Unbanned Bible Publications |
Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
THE HEINOUS POLYGAMOUS SINS OF RELIGIOUS WHITESThe terrible fact of the matter is, through the ages unholy men of all nations have set up social boundaries to which they themselves never adhered. In Africa, the abundance of unskilled non-white labor, caused by an artificially induced slave-master mentality, overpopulation and poverty among polygamous families, have exposed people to exploitation and enslavement by Americans, British, French, Belgium, Portuguese, Dutch - later the Afrikaners, and today, also by other rich non-white people. Another hard fact is that, since white men of all nationalities have set foot in Africa, they have lusted after women of other races. While many ‘good’ Europeans such as Englishmen, Portuguese, Dutch - and later also native Afrikaners, headed religious, patriarchic households, secretly, they were dishonoring their Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, and Dutch Reformed, Calvinist church religions, marriages, and families by engaging in sexual relationships with their servants. In all other countries too, this inexcusable practice was (and is) nothing new, as, throughout history, servants of all races have been sexually abused by their slave masters and employers. Such shameful behavior in South Africa and throughout the world resulted in numerous illegitimate children, whom generations of unscrupulous whites simply discarded. One can only imagine the disruption, disgrace, rejection, poverty and need, which these children – and their mothers and families, had to face. While many sins of our Afrikaner ancestors were brought to the light in recent years, these crimes against humanity were never addressed nor confessed. Sinful crimes from which the guilty never repented. Incredible loveless sins, which most Afrikaners, British, and other whites never even acknowledged. Sincere believers can never condone sin in any way – not by faking ignorance, or by remaining silent, for the Moral Law states in Lev. 5:1: (Amplified.) “If anyone sins in that he is sworn to testify and has knowledge of the matter, either by seeing or hearing of it, but fails to report it, then he will bear his iniquity and willfulness.” And a New Testament Paul commanded in Eph. 5:11: “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them…”
Þ Beware the Christian Chameleon Þ Ecumenist Danger (Or Masonic/Roman Catholic Denominational Union) In The Churches Þ The pope preaches socialism and the mark of the beast to businessmen Þ The pope preaches socialism and the mark of the beast to businessmen Þ The 666 is already a reality ”for everyone on earth” Þ The lockdown was the fulfilment of the 1964 song, “The sound of silence” Þ The time has come. How do we prepare for the end times we are living in? Þ Five wise and Five foolish virgins waiting for the Midnight Cry Þ
Þ Whites Dispossessed and Most Cruelly Murdered: What is Really Happening in South Africa (2018?) Þ A Prayer for South Africa and the Whole World
Þ How Do We Prepare for the End of the End-times we are living in?
Read all about the destruction of Socialism and Marxism in the whole World READ ABOUT THE MASONIC DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH LOGO Jewish Holocaust — Truth, or Lie?