Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from The original oceans were above the earth)

Þ destroy all the notions of a “original” flat earth.  It reads: “The waters (that covered the earth’s crust before God created any life on earth,) stood above the mountains.’ 

Þ Then, referring to Genesis 1:9-10, where God described how He created the dry land and the seas, the psalmist wrote, ‘At Your rebuke [the waters] fled… they hastened away.  They went up, [gushed, or thundered with tremendous force] over the mountains, they went down [or gushed] into the valleys…’ 

Hovind’s extremely distorted explanations of creation coincide with the pages of National Geographic Magazine by Mike Edwards, ‘Tens of millions of years ago…  the plateau country was flat and much lower than its heights today, which are typically 5,000 feet (1,524 meters) above sea level…  The whole shebang was thrust upward by forces within the Earth, [such as Hovind’s “seas underneath the earth that burst up.”] … That's Plateau Geology 101, slightly abbreviated’ 


Hovind: “The great rushing of water after the flood of Noah created mountains and valleys and caused phenomena like the Grand Canyons.  The flood destroyed all the vegetation, mountains collapsed and buried ALL the plants and animals, and that is where all the coal and oil come from!” 

As seen in this study, although Hovind alleged that there were NO mountains before the flood of Noah, God created the mountains, valleys, and canyons when He made the earth, and the great oceans He moved in just one day when He created dry land and seas, further sculpted it.  Conversely, the flood of Noah ebbed slowly away not to destroy the earth and the water creatures.  “The flood prevailed fifteen cubits upward, and the [existing] mountains were covered… And GOD [drowned] ALL LIVING THINGS THAT WERE ON THE FACE OF THE GROUND: both man and cattle, creeping things, and birds...”  Gen. 7:19-24.  The M. H. Commentary explains, ‘At [Noah’s] flood, the rain…  descended as were never known since... and of such continuance…  to cover even the highest [existing] mountains, (Genesis 7:11-12; 17-24,) and all the vast underwater lakes, rivers and springs — (the fountains of the deep earth,) broke open.’ 

Collapsing [‘non-existent’] mountains buried all the plants and animals to make coal and oil?”  So, God had to re-create everything in the sea, rivers, and lakes?  Real Scripture makes sense of such  non-sense.  Twice Noah sent out a dove as he knew all the vegetation and water creatures were still  intact and alive.  The second time the dove returned with a new sprout from an olive tree: Gen. 8:8-12.  Boooom!  There goes Hovind’s lies about Noah’s flood!”  It would take ‘millions of years’ for  his “collapsed mountains” to make coal, diamonds, and oil!  That is evolution rubbish.  It is logic that God created those substances when He made earth itself, created the oceans that covered the earth, and when He separated the seas from the dry land: Gen. 1-2; 9-10. 

Noah’s flood did indeed cover the whole earth.  Therefore shells, etcetera, are found even on mountains and in deserts The S.F.L Bible commentary explains, ‘During a 110-day period the water [of Noah’s flood] began receding.  Exactly 5 months after the Flood began, the water level had fallen below 15 cubits of the highest mountains, [WHICH THE FLOOD COVERED DURING THE RAIN AND THE BURSTING OUT OF THE UNDERGROUND WATERS,] and the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat.  It took over 2 more months of gradual receding for a sufficient portion of the tops of the mountains to be seen, (Gen. 8:5.)

Noah and his crew and cargo waited nearly a year for the water to ‘abate,’ recede, seep away, or decrease enough so that they could leave the ark.  If the waters of Noah’s Flood that ‘prevailed on the earth,’ gushed away in a short period, life in the oceans as well as all the vegetation on earth, would have been destroyed.  Then the ark with its precious cargo would not have been able to remain adrift.



During that time reptiles never stopped growing… and became [OR EVOLVED] into dinosaurs…’

This twister of truth teaches as a ‘scientific’ fact that with “the greenhouse effect” or with “the genes what are now gone somehow,” reptiles never stopped growing… and became [or evolved into] dinosaurs…”

We only have to think logically to debunk his pathetic lie, as God commanded in Romans 1:18-20.  How big will a 6,000-pound elephant ‘become’ if it ‘never stops growing?  Will a 3,500 pound rhino weigh 50 ton?  Will a 19-feet or 6-meter tall giraffe ‘evolve’ into a 100-meter giraffe that weighs 100 ton?  And will a 500-pound lion ‘evolve’ into a 50-ton beast?  What kind of ark did Noah build, then, to accommodate such huge creatures for nearly a year?



As seen in the beginning of this study, this disturbed individual talks pure satanic rubbish.  As “everything was gigantic in Eden,” Noah and his family, who were ‘giants’ themselves, had to chase away all the animals of all kinds that came to “enter the ark two-by-two” as God Himself commanded!   

So Noah ‘became’ more brilliant than God the Creator and also took elephant, giraffe, lion, and all other giganticeggs and babies” on the arkBut let us have a bit of sympathy for poor old gigantic Noah and his gigantic family:  Just think what life on the ark would have been like with those two 18-inch mosquitoes!  Oh, of course, he took the two mosquitoes while they were eggs!  What a job it must have been to gather all those millions of different male and female eggs and babies of all the different species that live on earth! Then, old Noah and his family had to hatch all the eggs, feed all the babies after the flood, and teach them all how to tend and fend for themselves! 



Scripture declares that God commanded, ‘Of every living thing of all [land dwelling] flesh… two of every sort… will come to you to keep them alive.  Every beast after its kind, all cattle… every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind, [insects and reptiles as well, which supposedly ‘changed’ or evolved into dinosaurs,] and every bird after its kind.  And they WENT into the ark TO Noah, TWO BY TWO OF ALL FLESH… (Gen. 6:19-20; 7:9 & 15.) 

The M. H. Commentary explains, ‘They went into the ark by themselves because the Old Testament Noah is a type or symbol of Jesus the Christ, not the Christ Himself, but that he should be instrumental to save and preserve God’s creatures…’

God commanded that they would all of their OWN ACCORD come to Noah, as Christ requires of us to exercise our own, free will in choosing Him as our personal Savior, (Jn. 1:12-13.)  Noah took them aboard the ark to preserve them, which symbolizes how Christ takes us and places us in the care of the Holy Spirit to preserve us in this world, (1 Pet. 3:18-22; Mt. 20:20; Rev. 21:3.)

Peter wrote in 1 Peter 3:18-22 that there is an ‘antitype which now saves us: baptism.’  Neither the baptism of true disciples in itself or the false sacramental ‘baptism’ of churches save anyone, but personal faith in, and moral obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Yet, Peter used real baptism in this passage as a type of our salvation, symbolized by Noah and the ark.  Baptism is the declaration of what saves us: faith in, acceptance of, and our willing following of Jesus Christ: (Jn. 1:12-14.) 

Noah’s Ark ReplicaSchagen Netherlands built the Biblical ark according to scale, and found that there were 1.5 million cubic foot of space on the ark — ample space for everything, which CAME to Noah willingly, just as God had commanded in Genesis — 300-ton ‘dinosaurs’ excluded, of course! 



“That’s why Adam and Eve lived to be 900; they breathed 32% oxygen instead of our 22% and they had double the air pressure to increase the oxygen.  That is what happened to the dinosaurs: they suffocated after the flood because the greenhouse effect was gone!  An 80-feet Apatosaurus or brontosaurus had nostrils the same size as a horse, and it could not exist in the different atmosphere… Noah took them abroad the ark as babies, (wow, so he did not take dinosaur eggs?)  But as the greenhouse effect was gone, they suffocated after the flood!  And man hunted them to extinction, yet some of them are still alive, as the Lochness monster and many other sightings prove.”

How could only the dinosaurs, (from all the gigantic humans and other creatures,) suffocate?  And how could man have hunted all the suffocated dinos to extinction, while those that did not become lizards again after the flood, are still be alive today?  And why would God, in His infinite wisdom, create a normal horse with such huge nostrils, as it also ‘breathed 32 % oxygen,’ while skimping on the poor dinosaurs?  And why would God instruct dinosaur eggs to roll on to the ark, knowing they would perish in the ‘different climate after the flood?’ 

Þ Dinosaurs meat must have been addictive that man, armed with the primitive weaponry of Noah’s days, only hunted the 50-300 ton dinosaurs to extinction, while sparing all the giant bears, lions - and komodo dragons and anacondas? 



The context of the Bible is the greatest proof of historical fact.  Ancient Hebrew writings told us about the huge sea-creatures God created; they would certainly have told us if 300-ton land-dwelling dinosaurs walked with Adam and Noah, or with Abraham and David:  Genesis 1:21.

However, Hovind does provide ‘evidence’ - hours of so-called ‘eyewitness accounts’ and hazy photographs of creatures, (dinosaurs, according to him,) that were spotted in the distance and were supposedly washed up on the beach.  There are 11,000 so-called sightings of “Nessie” the Lochness monster, and still not one clear photograph or footprint

Hovind even produces a drawing of Nessie, crossing a road with a sheep in its mouth!  However, those obscure drawings suggest that Nessie is a Stegosaurus - a massive, long-necked herbivore!  So, how many sheep did the giant plant-eating, ever-living Nessie devour over the centuries, and why did it not devour the slow moving humans on the shores of Loch Ness? 

It is a fact that real scientists unmasked ALL Hovind’s so-called ‘eyewitness’ accounts as hoaxes! 



‘The Baugh/McFall Sites: In the late 1960's and 1970's one trail on this ledge was considered human by some workers, but later acknowledged by other creationists to consist of eroded, elongate... tracks.  Since 1982, several other sites along this ledge have been excavated by Carl Baugh and associates…  However, rigorous studies have failed to support such claims…. [The tracks] involve several phenomena…  indistinct elongate marks of unknown origin that were not in striding trails; shallow, vague markings in the rock surface or overlying marl; invertebrate trace patterns, and some markings with evidence of deliberate alteration,’ The Talk Origins Archive - Glen Kuban. 

Sounds to me like somebody made markings in a rock to sit back and laugh himself into stitches as he watched silly evolutionists gasp in awe and wonder at their new archeological find! 

[Check out: ‘Beware of Kent Hovind’s New Evangelical Philosophy,’ by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service.  ‘Billy Graham, (a Jesuit mason, probably part of the Illuminati) and Creation Science;’ “Dr. Kent Hovind VS an Actual Dr.” ‘Videoshift;’ ‘What is Creation Science?’ – a book Review by Henry E Neufeld; ‘Hovind’s Goons use Fraud to Remove YouTube evidence.’



Hovind alleges, “All the other Bibles are corrupt and polluted with the evolution theory…  The King James is the only uncorrupted, truly inspired Word of God” 

Really?  Hovind should study the real history of the Bible…  Okay, let’s leave that for now. 

Þ But when Hovind attempts to prove that dinosaurs are still alive today, he skips the King James version and uses the ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLE and Catholic and heathen myth to prove his silly philosophies.  He asks, ‘If they did not exist, why did they (several heathen civilizations such as the Chinese) put them on their pottery?”

Well, why do the Chinese still revere dragons today and put them on everything – especially their satanic temples of dragon (or demon) worship!  The dragon, which symbolizes Satan and not just evolution, is the religious insignia of the East.  In the context of Scripture, the monster, serpent, viper, dragon or Leviathan and the Behemoth are all symbols of Satan, the fallen angel, (Jer. 51:34, Rev. 12-3-17; 13:4, 11; 16:13; 20:2.)

 personifies evil, [not real creatures,] which God will ultimately slay...’  - S.F. Bible, 1991 version.

Þ Seemingly oblivious to the facts above, Hovind teaches, ‘The [Roman] Catholic Bible states that Daniel had to worship a fire-breathing dragon, which he poisoned.  It is said that Beowulf slew dragons and was killed by one in 583 AD at the age of 88 years.  ‘Saint’ George slew a dragon in 275 A.D.  He killed the dragon by tearing is arms off and it bled to death.  This could have been Tyrannosaurus Rex’s short arms.  George was the patron saint of England and Portugal.’ 

Are believers losing their common sense?  Who can believe Answers in Genesis, Creation Science, and Kent Hovind’s allegations that George, a Roman Catholic so-called “saint,” killed a dinosaurs and pulling the arms off that (100-ton) carnivorous lizard?  That must have been something!  If we believe that, we can believe all the thousands of other fairytales from all the other religions as well! 

Blood-redeemed, Spirit-filled, born again believers, the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, lending their ears to Mary-worshipping Roman Catholic and other pagan myths, which they then interpret as ‘scientific’ and ‘Scriptural’ fact!  Please, all true believers who seek God’s Truth, it is proven in this study that everything we need to know about God’s creation and creatures is in the full context of His True Word, the Bible.  Flee from these evolutionists that abuse His Truth and read the Scriptures for yourself! 

Videos,’ Red A. Cartwright; ‘Kent Hovind arrested on federal charges,’ by Cult Exposing ‘Religion News Blog.’ 

Read this study from the beginning 

Previous page 

UFO Sightings, Aliens Encounters, Evolution & Dinosaurs 

The Flat Earth Theory, Technology Phobia, and Fear Mongers 

Creation Itself Proves the Existence of God     


