global ‘order,’ just as global communist chaos, will not be the friend of the ordinary citizen — or of those who really belong to Jesus! SUFFERING IS AN IMPORTANT CHISEL THAT SHAPES HISTORYTo achieve “universal peace through international masonic orders,” the Brotherhood continually induces “world-wide suffering from war” to “detach the minds of many nations from local interests and seriously unite.” From this masonic statement, it is clear that these orders plan and execute continual war in this world. One would think that the incalculable suffering of wars such as the Socialist ‘Boer’ War Experiment would be sufficient to achieve their ultimate communist goal in South Africa, but that was only the beginning. During the twentieth century, South Africa, as every other country in the world, would remain in the demolishing sights of the Universal Brotherhood. Because their “new civilization” can only achieve full realization once they have extended their chaotic Communist Paradise to the four corners of the earth, the suffering of all races and nations remains imminent. It is a fact of life that only the employed could, and can, make a better life for themselves. And so, employment or the lack thereof, is one of the chief chisels that shape human history. To implement their global communist control ‘more stringently,’ it is known in all secret circles that in the near future, only the members of masonic societies would be employed by the formal sector. As the informal employment sector disintegrates, the Brotherhood’s economic noose tightens around the neck of every jobseeker on earth. Eventually, one would either sell one’s soul to Baphomet, the political/religious god of the masonic lodge, or remain unable to “buy and sell,” (Rev. 13:16-17.) That is why we see the many masonic signs shown by public figures – especially politicians, clergy, and those who host television shows! These signs are all open declarations to the ‘enlightened ones’ that they own their jobs ‘legitimately’ by their membership of some masonic order! The unspoken concept, ‘It’s not what you know but who you know,’ is nothing new. It was for this reason that, after all Britain’s socialist suffering during the ‘Boer’ War, most, if not all prominent non-white South Africans became members of fraternal societies such as the African National Congress, (the the current ANC government,) while many whites turned to masonic orders such as the Ossewa Brandwag and the Afrikaner Broederbond. Members of all races hoped that membership of their organizations would further them politically and therefore economically; saving them from the slippery quicksand of postwar scarcity and suffering.
Above: Lasting poverty, caused by Britain’s socialist dispossession and displacement ‘through their Boer War Experiment,’ continued during Prime Minister Jan Smuts’ regime in the British Union of South Africa; strengthening the hold of secret societies such as the pro-German ‘Ossewa Brandwag’ among Afrikaners. On right: This logo depicts the masonic phoenix that rises from the ashes of war and other types of communist destruction, perched on an Afrikaner ox-wagon wheel. THE OSSEWA BRANDWAG EVOLVED INTO THE AFRIKANER BROEDERBONDThere were many attempts to prove that the elitist Ossewa Brandwag and Afrikaner Broederbond were branches of masonry, because their activities, symbols, rituals, and creeds are indeed masonic. Even so, masons feverishly denied these claims. Siding openly with those thugs, the Dutch Reformed Church’s political Brotherhood, would have ‘tainted’ the ‘good’ face those Baphomet-worshippers show to the world. In spite of this, these two Afrikaner organizations obviously stem from the same source and share the same objectives as freemasonry: that of national, and ultimately, international domination, or “universal peace through International Freemasonry.” ‘Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia’ wrote of the Afrikaner Broederbond, “Every prime minister and state president in South Africa from 1948-1994… every prominent Afrikaner… were members of the Broederbond.” Stephen Knight wrote in ‘The Brotherhood,’ “Pages 3-4 of the Chinaman document contain this: ‘When I joined the Foreign Service… I was never required even orally to state whether I was or ever had been a member of any secret society... This is less surprising given the social respectability of Freemasonry and the assumption… that it could not possibly come to represent in any way a threat to the established order.” This false assumption is illustrated by the comment made by mason James Dewar, author of ‘The Open Secret.’ He wrote, ‘Any secret society has in it the seeds of menace. But it is very unlikely that a similar clique could operate here, [in the Ossewa Brandwag or Broederbond] as the movement is headed by so many people of obviously good repute…’ Jim Shaw continues, “Judge DH Botha, who carried out an enquiry into Freemasonry in South Africa in 1964, [and falsely found that the Broederbond was not masonic,] had to rely largely on the evidence of four freemasons. [This was not an inquiry but a joke!] He entertained no doubts about their evidence as to what occurred at masonic meetings because of the ‘exceptionally high esteem in which each of these persons is held in society and because of their obvious integrity.’” When the masonic roots of the Ossewa Brandwag came into question in 1944, the Grand Master of the English District Lodge, J. van Praagh, also tried to save their masonic skins by making the following paradox statement, “We cannot allow internal disturbances… [The Ossewa Brandwag] has adopted a ritual largely imitative of that of freemasonry… but [we] have decided not to take any further action [or make any statement] at present.” Referring to this type of ‘gentlemanly’ behavior, the Chinaman rapport states, “The KGB instructs any agent, whom it believes could [do malice by infiltrating The Establishment] to become a mason… Thus masonry is Marxism, and Marxism is masonry.” All communist leaders are masons. So, while the apartheid, masonic Broederbond regime, pretended to fight the expansion of Marxism, secretly, they were all communists, with the world vision of Ordö AB Chao in mind! (Continue) |