Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from)



The outcome of “Youth Day,” 16 June 1976 

June 16, 1976, was a great turning point in the struggle.  It was recorded that 171 students died that day, while some wildly allege that 700 were massacred.  However, real statistics say there were 23 deaths that first day, and as the extremely violent riots escalated countrywide, the death toll escalated to 176.  It is really suspicious that everyone knew, from the rising violence during mass marches, that no government on earth would or could tolerate such dangerous lawlessness indefinitely — even though the apartheid regime needlessly impoverished and oppressed millions of their own citizens, deliberately giving ground to communist expansion.  Could it be possible that this evil government, being ousted by the ‘higher international powers that be,’ fell right into a secret trap?  Or, could it have been that the masonic-communist Afrikaner Broederbond and the masonic leaders of the African National Council planned it all together?  While South Africans were tearing one another to pieces, these leaders were liaising behind the scenes all the time, pushing this country into it’s place among the other countries of the socialist One World Order

Wikipedia Online wrote, “The aftermath of the uprising established the leading role of the ANC in the liberation struggle, as it was the body best able to channel and organize students seeking the overthrow of apartheid.”  This march of an estimated 20,000 children and ‘youths’ was not just any march.  This was a well-planned part of the ANC’s ‘Peoples War.’  Could these children and youths have been mere pawns in the hands of political players? 

One thing is certain: In the end, the party that benefitted most from this carnage was the African National Congress.  Not only did this massacre ground them as the largest party in South Africa, eventually, it established them as the ruling party, which turned this country into another one-party state, because this party has no real opposition in Parliament or at the ballot box. 

Moreover, by declaring 16 June an iconic national holiday, which is always preceded by the most unthinkable and continuous anti-white propaganda, it is logic to assume that on that day, the ANC also ensured generations of indoctrinated supporters, ‘youths’ especially, lining the country’s streets to vote for them at the next election.



Until 2008, the United States government considered Nelson Mandela a terrorist.  “Almost until his death, Nelson Mandela remained on the United Nations terrorist watch list.”  Yet, for his unrelenting onslaughts against not only the government of South Africa, but especially against all the civilians of this country, Mandela was decorated with 250 honours, among others, the Soviet Order of Lenin.  The world rejoiced!  Has everyone forgotten that the Russian dictator Stalin actively murdered about 20 million people while Lenin had 30,000 dissidents executed and murdered ‘only’ about 2-3 million people? 

Since the early 1960’s, joined by militant, imperialist communist countries such as Cuba, Russia, Libya (Muammer Gaddafi, the greatest terrorist that ever lived) — and by communist church clergy such as Desmond Tutu and Allan Boesak, (financially supported by the International and African Council of Churches,) the battle cry in apartheid South Africa was ‘Africa to the Africans.’  However, their salutes, insignias, and slogans were (and still are) Bolshevik (or Jewish/Russian Marxism) not African. 

Hence, as Texe Marrs wrote, “Closet Bolshevik Jews [and not Afrikaners!] continue to hold the reins of power and wealth in South Africa!  During the apartheid years, two communist Jews, Albie Sacks and Joe Slovo, (or Yossel Mashel Slovo,) guided the communist onslaught on South Africa.  Slovo, a Lithuanian born KGB Colonel, became the leader of the terrorist wing of the ANC, and personal mentor of Nelson Mandela.  When the African National Congress took over this country, Yossel (Joe) Slovo was named Minister of Housing.  Slovo and other KGB officers [such as former foreign minster Pik Botha,] handpicked African leaders [like Nelson Mandela, Govern Mbeki, Oliver Thambo, etc.,] to train inside the Soviet Union in socialism, Marxism, and terrorism.”

These ‘elite’ insurgents did not return as Africans but as members of masonic orders and as communists; pledging allegiance to the Global Communist Cause and its Red flag. 



In 1985, President PW Botha offered Mandela’s release from prison on only one condition that he renounced violence.  The ‘peaceful, pacifist’ Mandela flatly refused.  A few years later, De Klerk, who replaced President PW Botha in a speedy coup d'état, freed Mandela unreservedly.  Mandela walked out of prison as an unrepentant communist agitator and planner of a multitude of deadly attacks on both military and civilian targets in South Africa.  Yet, Mandela and De Klerk received the Nobel ‘Peace’ Prize together! 

In 1962, Mandela testified at his Rivonia Treason Trial that the ANC resorted to passive resistance until 1960, when police shot and killed 69 ‘peaceful’ protesters at Sharpeville.  The ANC then turned to armed resistance.  However, terrorist activities from within and without the country testify to the opposite of this statement. 

Mandela and the whole world simply ignored his party’s many attacks on civilians, shifting the blame for the ANC’s maiming and mass murder of civilians wholly onto the shoulders of the old South African government.  Could it have been coincidence that the old government let him ‘get away’ with it — just as the Truth Commission set some of apartheid’s human-rights perpetrators free while they should all have at least gone to jail, like Mandela did? 



Many different and extremely impartial accounts of this tragedy surfed everywhere, but only real contextual facts count.  Politics Web explained, The first factor [in this shooting] was the killing of nine policemen in Cata Manor, near Durban.. a few weeks before… [Sharpeville.]  In his analytical chronicle of the Sharpeville shooting, An Ordinary Atrocity, Philip Frankel writes: "... The much vaunted marshals, whose primary task was to steer up the mob ... were unable or unwilling to steer the crowd away from what was clearly becoming a cataclysmic situation."

In 1960, the day before the actual shooting, an initial crowd of 7,000 - 10,000 hostile protesters began to advance on the Sharpeville police station protesting the carrying of ‘pass books,’ [I.D. documents,] which non-white people had to produce on request - just as everyone is now compelled to do in the new South Africa. The huge crowd very aggressively, in “loaded language,” threatened the lives of the twenty police officers who were on duty at the time.  Outnumbered officers who, from behind the police station’s wire fence, tried to restrain the big crowd from entering and demolishing the station, murdering them in the process. 

The attacks carried on throughout the night.  “By 10 o’clock the next morning, the crowd had grown to about twenty thousand rioters.  Only 130 police reinforcements, (some say 200,) and four armored cars, [Casspirs carried no more than two crew and 12 men; which makes for 48 policemen altogether,] were then hastily brought in to assist the twenty policemen on duty…” 

Emeritus professor David Welsh, wrote in his book The Rise and Fall of Apartheid, “The immediate cause of the tragedy was two simultaneous events: firstly, a scuffle at the fence gate when police officer Att Spengler opened it to let a member of the crowd in and [one can assume a lot of aggressive] people at the gate entered with him…  And, secondly, the arrival of Geelbooi, a common law criminal who was drunk and armed  with a handgun, and who, thinking he had spotted a policeman who had maltreated him, fired two shots in the air.  The reaction of a more nervous and younger policemen inside the perimeter of the fence was to open fire without being ordered to do so.  [Allegedly,] the firing continued even as the attackers…  still fled for their lives…” 

I could not find any real evidence of this allegation that the police pursued the rioters with sharp point ammunition.  The photo below on right tells another storyThe latest accounts of assaults with machine guns from armored cars and helicopters can also not be verified.  If this were the case, hundreds or even thousands of rioters could have died that day.  One must be wary of ‘evidence,’ which is clearly fabricated because it does not fit the context of the scene. 


                     sharpeville crowd assault.jpg   sharpeville police assault.jpg

                              [Acknowledgement to those who published these photos]

A few selected photos of this tragedy are available, but these two photos tell the story

Left:  Huge, menacing crowds converging on the original number of 20 police men at the small police station. 

Right:  Police dispersing the crowd from the police station with batons, after some officers began to fire in self defence and the crowd began to flee.  The alleged “machine guns” and  other “deadly assault weapons” are clearly absent in this scene. 


So, what really happened in the old South Africa at the small police office in Sharpeville

Wikipedia tells another story, “The [Sharpeville] mob became increasingly daring and threatening, using the common attitude which later was described as ‘insulting, menacing, and provocative.’  Teargas proved ineffectual, and [the 130-200] police officers were forced to repel these advances with their batons.  At about 1:00 pm the police tried to arrest an alleged ringleader.  There was a scuffle, and the throng surged forward.  The shooting began shortly afterwards…” 

The vastly outnumbered police officers shot and killed 68 rioters, wounding 180.  As always, the ANC, Pan African Congress, and other Communist Parties resorted to their old tactic in driving women and children to the fore of the attack, shielding the men behind them.  As a result, 8 women and 10 children were among [the 68] killed in this mass attack on police.” 

The vastly outnumbered police, who resorted to violence in pure self defense, restrained themselves to the extent where they should all have been decorated for bravery in their attempt to uphold the peace.  However, the media puffed and distorted this “massacre of innocent and peaceful women and children” to such an extent that the instigating ANC, PAC and other collaborating parties got exactly what they were looking for: a motive to maim and murder thousands of civilians in ghastly terrorist attacks over the next twenty nine years, (1960-1989.)  In addition, by provoking or actually forcing the ‘Sharpeville massacre,’ the PAC and other communist parties in South Africa received global media attention and worldwide support. 

In 1988, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission found that “the police actions constituted gross human rights violations in that excessive force was unnecessarily used to stop a gathering of unarmed people.”  “Unarmed people” and “unnecessary force” - some 20,000 violent people, armed with stones, pagans, knives and whatever else, against only the initial number of 20 police officers?  What a laughing matter the ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Commission’s twisting of historical fact turned out to be! 

The well planned consequences of this shooting was instant!  Wikipedia explains, “The following week saw demonstrations, protest marches, strikes and riots around the country.”  This proves that the outcome of the ‘Sharpeville massacre’ was exactly what the ANC/PAC was anticipating with that attack on greatly outnumbered police officers at that police station!  Because fierce mass action threatened the safety of everyone in South Africa, “On 30 March 1960, the government declared a state of emergency, [not martial law as Jan Smuts did in 1914 and in 1922,] detaining more than 18,000 people, including prominent [communist] activists who were known members of the Congress Alliance.” 

The full-blown, communist war against the South African government and its peoples began here, at Sharpeville


Mandela and other comrades’ communist attacks on South African citizens    

Among the many other charges against him, Nelson Mandela was indicted for (statistics differ) 156 acts of terrorist activity. As said, the United States government considered Mandela a terrorist until 2008.   While a few anti-apartheid activists were hanged for treason and terrorism, Mandela was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1962 after his Rivonia Treason Trial.  He was not sentenced to death, as the law of the land prescribed for acts of terrorism to protect the innocent – which should wake up South Africans and the world to the clandestine forces that were at work between the old regime and new South African regime. 

While receiving VIP treatment in prison and studying leisurely for his doctorate degree, Mandela was still commanding terrorist attacks and planning the outcome of ‘the struggle.’  In his book,” Long Walk to Freedom”, Mandela said that, while in prison [since 1962,] he “signed off” [in 1983] with the Church Street Bombing, killing 19 non-white and white people, children included, and maiming and injuring 217 other bystanders!  Mandela also approved random bombings such as the 1985 Amamzimtoti Shopping Complex, the 1988 Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court, the 1986 Durban Pick ‘n Pay Shopping Complex, the 1988 Pretoria Sterland Movie Complex, and the 1988 Roodepoort Standard Bank. Yet, the international media made nothing of these incredible attacks on ordinary civilians! 


                      Kerkstraatbom058.jpg     KrugersdorpMagCourtBomb17March1988Bl.jpg   


                       PretoriaSterlandBomb16April1988Kille.jpg    bomb victim.jpg  

                                           [Acknowledgement to those who published these photos]

Photos Above:  This is how the bombs of Slovo, Mandela, Tambo and their comrades indiscriminately murdered and maimed non-white, as well as white citizens.  These victims died in blasts such as the Pretoria Church Street, Krugersdorp Magistrate’s Court and Pretoria Sterland bombings.


Wikipedia wrote, “[The Church Street] bombing was a car bomb attack on 20 May 1983 by Umkhonto we Sizwe, the military wing of the African National Congress, in the South African capital Pretoria. The bombing killed 19 and wounded [and maimed] 217…  In submissions to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in 1997 and 1998, the ANC revealed that the attack was orchestrated by…  (MK), commander Aboobaker Ismail.   [Mandela was not even mentioned.] Such units had been authorised by Oliver Tambo, the ANC President in 1979. At the time of the attack, they reported to [the Jew] Joe Slovo as chief of staff, and the Church Street attack was authorised by Oliver Tambo.  The ANC's submission said that the bombing was in response to a South African cross-border raid into Lesotho in December 1982 which killed 42 ANC supporters, [terrorist insurgents,] and civilians, and the assassination of Ruth First, an ANC activist and wife of Joe Slovo, in Maputo, Mozambique. [More than anything, this sadistic act against civilians in a public street in Pretoria was Slovo’s revenge for the death of his terrorist wife!’]  The ANC claimed 11 of the casualties were South African Air Force personnel and hence a military target. The legal representative of some of the victims argued that administrative staff such as telephonists and typists could not be counted as military targets. 

Ten African National Council insurgents, including Aboobaker Ismail, applied for amnesty for these and other bombings. The applications were opposed on various grounds, including that it was a terrorist attack disproportionate to the political motive. The Truth and Reconciliation Committee found that the number of civilians versus military personnel killed was “unclear.”  South African Police statistics indicated that seven members of the South Africa Air Force were killed. The commission found that at least 84 of the injured were SAAF members or employees. Amnesty was granted by the so-called Truth Commission.” 
