Unbanned Bible Publications |
Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History – Renette Vermeulen |
(Continued from What is The Firmament)
CREATION SCIENCE/ANSWERS IN GENESIS/HOVIND’S EARTH WAS A FREEZER Hovind magnified the previous ungodly theories on The Firmament. He alleges, “Earth’s atmosphere has six layers…” No, earth’s atmosphere has five primary layers “composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent other gases. These are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere, defined by unique features such as temperature and pressure.” [National Geographic.] Still, the ‘science teacher’ Hovind stumbles onward, “But apparently there used to be a 7th layer… [where is the evidence?] which created a greenhouse effect around the earth… ICE, held up by earth’s magnetic field, as well as ICE under the crust of the earth created a green-house effect, that’s why everything grew huge in Eden…” Is he talking about permafrost in soil like in the Arctic — on the whole earth that is a ‘greenhouse’? Ice above and under a greenhouse? Really? The deeper one digs, the hotter earth gets! What’s more, if one or two thick layers of ‘ice’ or anything else encapsulated the earth, life would have been in a freezer, not a greenhouse! Just think of a cloudy day; now multiply that cold, sunless day by a hundred! Sandwiched between two thick layers of ice, life on earth would have been impossible! Hovind’s earth would have been a dark, frozen, uninhabitable, dead planet. [See ‘The Vapor Canopy Hypothesis Holds No Water,’ Paul Farrar and Bill Hyde. Did God curse (or change) everything at the fall in Eden?” “Did God make ‘adaptations’ to creation after the flood of Noah?”] Later, old self-contradicting Hovind forgets about his double layer of ice and says, “A canopy of water overhead increased air pressure which allowed trees and other vegetation, insects, and reptiles to grow larger, as insects breathe through their skin…” Well, insects do not have skin. They have a hard exoskeleton that does not nearly represent skin like mammals have. Insects breathe through special openings in their bodies. ► Genesis chapter 1 details God’s literal creation in the physical universe. What is natural in the Bible cannot be spiritualized and vise versa as in the flat earth conspiracy. Jesus said in John 3:6, “That which is born of flesh is flesh… What is born of the Spirit is spirit.” 1 Corinthians 15:46, “The spiritual did not come first but the natural…” This is most important to remember when we deal with the false dogmas of Old/New Apostles, Creation Science, and the flat earth. Þ What is the firmament really? Though ‘scientists’ and clergies supposedly ‘recreated’ the firmament into a literal ‘dome’ or ‘canopy’ of some sort over the earth, God said in Genesis 1:6-7 that He created the firmament in the MIDST OF THE WATERS to DIVIDE THE WATERS, which are under the firmament, [the sea, springs, rivers...] from the waters, [not a sea,] above the firmament.” This is clearly our moist atmosphere on earth and also beyond the clouds; not a physical obstacle or a hanging ocean! (Gen. 1:6-7.) Þ ► Then, “God called the firmament heaven, [not God’s heaven in the spirit world, but the literal sky!]” (Gen. 1:8; Ps. 19:1-4.) According to God’s truth, even the Oxford dictionary explains, “The firmament is the heavens or sky.” God created the physical atmosphere on the second day under and above the firmament, which is the sky, (Genesis 1:6-8,) because it was vital to the rest of God’s physical creation that followed in Genesis 1:20-28. Neither flora nor fauna can live without an atmosphere. So, the firmament cannot be a literal encapsulating ‘canopy’ over a flat disk earth with a ‘sea’ above it; any of Newton-Veil, Baugh, or Creation Science’s ‘domes,’ or any other ‘scientific’ additions. As in Psalm 19:1-4, we can simply look up at the sky and see the clouds in the firmament against the boundless blue sky. And we can view the stretched-out firmament or sky at night, filled with the moon and literally thousands of visible stars against the dark sky, (Rom. 1:18-32.) The True Word of God that does NOT speak of, or even suggests a ‘7th layer,’ ‘metallic hydrogen,’ ‘two layers of ice,’ a ‘crystal sea,’ or any other kind of ‘dome,’ which supposedly ‘encapsulates’ life on earth! ► God’s contextual Word debunks all the canopy/firmament steel, stone, or whatever encapsulating distortions that NASA supposedly had to bomb open to go to the moon — if they really went to the moon. Psalm 19:1-4 states, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. [This is the vast expanse of the sky: Gen. 1:8.] Day to day it utters speech, [or explanations when we are confronted with dogmas like the flat earth and evolution,] and night to night it reveals knowledge [of God and creation that is visible in the sky,]” (Rom. 1:20!) These liars are truly without excuse to twist the Word of God, (Rom. 1:18-32.)
SOME OF HOVIND’S ABUSE OF SCRIPTURE LANDED HIM IN PRISON A contextual study of Scripture and just a little knowledge of real scientific facts, (of which evolution is not one,) discredit Creation Science/Answers in Genesis’ unbiblical teachings, from which Kent Hovind made millions of dollars, and even built his own ‘Jurassic Park.’ Hovind served a 10-year prison sentence for tax evasion. Many church leaders follow his example, and state that the government ‘has nothing to do with their finances; they answer only to God.’ Most importantly, one has to remember that these teachers and preachers did not work for that money in the first place! Through their uncontextual abuse of the Old Testament law and other Scriptures, they extorted their millions from the poor, from widows, and from brainwashed Christians! [See ‘New Testament Tithing and Excessive Giving is a gospel of greed.’] Just like those get-rich-quick tithing scammers, Hovind also distorts and abuses God-given Scripture, and gathered millions of dollars from gullible Christians! His answer-only-to-God teaching, by which he raises himself above reproof and accountability, is another dangerous deception. Our Lord Jesus Christ commanded, ‘Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, [physical taxes, etcetera,] and to God the things that are God’s,’ (Mt. 22:21.) And Peter wrote, ‘Submit to every [non-Scriptural-violating] ordinance for God’s sake… For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men…’ (1 Pt. 2:13.)
CREATION SCIENCE: LIZARDS “BECAME” DINOSAURS IS EVOLUTION DOGMA Whichever way the dinosaurs supposedly ‘went extinct,’ the Creation Science theory of lizards that became dinosaurs, and dinosaurs that became lizards remains the evolution theory! Scripturally, logically, and throughout human memory and recorded history, it also remains a fact that God commanded everything that lives on earth to MULTIPLY ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN KINDS — their own, unchangeable, specific ‘genetic codes!’ Still, Darwinism and ‘Christian Creation Science,’ Answers in Genesis and Kent Hovind allege that “genes can go, get lost, and change” - thus ‘evolving’ or ‘changing’ one species into another, while the original species remain the same! Wikipedia Encyclopedia explains, “Genetic information is carried by a long molecule called DNA and this DNA is copied and inherited across generations. Traits are carried in DNA as instructions for constructing and operating an organism. These instructions are contained in segments of DNA called genes. DNA is made of a sequence of simple units, with the order of these units spelling out instructions in the genetic code. This is similar to the orders of letters spelling out words. The organism "reads" the sequence of these units and decodes the instruction.” Generic code can never ‘evolve’ to ‘change’ one species into a completely different species! Not suddenly or even gradually — not even in ten million billion years! God said so, and God is the Creator of everything that lives and everything natural we see on earth and in the whole universe! It is a real scientific fact that not even a single rose can become a lily – ever! Darwinism or the theory of evolution is not scientific! Evolution is not even logic or possible! More importantly, this silly teaching remains completely unproven. All the ‘evidence’ of evolution was fabricated to prove something that either never did, still do not, or will never exist. So, what lies beneath this incredibly false teaching, which has permeated every sphere of science, biology, pagan religions, and even Christianity? Well, let us see. If it’s not truly scientific and logic, and if it’s not in the Book of Genesis and in the whole context of the Bible, the creators of the evolution theory and those who Christianized it, (such as Creation Science and their disciples,) has an evil, anti-god agenda! In fact, this is not ‘merely’ an ‘alternative’ way to view creation — as if that isn’t bad enough! It is a religion that substitute God and His Word to draw billions of people away from the true Creator God of the Bible and the Author of salvation, His Son Jesus Christ. And behind it all always hide masonic agents!
BIBLICAL FACTS UTTERLY REFUTE EVOLUTION AND CREATION SCIENCE Not Darwin’s ‘coincidental big bang,’ but God Himself created His universe very precisely. Yet, Kent Hovind’s earth was originally flat, as “mountains did not exist before the flood of Noah.” However, the real Genesis account of creation, as found in Amos 5:8 and the whole context of the Bible, tell us that in the beginning the Creator God of the Bible “made the cluster of stars called Pleiades and the constellation of Orion. [This is literal language to describe God’s physical creation in the Book of Genesis, as we can clearly see and understand this: Rom. 1:18-32.] God [metaphorically] measured the waters of the earth in His hand, metered out heaven with a span, caught the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains on scales..” These are allegories because no human could actually see what God was doing at creation. Yet, this clearly testifies that there were real valleys, mountains, and canyons before the Noah’s flood, which resulted from Genesis 1:9-10, when God factually separated the dry land, (Earth,) from the Sea. All the symbolic yet descriptive statements in the Old Testament of how God created the earth, attempt to focus our attention primarily on the meticulous, absolutely incalculable, unfathomable geniusness of our Creator God, not on a so-called ‘flat earth,’ (Isa. 40:12-26; Mt. 10:29.) All Bible Scriptures interpreted in context, whether literal or allegorical, fully refute Darwin’s ‘big bang,’ ‘accidental evolutionary process,’ ‘gradual adaptation,’ and ‘biological engineering over millions of years,’ as well as Kent Hovind’s ‘dinosaurs in Eden’ and the “genes for largeness that are gone somehow.” Just by looking logically at creation, everyone can plainly see that only the Creator God Himself could have made every living, which actually remained unchanged in the universe. In the contextual TRUTH of God’s Word, both Darwinism and veiled Christian evolution are proved deceptions. Because Creation Science/Answers in Genesis teaches evolution according to grossly twisted Bible truth, and Darwinism teaches that a single, unintelligent cell ‘came alive by itself and eventually evolved’ or created itself into a living entity such as a tree or an ape, the one is not more true than the other. Christian creation science also teaches that lizards became dinosaurs and visa versa. This is simply the dogma of evolution that says, all the species began to ‘divide,’ adapt,’ and ‘change’ themselves into millions of completely different, incredibly complex, intelligent species. Then, either after Christian Science’s “young world’ or Darwin’s ‘millions and billions of years,’ in which millions of species supposedly evolved into what they are now, they have never changed into something entirely new, or created even one minute form of new life again. For instance, although rats have supposedly been ‘evolving’ for ‘millions of years,’ they are still plain old rats. Why? Because the ‘missing link’ and ‘evolving genetic links’ between humans and apes and between all other species, do not exist. Every creature remained the same from creation until now. Under unnatural circumstances such as captivity, animals of the same species might interbreed, but that is as far as it goes. (Like horses and donkeys, which produce the infertile old mule.) The real ‘scientific’ fact is, from the beginning of time until the end of the ages, everything could and can only reproduce strictly ‘after their own kind’ as God commanded. And yes, I am aware of how ‘scientists’ mess with the Lord’s genetics. But genetics and scientists will always be incapable of creating new life. Even Satan, the father of those evil scientists, could never and will never create one speck of new life.
GENESIS ONE, VERSES ONE AND TWO According to Genesis 1:1, ‘in the beginning’ only heaven and earth existed in His endless expanse, the universe. Earth was the first planet in the never-ending cosmos of the ever-living God. Like God’s dwelling place, (heaven in the spirit world,) earth existed without the concept of literal time. In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God hovered over this empty, chaotic earth, which was overflowed with water. Earth was dark; there existed no night and day; summer and winter, or dry ground. There were no sky or stars. No sun to give it heat and life, and no moon. Planet earth was dead; submerged in water and without an atmosphere. Air, wind, clouds, mist, and rain did not exist. Earth was a place on which not a speck of physical life could exist. Strong's Concordance, #8414, describes the chaos on earth as follows, ‘A formless, chaotic mess, a waste, emptiness, and desolation.’ Gen. 1:3, God created the first literal 24-hour day on earth On the first day of the first month, in the very first year on earth, God gave His first creative command on this dark, flooded planet. Before God created the sun and the moon, Genesis 1:3-5 describes the dawning of the very first day as follows, ‘Then God said, ‘Let there be light…’ and God divided the light from the darkness… God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night. So [this] evening and [this] morning, [in which God created light,] was the first literal [24 hour] day…” A literal day cannot exist in time without end. So, on the first day, God allotted a time-designation to the light, calling it Day, and a time-designation to the darkness, calling it Night. God actually created literal time on earth to structure His literal creation. However, the first literal day on earth was not the type of day we can identify with. The sun, moon, other planets, and stars, did not yet exist. So, this concept of literal time in the space between light and darkness is a concept incomprehensible to us, as we are physical creatures from a different day in Genesis. The footnote, S.F.L Bible confirms, “This time designation, along with the numbering of the days… shows creation was made in six consecutive 24-hour periods [not in hundreds, (Creation Science,) thousands or millions of years.]” Genesis 1:6, the second literal 24-hour day Then God said, ‘Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, [space between the surface of the waters that covered the earth and the clouds above,] and let it divide the waters from the waters. So, God made the firmament, [the atmosphere and the heavens or sky that holds it,] and divided the waters under the expanse that covered the earth, from the waters above the expanse [mist and clouds; preparing earth for life on it.] So the evening and morning was the second day…” Genesis 1:9-10, the third literal 24-hour day Then God said, “Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear…’ and He called the dry land Earth… And the accumulated waters He called Seas…” It is clear that the oceans were not ‘underneath the earth,’ as Hovind alleges, not in the beginning, neither at the flood of Noah! The earth was also definitely not flat. God made mountains when He created the earth, (Psalm 104:5-9.) But His almighty movement of all the water on planet earth to create Dry Land must have aided in creating mountains, valleys, the canyons, etcetera. ‘Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth vegetation… yielding seed according to their own kinds and trees yielding fruit… each according to its kind…” So the evening and morning was the third day. Genesis 1:14, the fourth literal 24-hour day Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, (clearly in the sky,) to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years…” And God made two great lights… [The sun and the moon.] He made the stars [or other planets] also…’ The truth of Scripture and logical reasoning – which is real ‘scientific fact,’ expose Darwin’s theory of the ‘big bang’ as an anti-creational lie: (Rom. 1:20.) Life on earth did not spontaneously begin with a planetary explosion; God created all the planets to complement land direct time and life on earth! Genesis 1:20, the fifth literal 24-hour day: Then God said, ‘Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, according to their kinds… and every winged bird according to their kinds…’ And God created great sea creatures… according to their kinds…’ [God created colossal sea creatures, such as the blue whale that weighs 209,000 kg or 459,800 pounds, and measures over 33 m. long. The tongue of the blue whale weighs as much as an elephant! God also created enormous whale sharks that weigh over 16 tons and grow up to 15 feet long. Gigantic jellyfish, with a ‘bell’ over 7 feet across and tentacles 120 feet long. Colossal squid that weigh 1,089 pounds and measure 32.8 feet long, and so on.] Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things, [snakes, lizards, insects] and beasts [lions, bears…]” God created all the land animals, and Scripture does not state that God created gigantic land animals such as those in the sea — or dinosaurs, “weighing 30-300 tons, some standing 30 meters tall,” as well. God created ordinary land animals - of which the elephant is the largest land mammal, weighing 27,000 pounds. If God created “dinosaurs to walk with Adam and Eve,” why did the meticulous writers of Hebrew history not tell of animals that weigh 300 tons and stand 30 meters tall? And why did David only slay the lion and the bear, and not the dinosaur as well? Genesis 1:24-31, the sixth literal 24-hour day: “Then God said, Let Us make mankind in Our image… male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, [male AND female humanity,] ‘Be fruitful and multiply… subdue the earth [together,] and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth. So [this] evening and [this] morning was the sixth day.’ [Read about God’s Masterful placement of the sun, moon, and stars in relation to the earth, etcetera – real scientific facts that prove the existence of God without a shadow of doubt in the book, ‘Witchcraft – (pagan &Christian,) what is that?’]
THE DARKNESS ‘ON THE FACE OF THE DEEP;’ WHAT DOES GOD REALLY SAY? Hovind, “God stated in Genesis 1:2 that “the darkness on earth reached down to the face of the deep.” No, God stated that “darkness was on the face [or top] of the deep waters [that covered the whole earth.]” No evolution-mystery here; just plain, logic truth: (Rom. 1:20.) In the context of the whole Bible, ‘the darkness of the deep’ does not refer to ‘hell’ or to ‘primeval oceans that were underneath the earth,’ [pure masonic/evolution dogma from the mouths of Christians.] ‘The deep’ simply means the great depth of the massive, single ocean that covered the entire dark, flooded earth in the beginning, after God created the earth itself, and then came to earth to prepare earth to sustain the life that He created on it during six literal days: (Gen. 1:1-2.) On the first 24-hour day of creation, (“it was evening and it was morning,”) God created light on the dark earth, (Gen. 1:3-5.) On the second day God created the atmosphere and sky, (the firmament: Gen. 1:6-8; Ps. 19:1-4.) |