Unbanned Bible Publications |
Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
Even if one could ignore Marxism’s worldwide onslaught on Biblical morality, (because lawlessness, unaccountability, violence, corruption and theft of State funds are the norms of all superrich despots and their party members everywhere in the world,) one cannot turn away from the fact that complete chaos is just one of Marxism’s weapons of mass destruction, directed at their own citizens. Globally, the effect of communist displacement is fast depleting all life on earth as ordinary people know it — polluting all water and other resources, and torturing to death all animal (and plant) life.
WHAT DOES SOCIALISM REALLY MEAN? Superrich Napoleon Bonaparte ruled France from 1804 to 1814 under a communist regime after leading a revolution, with the support of the bloodthirsty impoverished masses, to publically behead all the royalty and high class capitalist rulers. The lawyer Etiénne Cabet then introduced socialism to France before and during subsequent revolutions between 1787 to 1830, quite some time before the crypto (secret) Jew, Carl Marx and his friend Engels wrote the Communist Manifest. Keeping in mind that powerful, secret, masonic agents steer the violent spread of Marxism, it is not so amazing to find that by 1842, Marxism was already an International Movement. Marxism was molded on the pagan philosophies of Plato and the ‘socialist’ ideas of Roman Catholic monasteries. Marxism really makes no sense. Their lure to join the communist destruction of the globe (their “sharing the wealth of the world to make all equal”) only makes everyone equally poor — except the capitalist elite, masonic minority in control of communist countries, of course, who are actually the equally superrich! (All masonic orders are also inherent communists and evolutionists.) Just think clearly for a moment. If one could ‘share’ all the wealth of the world among eight billion (and counting) irresponsible, grabbing people globally, in a very short time, no one would have a dime! However, if one builds political stability, infrastructure, industry, and agriculture, (among other things,) through responsible, hardworking people, one secures a growing economy to keep inflation down and prices low; creating enough jobs so all can flourish according to their personal ability and ingenuity — which is true, ‘natural’ prosperity among all the people of the world! So, what is the terrifying agenda behind the communist destruction of the world? Karl Marx, (1818-1883,) the so-called ‘father’ of Marxism and its instrument of destruction, socialism, described socialism as follows, “Socialism is the withering away of the previous State assets that kept the economy healthy… The point of socialism is to change the world [through complete destruction of inherited State assets and infrastructure to enrich a new minority of capitalists.]” “The aim of Marxism is to ‘change’ the very fiber, the very civilized and orderly inner and outer structures of government and society.” For instance, where law and order ruled, lawlessness and disorder must rule. Where the country was civil and clean, rudeness and pollution must abound. Where a tax-paying, hard-working middle class was a bridge between the rich and the poor, ‘classes’ must vanish to be replaced by 1-3% superrich superiors on top with only destitute masses underneath. This means, socialist/communists do not have to generate a new and growing economy or put anything beneficial back into the country by managing taxes and infrastructure efficiently. They only have to ‘take control’ of every ‘safety net’ of the [previous, very wealthy capitalist] Welfare State in order to deplete and destroy all the effective health, security, unemployment and education services, (the general upkeep of the country and all its other resources,) so that the small, new elite of communist capitalists on top can be in control of the entire economy and all other facets that govern the country, (and the whole world,) to scrape everything down their own, insatiable throats.
[Acknowledgement to those who compiled the images in this study] Photo Above: Karl Marx was actually Jewish not Russian, and here he gave the unmistakable masonic hand sign of the ‘right hand path’ approach into magic, in this case, the Illuminati, to show the ‘enlightened ones,’ (the initiates of masonic and other occult orders,) that he belonged to their Universal Brotherhood. Read all about masonry in “The Origin and Extent of International Masonry” There is absolutely no difference between white and black magic See the masonic signs of Mandela the Cabbalist and his communist comrades
True to the insane gibberish of communist agitators like Marx and his partner Friedrich Engels, military communist expansion and it’s destructive workhorse socialism will eventually demolish all the stable economies of the world, which were founded on opportunity, ingenuity, education, personal ability, responsibility, and reward for honest and hard work, to replace it with the chaos of constant civil war, poverty, lawlessness, unaccountability, and mayhem [scroll down on the WebPage;] destroying all that is good and truly profitable with global communist despotism, which will bring the totalitarian control of a very small ‘new elite’ in all “new world” countries globally.
SOCIALISM, THE TOOL WHICH INAUGURATES ‘THE CONSUMPTION FUND’ [From: The Great Soviet Encyclopedia 1979.] Socialism is the first stage of ‘The Plan’ to take over and control the entire world; bringing it under the flag of the New World Order, the United Nations. Socialism is Marxism’s great leveler, which works mostly unhindered in every country in the world. Socialism is the tool communists use to ‘change’ or destroy the world to ‘create a new world’ where only a few communist capitalists possess the whole world! Communists call socialism a ‘scientific doctrine,’ but it does not contain a hint of science. Socialism is a doctrine, which teaches the exploited masses of the globe that “Destructive revolution can create a society where neither commodity production, [the country’s trade, science, technology, industry, agriculture, and market economy,] nor classes exist, but where individual access to the Consumption Fund would still be measured by a laborer’s input.” [“Laborer’s input” does not mean his or her honest and hard work, but his or her mere presence on the job without supervision or accountability.] Socialists call the Consumption Fund the ‘Scientific State Fund,’ which ‘equalizes’ society by eradicating everything of the previous government — meaning also the existence of all government safety nets and security for the population. Someone explained this insane doctrine as follows, “The consumption-fund is a deliberate destruction of market economy, which is supposed to ‘eradicate classes’ based on education, effort, and competition.” This abolition of the ‘Welfare Fund’ includes the ‘withering away’ of State maintenance on roads, public buildings, parks; electricity, water and sewerage supplies; security, health, welfare, educational systems, etcetera. The ordinary citizens of communist countries then have to survive without necessities such as clean drinking water, food, and medical care, and these countries become (as history has proven,) filthy, dilapidated dumps, overpopulated by billions of starving, fleeing, diseased people, pressed together in refugee and squatter camps. In other words, during the first stage of ‘The Plan,’ socialist workers infuriate every laborer on a designated, but worldwide scale to riot against the existing ‘regime’ until they destabilize governments and take control of all countries. Then, socialism must be vigorously implemented to the conquered country. Rightfully, socialism teaches that every laborer is supposed to have a job. However, under socialism, the laborer is not rewarded for the quality or quantity of work that the individual provides, but merely for being there – or for merely being alive and remaining a party member. Employers have less and less say over the management of their companies until companies close down, massive amounts of jobs are lost, and the whole economy eventually ‘withers away’ and collapses. In the end, all those billions of destitute citizens are forced to turn to the government’s Consumption Fund. [I.e., in the new South Africa, the State is currently, (in 2008,) already paying 5 Billion rand per month to Consumption-Fund dependants such as unmarried mothers, which is only some R100 rand for one child for the whole month, which cannot even buy bread for the child for that period. The effect of this is that unmarried mothers have ten or more children, just to get the ‘social grant’ of R100 for each child — which cannot even feed, house, or clothe herself! The old ‘Welfare Fund’ kept places of refuge such as orphanages, old age homes and hospitals in pristine running order, but because of mismanagement and theft of state funds, these vital institutions are closing their doors to the destitute and the needy at an alarming rate. Were it not for the graceful hand of the private sector, (in 2008 and beyond,) more and more orphans, the aged, the mentally handicapped, the physically disabled - all those in dire need of the ‘Welfare Fund,’ would have all been begging on street corners and living on the streets, as they cannot survive without adequate governmental provision! Sadly, the private sector is under immense pressure from depleting African National Council laws such as ‘affirmative action’ and ‘black empowerment,’ and will not be able to sustain such handouts for long. In South Africa, the ‘affirmative-action’ and ‘Black Economic Empowerment,’ racist schemes of socialism were supposedly put in place to ‘transfer,’ (through racial discrimination and the incompetence of corrupt workers,) more and more of the previously established state and private sector funds to ‘administrating bodies of citizens,’ and eventually ‘to society in totality.’ In reality, however, none of the poor masses receive adequate help from the trillions upon trillions, which the ‘administrating bodies’ are squandering on themselves and their party members each year. Nonetheless, the Socialist Consumption Fund will always be “stringently” implemented because the real ‘socialist science’ behind this is to reward all, (the deliberately created jobless from all walks of life, all other destitute citizens, and ultimately, all ordinary workers too,) equally, thereby ‘leveling’ classes and society. Practically, the needy and the swindlers, the lazy and hard workers, the educated and the uneducated will all be rewarded equally. Ultimately, this does away with the middle class and pushes everyone to the same level of nothingness. As in all other communist countries, the poor will then have to survive on the measly rations of the Socialist Consumption Fund (while it lasts) without any ‘safety nets’ to catch the sick when illness strikes, the elderly when frailty overcomes, or the disabled and orphans when calamity rules. The measly handouts of the Consumption Fund might sound wonderful to extremely poor people, as communists say, “The proletarians only have their chains to lose,” and these deceived people do not consider the dreadful realities of living without the infrastructures of the Welfare Fund. However, when the hopeless recipient of the consumption fund was a responsible, hard-working, tax-paying citizen trampled into hopeless poverty, socialism becomes a great disgrace, to say the least. Still, the aim of communists remains to apply their ‘scientific doctrine’ socialism, to such a degree that the conquered country, (and eventually all the conquered countries of the whole world,) “withers away from its foundation” - its ‘foundation’ being all ‘safety-net’ infrastructures of the previous capitalist regimes. As a result, all infrastructures disappear into an ever deepening, black hole of poverty, especially designed for the destitute masses. It is a lying, socialist myth that ‘all are equal,’ under Marxism and that ‘society in totality’ will ‘share in the wealth’ of the previous regime. Socialism is not a ‘science.’ It is not even logic, because it is totally demonic!
THE WELFARE FUND OF THE PREVIOUS CAPITALIST STATE IS REPLACED BY THE CONSUMPTION FUND OF THE NEW CAPITALIST STATE The “Welfare State” or “State Intervention” of capitalist regimes is a framework of government, which was designed for the upkeep and development of suffering societies within a country. (Welfare means, ‘well-being, interest, benefit, happiness, goodness, and safety.’) However, according to communist doctrine, these infrastructures became “a means of control, whereby the State may choose to punish civil disobedience by withholding some of its benefits,” (i.e. no unemployment-fund payments for workers that strike unlawful.) Therefore, through the constant implementation of socialism, all the Welfare Funds must ‘wither away’ through government theft and mismanagement of taxes, bribery, general corruption, and anarchy, to be replaced with the Socialist Consumption Fund. (Consumption means, use, expenditure, spending, utilization, using up, eating and burning up.’)
THE WITHERING AWAY OF COMMODITY PRODUCTION The ‘withering away’ of the capitalist Welfare Fund connects with the ‘withering away’ of Commodity Production, i.e. all industrial, scientific, and agricultural progress. This socialist doctrine explains continual government pressure through the mobilization of the rioting masses [scroll down on the WebPage] to gain control of all industry and public and private institutions, although it actually results in killing the economy and producing great job losses for all the masses. This is also seen in all other sectors of the economy such as education, and the pressure for more and more ‘land reform’ while 90% of all productive farms are already in socialist hands — yet most of these farms are laying barren, totally dilapidated, and empty! The truth is that ‘moving the entire economy into socialist hands’ and destroying all agriculture through constant ‘land reform’ was not implemented in all these countries to ‘empower the poor population.’ The extremely violent land reforms and government dispossession of farmers are merely destructive ‘equalizers,’ which ultimately push ordinary citizens into starvation — as proven by the billions that are suffering and dying of hunger in nearly all socialist countries worldwide. Ultimately, the destructive influence of ‘the withering away of commodity production’ results in the massive displacement of billions of people through genocide, constant civil war, and starvation — and the disruption and destruction of commerce, industry, and agriculture in all these countries. This is how ‘rising’ global economists such as the elite families of India and the superrich communist elite of China can ‘buy’ entire countries in a global takeover without waging any military war.
THE COMMUNIST ‘PARADISE’ Communism is actually the second stage of ‘The Plan,’ where a militant socialist government has completely targeted the destruction of a country. The ideal ‘Communist Paradise’ is a country where the “socialist principle of satisfaction of needs for ‘everyone’ is applied, independently of any exact measurement of work performed.” The ‘Communist Paradise’ is the stage where socialism had replaced all the infrastructures of capitalism with the ‘consumption fund.’ This ‘paradise’ is a desolate place, where socialism had ensured that ‘everyone is equal’ - or equally poor. This is to say that salaries (employment) and government handouts, (social grants,) are no longer based on personal ability and genuine need, but on individual party membership and mass dependence upon the insufficient, dwindling Consumption Fund. If the Consumption Fund crashes, martial law is declared and armed government forces brutally chase all the dreadfully poor and needy out of the cities and country to seek refuge somewhere else, as witnessed during every ‘ethnic cleansing’ operation in all of hungry Africa, Asia, the Americas, etcetera. When socialism eventually ‘withers away’ the entire infrastructure and market economy of the whole world, the Communist One World Order, [which is not a ‘conspiracy but the institution of the New Global Government as stated by Mandela in his speech at the United Nations,] will be able to discontinue cash money. When socialism has effectively withered away all commodity production, all wealth, classes, [except for the 1% - 3% enormously superrich capitalist elite at the top of the Illuminati pyramid,] possessions, security, etcetera, are gone. Ideally then, the communist paradise is where ‘no competition, jealousy, war, or (poverty?) will exist.’ No matter what the citizens of these communist ‘democracies’ do or do not do, all are ‘equal.’
THE GLOBAL, SOCIALIST ’NEW’ WORLD Communism/socialism is a dreadful, end-time spirit that was released upon the whole earth. In Rev. 9, John describes how that great demon Apollyon the Destroyer, symbolized by the communist, New Ageist unicorn and rainbow, “unlocked the bottomless pit.” Out swarmed masses upon masses of demonic beings in the form of locusts… And constant World War followed them!
[Acknowledgement to those who compiled the images in this study]
There has never been peace since World War 1 and World War 2, when that demon Apollyon (or the Unicorn under its world-unifying Rainbow,) has been systematically spreading its wings through the communist creed, “Constant [War and] Revolution Globally!” This entity, depicted as the Unicorn and Rainbow, is actually that great demon called “Socialism.” This is the fourth and last end of the end-time demon Daniel saw (Daniel Chapters 7-12) that came from the stormy political sea. It is the trampling, destroying, chaotic workhorse of Marxism that demolishes the ‘old world with its old morality’ to build a ‘new rainbow world’ under complete socialist, One-World Government control. During the last century, beginning with Russia in 1917, Apollyon has infiltrated the entire affluent Colonial world, systematically “trampling to pieces” all wealthy Colonial infrastructure and political order with it’s most indescribable chaos, mass displacement of fleeing refugees, unimaginable social neglect, poverty, starvation, murder, and mayhem. This is the last and worst, continual, worldwide war this world has, and will ever see — as Jesus prophesied in Matthew Chapter 24. |