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Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
ruled by totalitarianism and despotism under the guise of ‘democracy.’ Bloodthirsty agitators have always exploited any kind of political, racial, industrial, economic, and civil conflict. They constantly instigate global chaos, ethnic cleansing or ‘purging,’ and mass genocide to advance their global expansion of Marxism or communist/socialism – as global history has proven over the course of at least 250 years, but especially since 1945, when ‘peace’ was declared after World War Two. Consequently, in 1903, less than a year after the Britain's genocidal war on the two Afrikaner republics, non-white and white miners began to skirmish. White miners wanted wages that matched the danger, effort, and skill of their jobs. To survive with their many wives and huge families, African miners accepted as little as possible to replace the Afrikaner workers. Mining Police quickly put down each brawl; just to face another industrial uprising elsewhere. What these early communist agitators and their revolutionists did not realize is that in Marxism, as in any other civil war, there are no winners. All their pawns were hopeless, poverty-stricken losers of the ruling regime — in this instance, the merciless, genocidal Great Britain.
Indentured Chinese Mine Workers were ‘Celestial Angels’To top the shortage of jobs, the industrial action, the incredibly low pay, and the many British immigrants that took all the skilled jobs, the Chamber of Mines, the Chamber of Commerce, and the British nominated Legislative Council of South Africa recommended that the mines import dreadfully impoverished Chinese workers to supposedly ‘overcome the labor disputes.’ (To this day, history books still have the audacity to state that Chinese laborers were recruited to fill the “shortage” in unskilled labor on the mines! What ‘shortage?’ White and non-white miners were tearing one another to shreds for jobs and higher wages to keep their staving families alive!) The Chamber of Mines portrayed Chinese laborers as ‘celestial angels,’ who would “clear the blockage of labor disputes that hampered production on the mines.” Actually, the cost of Chinese labor, including recruitment, food, housing, transport, and wages was higher than that of local labor. Besides destroying the livelihood of South Africans, the Chinese held no financial advantage other than their willingness to mine lower-grade ore at extremely dangerous and uneconomical levels as a means to stay alive. By 1904, 64,000 Chinese “coolies,” (meaning opium and other type of drug-addicts that ‘cooled’ their addiction,) were imported to take the jobs of white and non-white South Africans! Of course, the continuous movement of thousands of Chinese immigrants seriously expanded the drug trade in South Africa. In addition, in 1904, Chinese miners earned more than unskilled African miners did, namely 50p a month. When the Boer War started in 1899, wages was 49p, but decreased to 30p when the Chamber of Mines reopened the mines in 1902. ‘Africa Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database’ wrote the following about this valuable piece of ‘lost’ history of South Africa, “We know little about the lives of the Chinese men who actually worked in the Witwatersrand gold mines. Much like African migrant laborers, Chinese mineworkers had to contend with oppressive labor practices, restrictive living conditions and various manifestations of violence. Africans and Chinese were routinely assaulted by white supervisors, [mostly British not Afrikaners, as most, if not all well-paid jobs were in the hands of British immigrants,] and labor protests were often brutally suppressed by State police and mine security forces [under British control;] but most of the violence took place within the laboring populations themselves. Murder and suicide were the predominant forms of violence in the Chinese compounds. Powerful syndicates, [like the Chinese Mafia,] directed by the Chinese police force, controlled gambling [and drug] operations on all the mines that employed Chinese laborers. These syndicates mercilessly pursued [drug addict and other] debt defaulters; many of whom were murdered or committed suicide to escape [Chinese mafia] persecution… “Vendettas were common and the violence spilled over into the surrounding countryside when deserters from the mines raided nearby farms, [houses] and shops. Scholars noted the ways in which management practices economic fluctuations, and changing political conditions, generated violence on the South African gold mines. This article argues that migrant cultures also [greatly] shaped the nature of mine violence. [Notes, ref., sum. Journal abstract.]” South Africans of all races on the Witwatersrand feared the Chinese workers and even accused them of cannibalism. Because of drug addiction and gambling, their pay was hardly enough to feed them. So, the Chinese migrants burgled shops and houses. Home invasions became commonplace, where they assaulted and murdered civilians as far as possible. We can assume that during this piece of suppressed history, many women were raped and other unspeakable crimes were also committed against the citizens of South Africa. What’s more, with the importation of the Chinese, work opportunities for non-white and white workers were dashed. Africans, being the majority due to polygamy, which results in very large families, suffered the most. Sympathizing white miners downed tools again and picketed to stop the mines importing Chinese labor, but they failed. The Chamber of Mines simply threatened to fire the remaining striking miners, who had no legal ‘trade union’ to protect them yet. The labor situation on the Witwatersrand was about to explode like an overheating boiler. To numb their spiritual, mental, and economic collapse, many non-white and white workers also turned to drugs and criminal activities. Many non-whites joined secret organizations such as the communist African National Congress or ANC, which was formed in 1912, and have been fueled and steered by Bolshevik [Russian] Jews ever since. Whites joined Dutch and English masonic lodges, and other underground movements connected to masonic orders, such as the Ossewa Brandwag. (Later, the Nazi-orientated Ossewa Brandwag evolved into the Dutch Reformed Church’s Afrikaner Broederbond, which became the core of the apartheid regime.) These different societies promised the so-called ‘useless eaters’ and ‘leftovers’ from Britain’s 1899-1902 war, liberty from the oppressing joke of foreign imperialism; hunger, depravation, poverty, and legal industrial slavery. But the hopeless workers were ignorant of the fact that ruthless political sub-movements with destructive political goals controlled all these secret societies. At first, the Ossewa Brandwag (or the early Afrikaner Broederbond) and the African National Council, (the ANC) seemed very different, but in fact, even today, their spirits are similar – the one is powered by white racism and the other is survival by non-white racism. These people were all scrambling for survival, and therefore they were, and still are in violent opposition to one another. The inauguration of these two racist fraternities in South Africa, (the Ossewa Brandwag and the ANC,) was the making of a civil war in this country that would last for decades to come.
THE DEADLY DUO: GENERALS LOUIS BOTHA AND JAN SMUTSThe British Union of South Africa, with King George V as Head of State, was formed in 1910 by amalgamating the four colonies of the Cape, Natal, Orange Free State and Transvaal, (the old ZAR.) Masonic former Boer General Louis Botha became the first Prime Minister of the Union. Masonic/Illuminati former Boer General Jan Smuts became his Colonial Secretary. Together, they founded the South African Party, (SAP) which had the majority vote. Louis Botha allocated three key directorates of the Union to his friend ‘Jannie’ Smuts: Defense, Interior, and the Mines. Instantly, Jan Smuts became the second most powerful man in the Union of South Africa. The country, now in the form of The [British] Union, was still in the suffocating grip of the Masonic Brotherhood. Their first cabinet consisted of 30 delegates with right of voting, 16 British and 14 Afrikaners, and it was decided that each of the four British colonies (Cape, Natal, Free State and Transvaal) would retain its existing governmental arrangements. I suspect that, to appease the Afrikaner nation and keep some kind of union between them, Botha and Smuts chose General JBM Hertzog as attorney-general and director of education in the Orange Free State.
[Acknowledgement to those who compiled the images in this study] Above on left: General Christiaan de Wet. Above on Left: General Koos De la Rey
During the peace treaty of Vereeniging at the end of the Second Boer War, General Christiaan De Wet, as Acting President of the Orange Free State, signed the treaty, followed by his members of parliament. Thus, in 1910 when the British Union of South Africa was formed, Botha and Smuts appointed General de Wet minister of agriculture in the province of the Orange Free State. They made General Koos De la Rey a State Senator. His main task was to assist Louis Botha in advancing relations between Britain and the Union, and (get this!) between English and Afrikaans-speaking people. One wonders why an intelligent and fearless General such as De la Rey accepted this thorny throne. As time went by, it became clear that Botha and Smuts were separating General De la Rey from the ‘Old Boer Generals’ as a pack of hyenas separate their victim from the herd. Botha and Smuts’ minds were set on promoting the goals of the British crown in this country. They bowed to King George V and called the formation of the Union “a kind-hearted gesture of Britain to allow Afrikaners in the parliament. Therefore, it would be an honor to serve the British Cause…” From bad experience, all South Africans knew that allegiance to The British Cause meant that Botha and Smuts had to keep on populating the Union with a majority of British immigrants at the expense of Afrikaner and African jobs and other interests, turning the Union into an English-speaking ‘Little Britain.’ That is why many Afrikaner supporters placed their political hopes on the Old Boers: JBM Hertzog, Old President Steyn of the Free State, and Generals Christiaan De Wet and Koos de la Rey. Most of the Afrikaner nation believed that the ‘Old Boers’ would do everything in their power to withstand English “fortune-hunters,” as JBM Hertzog called them, “plundering the gold of this country, oppressing, robbing, and impoverishing the Afrikaner nation even further.” The Old Boers soon accused the oppressive Minister of Mines and Defense, Jan Smuts, of overstepping governmental boundaries and abusing political powers, and demanded his resignation from Parliament. However, Smuts supporters had his back and sides. Once again, Afrikaner politicians became hot-headed and divided. Schisms in Afrikaner leadership widened steadily. Minister Jan Smuts smugly ignored the Old Boers and ‘right-wing Afrikaner sentiments,’ and continued his British reformation of South Africa, while appeasing angry whites with empty promises. Smuts even promised the impoverished miners that the mines have “repatriated all the indentured Chinese workers,” who have caused so much economic and social disruption through their extremely cheap labor and criminal behavior. Yet, Johannesburg’s Chinatown, in some form or another, is still growing today. In spite of Smuts’ so-called “Chinese repatriation,” even the dangerous backbreaking jobs for Africans and Afrikaners remained extremely scarce and low-paid. The truth is that, before and also after 1910, when the two Afrikaner Republics officially became the British Union of South Africa, Afrikaners did not demand all the jobs and claimed everything in this country, as people of other races were led to believe. It was impossible for such as small minority to overrun the vast industry and infrastructure of this country. All they wanted was to make a living. All they wanted was a place to earn a fair wage for good, skilled work, because under the direction of Jan Smuts, the Chamber of Mines did not benefit skilled white workers more than unskilled non-white workers. Instead of helping oppressed Afrikaners recover from the decimating onslaught of Great Britain during the Boer War as most Afrikaners expected, Smuts merely agreed not to fire the minority of white workers that remained, to fill all the jobs with the great majority of cheaper non-white labor. Based on racial quotas, he also agreed to keep to a ratio of two white workers for every seventeen non-white workers. However, the citizens of the Union soon learnt that neither the Minister of Mines and Defense, Jan Smuts, nor the mine bosses ever stuck to their bargains. Whites kept on losing the few jobs that they had to the abundance of cheap non-white laborers. White miners sought help from the other Boer War Generals in the cabinet but were deeply disappointed. The Old Boers were in the minority and were unable to change the policies of Smuts’ extremely prejudice “British Cause.” As a result, Afrikaner whites began to see British and Afrikaner racial discrimination as a serious threat to their survival. Bad feelings towards Smuts and the Chamber of Mines germinated and quickly grew. While white miners sincerely strived for their just cause, (as with all the other just causes of oppressed workers worldwide,) they were oblivious to the hidden agenda of the secret masonic forces working from behind the scenes. On the other hand, non-white workers remained ignorant of the fact that their abundance of cheap labor only reduced all miners to legal slaves, which played right into the hands of the parliamentarians and industrial giants. Communist Jewish Cabalists and their masonic branches were playing non-white and white against one another while the mining tycoons and the British Government were the only ones who really benefited from this bitter struggle for survival. FIERCE INDUSTRIAL ACTION AND MINISTER JAN SMUTS’ FIRST MARTIAL LAWWikipedia wrote, “With the schism in internal party politics came a new threat to the mines that brought South Africa its wealth. A small-scale miners' dispute flared into a full-blown strike. Rioting [and fights between non-white and white miners] broke out in Johannesburg, and Smuts intervened heavy-handedly. After police shot dead twenty-one strikers, Smuts and Botha headed to Johannesburg to personally resolve the situation. Facing down threats to their own lives, they successfully negotiated a cease-fire. “The cease-fire did not hold, and, in 1914, a railway strike turned into a general strike.” During the Railway strike, Botha and Smuts revealed themselves as ruthless oppressors of the minute minority of white workers. While leaders of the General Railway Strike were still filing the cause of their grievances, “the [very impatient] Government, who [always] owned the railways, threatened to retrench [all striking workers.]” This infuriated the oppressed workers and the strike turned violent. In true communist fashion, “Strikers overturned and burned railway carriages and offices, looted shops and assaulted those who refused to strike, [called “scabs,”] in the streets. They even threatened to overthrow the government and began to endanger the lives of police officers.” Without the slightest hesitation, Minister of Defense, Jan Smuts, declared martial law, seizing the railroads and all the mines. To say that Smuts was ‘heavy handed’ is a vast understatement when describing the cunning cruelty of this masonic agent. This would not be the last time that Smuts declared martial law to quell industrial unrest, calling out every division of the police force and even the defense force against white miners. This time, “he deployed 70,000 army and police troops countrywide to redress the atmosphere of revolt that affected all industries, with 10,000 police and army members positioned on the Rand,” (the Witwatersrand region surrounding Johannesburg. ) General De La Rey had to Subdue the Furious ProtestersThe minister of Mines and Defense, Jan Smuts, also dispatched an infantry unit under the command of the much-loved Boer General, Koos De la Rey to deal with the revolt. The cunning Smuts equipped De la Rey with enough artillery to fight a full-scale war, ordering that “no amount of force should be spared to restore order to the ‘Rand’ region.” Once they faced Smuts’ big guns, manned by their once loyal and beloved general, the angry strikers lost their respect for De la Rey, but knew they did not stand a chance against such a huge military threat. De la Rey and his forces easily unhanded the rioters and arrested their leaders. Thus, Smuts quelled the civil war on the Rand. Jan Smuts, fearing Afrikaner uprisings for not only deploying the police but also the army against them, and even more importantly, using De la Rey to do his dirty work, decided not to charge the leaders for treason under Union law. Without consulting his parliament, he secretly deported nine leaders of the strike to London to stand trial there. This angered the Old Boers and other political opposition. Insults and protests began to bombard Smuts from everywhere, even from overseas, accusing him of shifting his responsibilities to the British crown. It seemed that this time, the “flamboyant Jannie” had finally overstepped his boundaries; jeopardizing his long but stormy career in South African politics. However, Smuts’ next move was so devious it took everyone by surprise; even the opposition that already saw him as underhanded and untrustworthy. It might have kept him in politics, but history writers agree that it earned Smuts the insulting nickname “Sly Jannie.” Wikipedia reported, “Smuts presented his hastily compiled ‘Indemnity and Undesirables Special Importation Bill’ to parliament, trusting [his pawns in the majority party,] the South African Party to push it through. This bill became the ‘Indemnity and Undesirables Deportation Act’ of 1914.” Of course the Old Boers and other opposition were furious and objected frantically, but “Smuts had [craftily] cleared himself and the government of all misconduct in this case.” Despite the fact that the media, the Old Boers, Labor Party and trade unions all screamed “treason and tyranny,” Smuts continued his political career and public appearances as if he were deaf. Regardless of what his own people and even international media were saying about him, Smuts was proud that he had manifested the despotic power, which Britain allowed him in this country. Additionally, he proved to the British crown that he was not afraid to use it against his own people to protect the interests of Great Britain and the mining magnates in this country. No one can dispute the fact that Smuts was a political survivor, but what Afrikaners abhorred most, was that he did not even hesitate to poison his opposition by piercing General De la Rey’s honor among his own people and cracking the bastion of Old Boers. As Smuts had planned all along, the media, general public, and especially those in favor of industrial action began to perceive De la Rey as “a personal hand puppet of those Afrikaner enemies,” namely Botha and Smuts.