Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from Hovind’s earth was a freezer)

On the third day, God commanded, “‘Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together in one place, and let the dry land appear…’ And He called the dry land ‘Earth’…  And the accumulated waters He called ‘Seas…’” God created the Dry Land and the Oceans, just as we know them today.  On the same day, God also created all the vegetation on earth: (Gen. 1:9-12.) 

Here are the details of how God sculpted the once empty, dark earth that was covered with water.  Psalm 104:5-9, building on Genesis 1:1-2, proves most of Hovind’s Christianized evolution theories deliberate lies.  It is written: “You ‘laid the foundations of the earth’ so that it should not be moved forever.  You [literally] covered [the earth’s crust] with the deep [oceans] as with a garment.”  [This means there were definitely not ‘primeval deep oceans underneath the ocean!’] Then, still referring to the flooded earth of Genesis 1:2, the psalmist continued, “The waters [that covered the whole earth] stood above the mountainsthat God made when He created the earth itself. [Hovind the liar states that the earth was flat without mountains, which only came into existence  at Noah’s flood.]  But pertaining to Genesis 1:9-10, which describe how God created the dry land and the seas, the psalmist wrote, “At Your rebuke [the waters] fled… They hastened away.  They went up, [thundered with tremendous force] over the mountains.  They went down [or forcefully gushed] into the valleys”  [“Mountains, valleys, and the canyons were NOT created by Noah’s flood,” which slowly seeped away over the course of one literal year.]  No human can imagine how God formed the whole earth itself, and with what unthinkable force He moved all the oceans to let the dry Earth appear during only one day. 

Even so, Hovind continues to build on his lies about ‘the deep that were primeval oceans under the ocean.’  Even more horribly, he abused Genesis 7:11 to justify his deceptionThis is how he read that verse: “...On that day [when the flood of Noah began,] all the fountains, [which were allegedly ‘primeval oceans’] of the great deep [‘under the ocean’] were broken up, [‘and the double layer of ice above and under the earth, [supposedly the firmament,] melted to flood the whole earth…’]” 

As seen in Genesis 1:6-8, “the firmament” is the sky “in the midst” of the atmosphere.  This is what Hovind omitted from Genesis 7:11“...All the fountains, [not oceans but underground lakes and rivers ] of the great deep, [in this instance, deep underground water chambers such as lakes and rivers that feed the dry earth,] were broken up.  And the windows of heaven [clouds in the sky not ‘a layer of ice’] were opened, [verse 12:] and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights on the earth.”  No Christian evolution mystery can be found here.  As always, God said it all perfectly understandable in the context of true Scripture! 


Hovind:  “EVE WAS DECEIVED, BUT ADAM KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING, BECAUSE ADAM TOOK EVE’S SIN JUST LIKE CHRIST TOOK OUR SIN.”  What blasphemous, misogynist nonsense!  What is the worst: to be deceived or to sin deliberately?  Even if “taking Eve’s sin” were possible, [if he were Jesus Christ and not a sinful man,] Adam was not that noble.  He did not defend Eve against Satan, although he was indeed there and knew what was happening.  That was treason to Eve and witchcraft and idolatry to God: (1 Sam. 15:21-23.)  What’s more, when God asked him, ‘Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?”  He answered, “The woman You made for me [enticed] me eat…”  Instead of confessing his sin in shame, Adam cowardly shifted his blame onto God and Eve.  Additionally, “[Spiritually] there is neither Jew nor Greek, [race,] slave nor free, [status,] male nor female, [gender,] for WE ARE ALL ONE in Christ,” (Rom. 3:28-29.)  This is so because, at Pentecost, God poured out His fully indwelling Holy Spirit once and for all into His “sons and daughters... male servants and maid servants, [as His prophets, preachers, teachers,]”  (Acts 2:17-21.)  Jesus is the One and Only Savior of ALL who choose to sincerely believe, follow, and obey Him, as they are all, (male and female on a spiritual level,) the ten virgins, the bride of Christ, the brethren, and the sons of God, (Jn. 3:16-18; 1:12-13!) 

►► This misogynist individual also alleges that one day of God’s creation “was a hundred years.“  But God Himself stated at His literal creation, “It was evening and morning, (24 hours,) the first day…  Evening and morning, (24 hours,) the second day… [and so forth,]”  (Gen. 1:3-31.)  But according to Hovind, (Creation Science; Answers [or lies] in Genesis,) it took God at least six hundred years to accomplish the Bible’s Genesis Creation!  Where is the proof of all their unscriptural, illogic allegations?  Why doesn’t this sneaky snake not come out its burrow and say openly, ‘It took God six million, billion, trillion years to accomplish the Genesis creation?’ 


Hovind: SATAN WAS CREATED ON THE FIRST OR SECOND DAY OF GENESIS, [and immediately] FELL IN EDEN AFTER 100 YEARS OR SO WITH ADAM AND EVE.”  How can anyone count a 100 years in Genesis before God created literal light – and time on earth?  (God said, “Let there be light… and it was evening and it was morning, the first [24-hour] day,” (Gen. 1:3-5.)  And on the SECOND 24-hour day on earth, God made the ‘firmament,’ (earth’s atmosphere and sky: Gen. 1:6-8.)  God’s Word meticulously notes exactly what He created on each of the six literal days in Genesis, and here, He did not mention man, angels, or demons!  It is a pagan myth that mankind was first created as spirits, because that is what Hovind implies, (1 Cor. 15:46; Jn. 3:6.)  Adam and Eve were physically created on the sixth literal day of God’s creation on earth, once God made earth a habitable place for human and animal life!  So, where does Hovind get it that Adam and Eve supposedly “were with Satan a hundred years” before the devil and humanity were created?  And if so, how did physical people live on the dark, flooded earth without an atmosphere and food?  (Gen. 1:1-8.) 

God help the students this individual teaches!  All his teachings are absurd, incoherent lies and crazy distortions of God’s True Word!  Satan was neither on the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, or when God created humanity and “everything that moves on the earth” on the sixth day, in the picture, (Gen. 1:27-31.)  In fact, Satan was created in infinity where he was so mighty that he committed munity against God.  Jesus said, “[Before time on earth] I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven, [not in the garden in Eden,] (Isa. 14:12-17; Ezk. 28:13-19; Lu. 10:18.)  That was when “war broke out in heaven.  Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, [who drew a third of the angels of heaven and threw them to the earth — his demons.]  But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.  So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world.  He was cast to the earth, and his demons were cast out with him,” (Rev. 12:3-4; 7-9.) 

Hovind:  In Job 38:1-7, all the sons of God shouted for joy when He laid the foundation of the earth.  That’s when (the angels) were created: the first or the second day. How could Satan and his demons have been created to shout for joy WHILE God was creating the earth itself  BEFORE His Genesis creation, IF THEY  WERE ONLY CREATED “ON THE FIRST OR SECOND DAY ON EARTH,” as Hovind says?’   And we also know for sure that the earth itself could not have been created on the first or second day in Genesis, as it was already found dark and flooded when God came to create life on earth in Genesis 1:1-2.   Hovind must have clearly forgotten that he said “Satan was already with Adam and Eve for 100 years” while man lived without time, Genesis 1:3-4,) on a totally uninhabitable planet and BEFORE they were created on the sixth day, while Satan was only created and immediately fell on the first or second day alreadyIt is logic and Scriptural that, in the context of God’s literal 6-day creation on earth, the phrase ‘sons of God’ excludes the fallen angels, (Isa. 14:12-17; Ezk. 28:13-19; Lu. 10:18.) 

According to Hovind’s previous illogic allegations, God was all alone in His boundless universe until about 6,000 years ago, (if Bible scholars are correct on their numbering of the years since the literal Genesis creation,) when He created humanity on the sixth day to reign in Eden.  Contrariwise, the psalmist stated in Ps. 93:2, “Your throne is established from old; You are from everlasting.”  How could the Creator King have a throne ‘from everlasting,’ an ever-existing kingdom from all eternity, without any subjects?  The truth of Scripture repeatedly proves Hovind a perpetual liar

The Eternal God created the angels in a time designated as ‘everlasting.’  The angles had ‘always’ been there.  They were there long before God very precisely created planet earth; when He allegorically “determined earth’s measurements, stretched the line upon it, fastened its foundations, and laid its cornerstone,’’ (Job 38:4-6.)

Besides, on the sixth day of the Genesis creation, when God made Adam, God immediately commanded him to tend and guard the garden, and not to eat of the tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil.  This actually meant Adam had to be on his guard against Satan the fallen angel, and not have anything to do him, (Gen. 2:16-17.)  It might be possible that Satan existed eons before Adam was created.  Satan, the pre-Genesis, fallen angel, attached himself to the tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil in the garden to bring his spiritual evil into this literal world by deceiving humanity to disobey God.  But according to the ramblings of Hovind, God must have given Adam and Satan joint reign of Eden to have been friends for a 100 years even before humanity was created!  Opposed to all that illogic rubbish, the truth of Scripture affirms that God created male and female humanity, and commanded them both, (not  their so-called friend Satan,) to ‘fill and subdue the earth and have dominion over it,’ (Gen. 1:27-28.) 


Hovind: ‘Everything ‘became’ gigantic in Eden

This Creation Science disciple alleges, “Everything grew huge in Eden because of the double layers of ICE, [one under the earth and the other that was) held up by earth’s magnetic field created a green-house effect, that’s why everything grew huge in Eden.  Lizards became dinosaurs and humans became giants, and the vegetation was gigantic.  Vegetation grew something like 30 meters a day!  [The Word of God in Genesis chapter 6 describe precisely how giants on earth came into existence through the sin of angels and humans!] That’s why Adam and Eve lived to be 900: they breathed 32% oxygen instead of our 22% and they had double the air pressure to increase the oxygen…”  No, oxygen radicals “harm the fats, protein and DNA in your body. This damages your eyes and your lungs. So breathing pure oxygen is quite dangerous.” [Curious Kids]  Still, this mad scientist rambles on, “That’s what happened to the dinosaurs: they suffocated after the flood because the greenhouse effect was gone!  [YET NOAH AND HIS FAMILY, WHO WERE ALSO GIANTS LIKE ADAM AND EVE, DID NOT SUFFOCATE?]  An 80 feet Apatosaurus or brontosaurus had nostrils the same size as a horse, and it could not exist in the different atmosphere.”

Wow! And I always believed the Bible, which explains that Adam and Eve would have lived forever in the garden because they were originally in a sinless state.  Then death and decay entered them at the fall and slowly their years on earth began to decline!  At the fall, God said to Adam, ‘Cursed is the ground for your sake…  In the sweat of our face you will eat bread till you return to the ground… to dust you will return,’  (Gen. 6:3, Ps. 90:10; Rom. 3.) 

In addition, Hovind alleges that God did not create dinosaurs.  Originally, they were ordinary lizards that ‘became’ dinosaurs because of the ‘air pressure!’  This is simply evolution in a new cloak.  So, do we understand correctly - the dinosaurs ‘suffocated,’ but no, they did not really suffocate, for although the ‘air pressure’ is gone after the Flood, they are still alive and well, and living on earth today – although some of them actually ‘devolved’ to become ordinary lizards again! 


He alleges, “Noah’s ‘cubit’ (measure from elbow to fingertip) was so much bigger than that of a normal man.  Adam, Noah, and his sons were giants because of the greenhouse effect.”

However, Genesis 6:4, Jude 6-7; 2 and Peter 2:4-6 tell us that the giants were the hybrids of fallen angels that married women and so, the truth of Scripture refutes this blatant lie as well!

When Jesus said in Matthew 22:30, ‘angels do not marry,’ He did not say that angels are without gender.  He was saying it is unnecessary to reproduce in heaven, as it is the spirit world.  All the angels – fallen angels as well, are in the form of men.  If we encounter a sweet little ‘baby’ angel, or a female angel, we can be sure it is a demon, pretending to be a holy angel.

Long after humanity’s fall in the garden, God, because of man’s great evil on the earth, later allowed ‘angels to marry humans.’  (Gen. 6:1-14.)  This perversion produced a strange, anti-creation race of giants on the earth, (Gen. 6:4.)  Giants were a demonic distortion of one of God’s primary creation-principles: everything on earth must reproduce after their own kind.  God so hated this sin, this interbreeding of species, He incarcerated the demons that left their spirit world to ‘marry’ humans, while He destroyed all those evil humans in the Flood of Noah, (Jude 6-7; 2 Pet. 2:4-6.)  It is a known fact that in all forms of Satanism, demons can and will have sexual intercourse with humans, given the opportunity.  By the grace of God, it seems He does not allow them to reproduce any more.

So, the truth of Scripture proves that Adam and Noah were definitely not giants!

Giants also lived after the flood, without the so-called ‘greenhouse effect.’  One Scriptural example of their descendants was the Philistine Giants in the time of David, (Deut. 3:11; 2 Sam. 21:16-22.) 


First, he alleges that everything became giants because “a canopy of water overhead, [he forgot he said it was ‘a double layer of ice above and under the earth that made earth a greenhouse,’] increased air pressure which allowed trees and other vegetation, insects and reptiles to grow larger, as insects breathe through their skin, [as said insects do not have skin but exoskeletons,] explaining [dinosaurs] and 18 inch mosquitoes, 19 inch cockroaches, 1 m. centipedes, giant sharks of 80 feet…” Hovind’s inconsistent lying progresses as his teachings ‘evolve.’  What gigantic sharks – he said the oceans were underneath the earth?

But now the genes for largeness are gone, somehow…  During that time, reptiles never stopped growing.  People stop growing; when you’re 16-18 years old, vertically, at least…  [But he said Adam and Noah never stopped growing  because of the air pressure?] So before the flood when reptiles lived to 900 years they became [or evolved into] dinosaurs.”  It is said Noah lived 950 years, but reptiles?  Does this mean that the 18 and 19 inch roaches and mosquitoes also lived 900 years?  

Such statements typify Hovind’s growing confusion.  I ask in all sincerity: Did Adam and Noah, the vegetation, and animals all became giants due to the so-called ‘greenhouse effect,’ or ‘their  lost genes?’  As God created genes, genes can never “just go!”  Either God created giant humans, giant lizards and dinosaurs, or He did not, because Scripture declares that God commanded every species to multiply according to their own kindTo this day, not even a lily can “become” a rose

All this mumbo-jumbo proves that Creation Science, Answers in Genesis, and their disciple Kent Hovind do not reject the anti-god, antichrist, and anti-creation theories of evolution, because he clearly teaches Darwinism wrapped in Bible verses.  Darwin also ‘manipulates’ genes, the building blocks of all living things; God’s blueprint for life on earth.  Contrary to the theory of evolution, the religion Hovind so satanically adapts to so-called ‘creation science,’ lizards are NOT ‘modern dinosaurs,’ but the ‘creeping things,’ (Genesis 1:124,) which God created on earth and which ‘CAME to Noah to keep them alive in the ark,’ (Gen. 6:20-21.)

Þ The many huge water creatures, such as whales, 80 feet sharks, and anacondas – not ‘dinosaurs,’ but creatures God really created that big, (Genesis 1:21), are still thriving in the oceans and in marshes like the Amazon JungleThey are still the same species that God created on the fifth day, as explained in Gen. 1:20-23.  Large insects, (18-inch mosquitoes excluded, thank God,) are still living in the tropics.  However, 300-ton and other land-dwelling dinosaurs did not, and are not living during our Genesis-age on earth, that’s for certain.


Hovind: “THE ORIGINAL CREATION WAS ABOVE THE OCEANS”  - Flat Earth conspiracy 

He alleges, “The oceans used to be inside the earth, sub-terrainian water chambers and fountains of the deep that [cataclysmically] broke open at the flood of Noah, ‘sculpting’ the mountains, etcetera, as there were NO MOUNTAINS before the flood!” No, it is clear in Genesis 7:11 that the “fountains,”  [subterranean lakes and rives,] of the “great deep” broke up from under the earth and rain poured down for 40 days and 40 nights from the sky!  (Gen. 7:11.)  God created the mountains, valleys, and canyons when He created the earth itself and ‘sculpted’ them when He created Dry Land and the Seas on the third day of creation: Psalm 104:5-9; Gen. 1:10-11! 

The ‘original creation’ was above the oceans?’  To which ‘original creation’ is he referring? What’s more, it is impossible that God’s literal creation could have been ‘above the oceans.”  The entire earth that God made was dark and totally covered in water in Genesis 1:1-2.  Hovind’s lies sound exactly like the ‘flat earth’ conspiracy, which denies that the earth is a globe, that outer space and gravity exist, and so forth.  In addition there was no subsequent re-creation after the Genesis-account.  God did NOT re-create earth, or anything on earth, before, during, or after Noah’s Flood.

The oceans used to be inside the earth?’ If the oceans do not hang in the sky like in the Flat Earth theory, they are suddenly “inside the earth!”  Scriptural truth states the opposite:  Genesis 1:9-10; Ps. 104:5-10.  In Genesis 1:2, “The earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep” [because one massive ocean] covered the earth as with a garment and stood above the mountains…”  On the third day of creation, (Gen. 1:9-10,) God Himself “gathered the waters under the heavens to let the dry land appear.  He called the dry land EARTH and He called the waters SEAS.”  Earth and Seas are exactly the same as we know them today: Gen. 1:21.  There is not a word about ‘oceans inside the earth’ anywhere in Scripture. 

Hovind also disseminates the evolutionary lie of an evolution with his ‘much flatter earth,’ but GOD declared in Genesis 7:19 that when the underground waters and the rain came during Noah’s flood, (Gen. 7:11-2,) “The waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the [existing] high hills under the whole heaven were covered.  The waters prevailed 15 cubits upward, and the [existing] mountains were covered.’ “

Þ A flat earth that ‘gradually evolved’ is Darwin’s earth of ‘millions of years ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth.’ As already seen, Psalm 104:5-9 stand on the truth of Genesis 1:2-10 to 

(Continue to That’s where coal and oil come from)