Unbanned Bible Publications

Defending God’s Truth in Church Doctrine and Political History   –    Renette Vermeulen

(Continued from )




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Religion – (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and so forth) – always rides on the back of the political, socialist destruction of all infrastructure and economy; thus aiding communism in taking over nearly the entire world with its so-called ‘democracies,’ which really boils down to one-party, one-religion dictatorships worldwide,  (Revelation chapters 17 & 18.)  The extremely anti-masonic Texe Marrs says in ‘Shame, Shame on the Gulag Holocaust Revisionists,’ “Hitler’s henchmen sent six million Jews to death camps...  [As well as six million other ‘undesirables.’]  But at least ten times this number perished in communist gulag concentration camps, first set up by Jewish Bolshevik masters (Russian Communist Jews) Lenin and Trotsky, which operated on a gruesome scale…  The famed Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn… conservatively estimates that 66 million [citizens,] men, women, and children died in the Soviet gulags.  [Gulags are socialist concentration camps for their own citizens to submit entire regions of the earth to communist/socialist rule.]  However, Mr. Marrs is not totally correct on who first set up gulag camps. In 1899-1902, one of the biggest socialist experiments with gulag camps, (the starving, torturous British concentration camps,) was executed in South Africa during the so-called “Boer War.” Thousands upon thousands of ordinary black and white citizens of the Free State and Transvaal were meticulously, brutally, and unrelentingly murdered by Britain in this socialist experiment

Nonetheless, other researchers peg the number of citizens brutally slain by their own communist regimes at a staggering 160 million since 1945 when World War 2 ended — excluding those who died in the widespread famines, which these socialist dictators caused through their dispossession, upheaval, and dispersion of their own citizens.  But amazingly, [or not so amazingly, as the whole world is under the deception of the evil one, 1 John 5:19,] the world media refuses to tell the people… about the horrors of the Soviet [and all the many other communist] gulags [worldwide]…” 

Þ Spiritually, Satan’s goal of it all was to set up Kingdom-Now adherents globally; supposedly changing this fallen world into a ‘good’ world through Christian and other religious communists.

Þ Christianity actually declares a Socialist Jesus – ‘Comrade Jesus,’ (their political/religious liberator;) and they preach communist terrorism or political anarchy and genocidal murder on a worldwide scale from pulpits, to supposedly ‘turn the oppression of this bad world into the [non-existent] socialist liberty of a good world.’   



The word “ecumenical,” which describes collectivism in the churches, is best defined as “a political/religious system, which pertains to the entire inhabited world or belonging to the Christian church as a whole, and religions universal.”  This religious one-world religious system is totally devoid of the Real Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible — The Truth, Way, Life and Light of the Scriptures. 

Þ The ecumenical World Council of Churches (W.C.C.) was formed for the purpose to unite the world through a one-world religion, just as it is the task of the United Nations to unite the world through a one-world government.  Most of the leaders of the one-world religion were and are masons – a secret society that does not worship the God of the Bible but the goat-god of the masonic lodge.  Still, confessing Christianity, The World Council of Churches voices it’s mission as ‘calling on world governments to act Godly’ and to ‘bring humanitarian aid globally.’ 

Since the World Council of Churches was formed in 1908, (governed by leaders from all spheres of religion,) it implemented through humanist doctrines disseminated by communist ‘evangelists’ like Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu, Allan Boesak, Frank Chicané and all their numerous helpers and followers, which form the basis of communist/socialist Christianity. 

Þ Socialism is the so-called ‘science’ through which politicians and their religious counterparts convert the whole world to the ‘democracies’ of communist Marxism.  Contrary to what they preach, their goal is not to save the poor and oppressed, but to bring about a totalitarian, one-world socialist government that oversees the whole world’s political and religious affairs. 

The World Council of Churches and all her ecumenical affiliates are advancing Marx’s socialist idea of creating by constant, worldwide revolution, a communist paradise or ‘heaven on earth’ – which results not in God’s heaven, but in utter destruction and desolation.  “Surely,” they say, “it must be Biblical that the bourgeoisie (the rich) must be dispossessed to ‘share the wealth’ with the preliterate (the poor)?”  They conveniently forget that the 1-3% communist capitalists at the top are the most superrich rulers this world has ever seen

The members of the World Council of Churches - religious leaders from every corner of the globe, have already combined forces through the existing ecumenical interchurch and interfaith movements.  This Council, in its Christian form and all it’s other movements, do not concern themselves with the Truth of the Gospel, as they “do not want to offend anyone.”  They say they can win souls through ‘love’ and ‘peace’ and their “Godly lifestyles” which, without the Truth of the Gospel, is mere secular humanism, and not Godly love or truth at all.  It is the old lie of the evil one that, by disobeying God while pretending religiosity, man can turn himself into ‘a good god,’  (Gen. 3.)

Edgar C. Bundy wrote, “Neither Jesus Christ nor the Apostles ever called upon the temporal rulers of their day to address their conferences, nor did they ever call upon governments to advance the cause of [the body of Christ…]  Yet one after another, the World Council of Churches addressed state problems to bring about the abolishing of the “bigotry and intense denominationalism, which formerly held the churches apart…”  Many modern missionaries, working under the support of the World Council, are on record as denying the Biblical doctrines of the Bible.  They have become social reformers and followers of the pacifism or so-called non-violent resistance, the [communist] movement of Mohandas Gandhi…’ 

However, “Gandhi’s philosophy, which infiltrated every sector of the church, is a mission of peace without the Peace of God that passes all understanding.  Hence, it always erupts in violent protests and rioting, claiming the lives of thousands upon thousands of people wherever it is preached.  Until the heart of each individual is changed through the preaching of the Gospel, there can be no peace!” 

While it is clear that Jesus made a distinction between His Spiritual Kingdom on earth and political governments, Church Councils and the World Council of Churches ignored Jesus’ commandment to keep particular functions of church and state separate!  (John 18:36; Mt. 22:20-22.) 

Bundy continued, “When the leaders of the church Council threw [Biblical] doctrine out, [they actually never taught the real truth of God’s Word since the first believers after the cross, The Followers of The Way, was absorbed by the first Roman Catholic church in late 1 A.D.,] socialism took over the churches, (Acts 9:1-3; 11:26.)  More important than anything else one finds a willingness to spend less time and energy in thinking and preaching about eternal life, and more on trying to do [change the fallen world into a paradise on earth.  In seminaries clergymen are trained to give less attention to the study of [Biblical Truth] and more to sociology, the science of society, or socialism.” 



No matter how much mayhem and murder communism causes worldwide, governments, Christianity, and other religions remain apathetic toward these political/religious atrocitiesYet, God’s Moral Law that stretches over both the Old and New Testaments declares in Leviticus 5:1, “If a person… is a witness, whether he has seen or known of the matter – if he does not tell it, he bears guilt.” The New Testament Moral Law of Love (or agape) for God, Who Is Jesus The Word Himself, commands, “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them,” (Jn. 1:1-3; Eph. 5:11.) 

Þ Where God forbids believers to join marches and follow chaos and anarchy, it does not mean that born-again believers must remain indifferent to turmoil and suffering.  If we  truly belong to the God of righteousness, peace, love, light, and truth, we should live accordingly.  The righteous disciples of Jesus will always speak out against sin and atrocities as far as possible, and alert others to dangers that lurk in the dark – if they are truly motivated by love for their fellow man and a genuine concern to obey the Moral Law commandments of God to glorify Him. 

This kind of ‘exposing the unfruitful works of darkness,’ is not gossiping, slandering, or the spreading of heresies and false information acquired by hearsay.  God commanded in the Moral Law of the Old Testament, which is echoed in the Moral Law of the New Testament, “Do not circulate a false report.  Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.  Do not follow a crowd to do evil, nor testify in a dispute to turn aside after many to pervert justice.  Do not show partiality to a poor man, [just because he is poor,] in his dispute.”  And James stated in 2:9, “If you show partiality [to either the rich or the poor,] you commit sin, and are convicted by the law as transgressors,”  (Ex. 23:1-3.)

Þ If we follow Jesus’ example and refuse to interfere in Caesar’s affairs on a physical level to violently uproot governments and change the world into a supposedly ‘good’ world, we are not “retreating into a zone of social and political impotence and irresponsibility.”  True believers must stand for truth on all levels of life while exposing abuse of God’s Word, children, humanity, animals, and the environment; doing everything as far as possible to alert, educate and help on a physical level while bringing the answer to this broken world to all those who would listen: the True Gospel of Christ and most importantly, the True Christ of His Gospel, (Eph. 5:11.)  Obedient, responsible believers are definitely not “jellyfish” either.  We are the kings and priests of Jesus Christ, the King and High Priest of the universe.  And yes, we cannot compromise obedience to God by accepting false doctrines and false religious structures “in the name of spirituality” or false ‘church unity.’  God has called us to be “the salt of this earth, [withstanding corruption of all kinds,) and the light of the world, [not to ‘be’ the Light but to shine His light!]” 

Yet, we cannot attempt to manifest the spiritual Kingdom of God on a physical level through social/political/religious means.  True believers must live as spiritual “strangers and exiles in this world.”  Physically we might be “the scum of the earth,” but spiritually we are “a chosen race, [Jesus’] royal priesthood… that we may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues of Him Who has called us out of [the spiritual] darkness [of the world] into the marvelous light of [His spiritual Kingdom],” (1 Cor. 4:13; 1 Pet. 2:9-16.)   The battle is for the “mind” of man to turn him to Christ, not to make disciples by force or man-made dogmas and secular structures! 



Whether they are traditional ‘healers’ or modern voodooists; Catholic or Protestant, agnostic or mystic; Islamic or Judaist, Hindu, or Buddhist, one doctrine unites them all: socialism, or as they see it, “uplifting society with revolution, political change, and good works.”  Their Communist/Social Gospel always disguises their Kingdom-Now theology.  Whether they fend for the ‘human rights’ of minority or majority groups; if we strip the veneer off their social gospel, it always reveals its ugly face as personal greed and self-worship.  Their ultimate goal is to extend their religion, which always centers on political-religious power and control in the here and now. 

Church leaders have taken the divisions or denominations of the Roman Catholic Church into membership with the World Council of Churches without asking whether their followers wanted to join.  Mostly, church members have not the faintest idea what their ‘representatives’ stand for - or what they, the members, actually finance and support.  Yet, these leaders shout socialism and democracy in churches – and incite worldwide violence as a means of obtaining “the communist paradise,” instead of focusing attention on the deception of politics and the truth of Jesus Christ.  For this reason Paul commanded in 2 Timothy 2:4, “No one engaged in [spiritual] warfare entangles [or deeply involve] himself with the [political] affairs of this life, that he may please Him Who enlisted him as a [spiritual] soldier.” 

Þ As early as 1893, Dr. Rauschenbusch said, “The only power that can make socialism succeed, is religion.  It cannot work in an irreligious country.  [Which, does not exist.]  One professor can reach a class of students, but the communists soon realized that one clergyman can reach thousands of individuals.  “Thus, they used and are still using part of your tithes and offerings to bring all this about!  Every single church, which shares recognition by the state, is a member of the World Council of Churches.  Believers support the hierarchy of each individual church, which in turn, supports the hierarchies of their denomination, which ultimately support the World Council of Churches.  As early as 1914, at the beginning of the First World War, the Communist World Council of Churches had to its disposal the [then vast] amount of 2 million dollars to “make peace” – or rather, to make war.  Dr. McFarland accounted that as early as 1918, as the Church Peace Union that appropriated 65,000 dollar for distributing Marxist literature as church doctrines.  Without getting into the details of their dirty work, it is evident that the World Council of Churches and all its various councils never had ‘peace’ in mind when they spent the millions they had collected through ‘donations,’ ‘tithes,’ and other fund-raising church projects.  Just think how much money they collect today!  And what they are able to do with all that!” 

Kingdom-Now theologians sing this familiar song, ‘No one has the right to question or criticize us!  This church building is the house of God and we are His mediators on earth, (See the truth in Acts 7:44-50.)  Jesus and the apostles were Socialists.  Therefore, we must change the social dilemmas of the world!  Don’t you know that the early Christians were communists who sold everything they had – and gave all the money to the church?  We are all brothers in this world; see how God is bringing us together under the banner of One Church?  Remember the wonderful pacifist Gandhi, who proclaimed peace; the Pope, who calls for peace; the Dutch Reformed Church’s god John Calvin, who, (as in modern South Africa,) ‘changed’ his doctrines for the sake of peace; Mohammed, who wars for peace?’ Another chants, ‘See how all the different churches and religions are uniting to [allegedly] replace bad governments, and create Paradise on earth?  Come on, raise up, all the poor and oppressed!  Take by force, if necessary, what you want.  Do whatever is necessary to change the world!’

Then the tenor-voices of the World Council of Church’s Charismatic-Pentecostals join the choir, ‘You, too, can create your own miracles through positive confession and visualization.  You too, can have all the power now.  All you have to do, is to come under our ‘authority’ and receive our ‘anointing.’  Sow your ‘faith-seed’ and see how it grows!  Become our partners in faith: send all your money and save the world with us!  Send that last dollar you have in that jar, see how God will bless your obedience!  You too, can have your gold now.  Jesus was filthy stinking rich – He even had a treasurer called Judas.  All His disciples wore designer clothes.  None of them ever suffered, got sick, or mourned.  Did Jesus not come to bring life and abundance?’

And together all preachers of the Social Gospel shout the chorus, ‘All you must do to earn salvation and blessing is to attend each and every meeting, and pay your tithes and offerings.  PROVE GOD, TEST HIM; He must bless you if you pay Him.  Whether you are rich or poor, give until it hurts, stick diligently to our doctrines, do everything we say – and see how God will make you rich!’

Þ This is not the voice of the Lamb of God!  It is humanism: the voice of the wolf, and he is actually saying, ‘It is a lie that you will die if you sin – there is no such thing as sin.  There is no such thing as false church-union and false doctrine.  You do not have to test the spirits; there is safety in numbersTrust me, heaven ‘up there’ is a myth.  Make this world your home.  You don’t have to obey or trust God; listen to me!  It is a lie that Jesus will descend with the cry an archangel, with the blast of the trumpet of God.  You will not meet Him in the air; you will replace your corrupt government with a ‘godly’ one and change the world!  This is how you will create heaven on earth.  After all, they will know you by your suits!’ 

In reality, Jesus came to bring us spiritual life in abundance, not life and abundance in the form of the Kingdom-Now ‘paradise’ on earth.  He came to bring us fellowship with God and unity in truth among sincere believers.  Jesus did promise to supply our every need, but not our greed.  And they will know us by our fruits, not our suits. 



Neither Jesus nor His disciples ever preached communism and socialism.  The idea that Jesus Christ preached a socialist gospel is an oxymoron, because socialism and the Gospel of Christ are complete opposites.  Socialism is the world-destroying doctrine of Satan, and the Gospel of the Bible is the Life-giving Word of God.  Jesus Christ and Comrade Jesus teach opposing ‘ideologies.’  Jesus Christ is the True God of the Bible, Comrade Jesus is a militant political/religious impostor. 

Þ Roman Catholic monasteries that practice socialism misquote and misinterpret the Word in Acts 4:34, “Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands [plural] or houses [plural] sold [the excess] and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold.”  If the disciples of Acts did indeed sell everything they had and gave it to the greedy, super-rich top structure of a ‘church,’ that would have been Marxism.  If the ‘apostles’ of Acts did practice socialism, where everything must ‘wither away’ through laziness, corruption, theft, and mismanagement to ‘create’ the Communist ‘Paradise’ of  total desolation, the body of the all-sufficient Christ would have been in chaos.  Paul commanded, ‘If anyone will not work, neither will he eat,’ (2 Ths. 3:10.)  Honest work, responsibility, and accountability dreadfully lack in socialism, while it is the basis of all Bible teaching. 
