You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
“How Will I Know If I Have a Demon?” Witches and Curses; Can Believers be cursed? Renette Vermeulen [Acknowledgement to the people who published these verses] © Copyright Now Unbanned Publications; all rights reserved
PART 1: A friend asked my opinion about a video by “pastors” Frik and Amelia. As all charismatic clergies, they teach: “You ‘might’ have demons because your ancestors were involved with the occult, Satanism, or other false religious practices.” Actually, when things go bad, they say, “it is because your family lives under a curse.” Your life and finances are in chaos because you “inherited their cursed bloodline through their sin and must be delivered from it. You are also under satanic attack because the bloodlines are “open [inherited] doors” that must be “closed.” So, your “demonic bloodline must be cut off,” and the “demons must be cast out.” Well, I say never mind your ancestors. It is more likely that if you were personally involved in the occult and false church dogmas and sacraments, but do not confess that idolatry and witchcraft to God and repent from it, demons will terrorize you in various ways after you accepted Jesus Christ, because they will try to scare you to either return to, or continue in the occult. If this is the case, you simply have to remain in repentance and STAND on the Truth of God’s Word. James 4:7, “Submit yourselves to God, WITHSTAND the devil and he will flee from you.” Jesus promised in 1 John 1:8-12, “If we say we [did or do] not sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we [sincerely] confess our sins [and strive to repent from it by resisting it and fleeing from it,] He is faithful and just to forgive us and to CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS…” Does this seem too easy? Well, that’s what the churches actually say. But what more do we need than the full atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ to deal with everything according to God’s Word and in His will? (1 John 5:14-15 KJV.) We live by faith and not by sight, isn’t that so? ► In fact, God's so-called ‘ancestor bloodline curse’ is not even suggested in New Testament Scripture, and God Himself refuted that “inherited sin” fallacy clearly in Ezekiel 18:1,9,20-22. He stated: “All the souls are Mine. The soul of the father [and] of the son. [No matter what they do, their Creator God will either save or judge them both in the end according to their own choices: John 1:12-13.] The soul that sins [unrepentedly] will die… but if he is just, he will surely live... The son will NOT bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son. The righteousness of the righteous will be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked will be upon himself…” NO GENERATION CURSES OR EVIL BLOODLINES HERE! According to God's Truth, Catholic/Calvinists and their affiliates lie when they say that ‘parents can stand in’ for their children to be ‘saved’ through church sacraments like the so-called “baby baptism.” All little children before the age of accountability belong to heaven! (Mt. 19:14-15.) Paul clearly forbade anyone to be 'conformed to the [religious] world [and its false so-called 'saving' sacraments and teachings, (Rom. 12:1-2.) Instead, believers must RENEW their minds to understand God's Word to obey His will to glorify Him, and also to overcome the deceptions, deceptions, and schemes of the devil, (Eph. 6:11.) ► Exodus 20:1-6, the so-called ‘proof’ of the “cursed generational bloodline,” reads: “Speaking to the Old Israelites, God said: "I Am the Lord your God, who brought you OUT of Egypt, [totally delivered from darkness in New Testament context.] Do not have other gods before Me. Do not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of what is in heaven, on earth, or in the sea – [NOT ORDINARY ART AND UTENSILS, BUT IDOLS SUCH AS BUDDHA, MARY AND JESUS STATUES, AND OTHER IDOLS TO WORSHIP!] DO NOT BOW DOWN TO THEM NOR SERVE THEM…” Boooom! Here too, goes the ‘HOUSE CLEANING DELIVERANCE’ FALLACY OF HAVING NO ORDINARY ORNAMENTS IN YOUR HOME, (real ‘accursed things’ used in religious ceremonies and other occult things excluded,) which supposedly channel demons that destroy families, finances – while ignoring real idols such as their extravagant cars that they cannot really afford, etcetera - and of course, ignoring their personal, unrepented sin that truly attach demons to them: Deuteronomy 7:26. “FOR… [I, THE LORD YOUR GOD,] will VISIT THE INIQUITIES OF THE FATHERS UPON THE CHILDREN… TO THE FOURTH GENERATION OF THOSE WHO HATE ME.” Disobeying God is disrespectfully hating Him! ► IT IS AS CLEAR AS DAYLIGHT THAT NO BLOODLINE CURSE CAN BE FOUND HERE. Instead, we see a stern warning! Children learn from their parents. “Visiting the iniquities of the fathers” means, children will sooner or later be tempted to accept the sins of their fathers, and then, they will have to choose to either imitate their idolatry and witchcraft, (which is hatred for God,) or to reject all their evil beliefs and ways to decidedly follow the Lord Jesus Christ in the truth of His Word! Their own choices, influenced by the examples their parents set for them, (NOT CURSES FROM GOD,) will determine their spiritual and soulical lifestyles. Verse 6: “BUT SHOWING MERCY TO THOUSANDS [without naming any ancestors, descendants, bloodlines, curses, or church ‘deliverance’] OF THOSE WHO LOVE ME AND KEEP MY [MORAL LAW] COMMANDMENTS.” To obey God is our love for Him and living in the Lord Jesus is a personal choice. None of this can be transferred through a literal bloodline. ► Of course demons are behind all sin and they will use every opportunity to get in control of human minds, (2 Cor. 10:3-5. But hereditary genes and blood CANNOT transfer alcoholism, lust, greed, laziness, hatred for God, false doctrine, or any other LEARNED beliefs, decisions, or lifestyles - which is the "visitation of the iniquities of the fathers." Jesus Himself, (teaching on the spiritual rebirth through faith in Him,) said, “What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit,” (Jn. 1:12-14; 3:3-6.) So, behavior and beliefs, which determine choices and character, cannot be transferred to children through literal genes and definitely not through so-called ‘good’ or ‘bad’ blood! ► ►► The ‘sinful flesh’ spoken of in the Bible is the unrenewed thoughts and beliefs of people, (Rom. 8:5-12; 2 Cor. 10:3-5.) The literal ‘evil body that must be chastised to discipline sinners’ is a false Roman Catholic doctrine. For instance, animal blood is so innocent it was shed in the Old Testament temple as the SYMBOL of Jesus’ blood that was shed on the cross, (Heb. 10:1-7; John 1:27.) The mere human body of Mary brought the holy, sinless God Himself, Jesus Christ, into the world. All blood is literal and therefore spiritually clean. Mary was NOT ‘a holy Catholic saint or perpetual holy virgin,’ but an ordinary woman, who also had to be saved by faith in Jesus Christ, because physical human flesh and blood will always remain the holy creation of God, (Mt. 12:46-50.) Everything that is of God’s creation will always remain His property, even if evil spirits or people desecrate and thus dedicate it to Satan, (Ezk. 18:1; Gen. 6:1-10.) Satan does not own people or anything of God’s creation; so he abuses, deceives, and destroys God’s property! (1 Jn. 5:17-18.) Still, only God will always remain the Sovereign Creator, Possessor, and Deliverer of His entire creation and everything in it. ►► Can demonic activity be linked to ‘open demonic doors? Absolutely - “inherited bloodline curses’ excluded! Tampering with any kind of sin even influences and oppresses innocent, God fearing people in a household: (Habakkuk 2:9-16.) So, I see the entire ‘bloodline curse inheritance’, which supposedly causes most of the trouble that believers suffer, as blame shifting and a lack of personal responsibility. However, “bad company will corrupt good morals,” (1 Cor. 15:33.) Thus, Proverbs 22:10 advises, “Cast out the scoffer [mocker, persecutor, provoker, unbeliever,] and contention will leave. Yes, strife and reproach, [arguments, outrage, scolding, violence, failure, and sin] will cease.”
► Can true believers be “delivered” from indwelling demons — if it is possible that they can be possessed? John 1:12-13 immovably state, “As many as received [Jesus Christ as their personal Lord, God, Redeemer, Savior, and Blessor,] to them He gave the right [or power] to become children of God; to those who believe in His Name and were born [again,] not of blood, [ANCESTRY,] the will of the flesh, [church sacraments, membership, and dogma,] or the will of man, [natural parents,] but of God.” John 1:16, “AND OF HIS FULLNESS WE HAVE [past tense] RECEIVED [at our rebirth when we accepted Jesus,] and grace for grace. For… grace and truth, [victory and deliverance,] comes through Jesus Christ,” NOT through church clergies, ‘deliverance techniques,’ or false dogma. “For as many as are of the works of the law, [Judaism and other sacramentalism instead of standing on God’s New Covenant Word,] are under the curse, [the whole state of cursedness described in Deuteronomy Chapter 28…] but Christ has redeemed us from the [entire] curse of the law; having endured the curse for us… so that the [full blessed position] of Abraham might come upon [every true believer] in Christ Jesus…” (Gal. 3:10-14.) > Ephesians 1:7,12-14, “IN HIM [all sincere believers] HAVE, [present tense,] REDEMPTION THROUGH HIS BLOOD: the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.” WHERE IS THE BONDAGE OF ANCESTOR BLOODLINE CURSES IN THIS? “We who [began spiritual life in Jesus by] trusting in Him, should [live] to the praise of His glory. After you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your [redemption,] salvation, [and blessing,] in Whom also, having believed, you were sealed, [baptized by Jesus, Matthew 3:11,] with the [constantly indwelling] Holy Spirit… until the [final] redemption [through death or Jesus’ return on the clouds] OF THE BLOOD REDEEMED POSSESSION…” True believers are POSSESSED by the Holy Spirit. IS THERE ANY PLACE IN GOD’S TRUE NEW COVENANT WORD FOR ‘DELIVERERS TO CAST OUT DEMONS FROM GENUINE BELIEVERS? ► Those who follow false doctrine and clergies, (who are deceived by their own teachings,) might be “oppressed” or actually possessed by demons. But this CANNOT refer to the true disciple-followers of the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus said, “IF YOU ABIDE IN MY WORD, YOU ARE TRULY MY DISCIPLES. AND [then] YOU WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THE TRUTH, [not false exorcism and ‘deliverance’ from demons,] WILL SET YOU FREE [on a mind level from all the attacks of the enemy…] In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world!” (Jn. 8:31-32; Rom. 12:1-2.) Church “pastors” do NOT tell believers, “Everyone who desires to live Godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution [for righteousness!] But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived..” (2 Tim. 3:12-14.) “Do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing is happening to you… If, [as His blood-cleansed body, bride, and Holy-Spirit temple,] you are reproached for the Name of Jesus Christ, BLESSED ARE YOU… [for then He is glorified.] But let none suffer as a [spiritual, emotional, and physical] murderer, thief, or evildoer… For the time has come for judgment to begin at the [body of Christ…] If it begins with [true believers, what will be the end of those who do NOT obey the [real] Gospel of Christ? If [true believers] are [saved by obediently following the Narrow Way,] where will the ungodly and [unrepented] sinners appear?” (1 Pt. 4:12-19.) ► WHERE ARE THE ‘INHERITED BLOODLINE AND DEMONIC ‘OPPRESSION’ OR ACTUALLY ‘POSSESSION’ IN THIS? The devil always tries to take the stage and we should never underestimate his guises and overt and covert techniques. But true believers will be safe in every situation if they seek God’s face and Truth in the real context of His Word and in Holy Spirit leading. They are not fighting for victory, which Jesus already completely achieved for them, but they desire to learn and grow in Christ's Truth through all adversity, (Col. 2:8-15.) They know they have already “overcome the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony [that Satan is a fully defeated foe,] and they do not love their lives even unto death, [because whether they live or die, they belong to the Lord!” (Rev. 12:11; Rom. 14:8) > Here is only one of God’s teachings on how to overcome hardship and persecution, which "deliverers" overlook to blame so-called ancestor 'curses' and 'bad bloodlines' for nearly everything, “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness… God’s temple with idols…? Christ with Belial...? Come out from among them and be separate and do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you and be Your Father…” (2 Cor. 6:11-18; Rev. 18:4.) Disobedience to these commandments causes multilevel problems, which can easily be shifted onto 'demonic oppression' instead of teaching believers to take responsibility for their own actions, beliefs, and misunderstanding of God's Word.
PART 2: WITCHES AND CURSES. CAN JESUS’ BELIEVERS BE CURSED? IF BLOOD CAN ‘CARRY SPIRITUAL SIN AND CURSES,’ WAS JESUS’ BLOODLINE ALSO CURSED? This question arises from the video by ‘deliverers’ Frik and Amelia, who teach that “the families, finances, and lives of believers are ‘cursed through the sinful bloodlines of their ancestors.” As determined in Part 1, it is impossible that true believers, the HOLY temple of the Holy Spirit, can have indwelling demons, (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:15-20.) Yet they state, this cursedness includes every person, even believers in Christ, whose ancestors were involved in sin and false religious practices of any kind. If this were true, it would definitely INCLUDE THE HUMAN JESUS CHRIST, Who would then also have been ‘cursed by God’ through His ‘evil bloodline.’ He would then also have been ‘possessed by ancestor demons’ - or ‘oppressed,’ which is their hypocritical euphemism for ‘possessed.’ In fact, these clergies blaspheme against Jesus Christ and confuse and abuse His believers because, just as the Pharisees were, they are also controlled by false dogma and do not understand the Word of God: Jesus The Truth! (John 1:1-3.) The Lord said to them, “If God were your Father, you would [agape/obey] Me… [But] you don’t understand what I say as you are of your [lying, murderous] father the devil and his desires you want to do… [So] you do not believe Me when I tell you the truth!” (Jn. 8:42-45.) Jesus was actually addressing a clandestine coven of disguised Satanists that were ruling the old temple while steeped in idolatry, witchcraft, and cursedness without God, (1 John 5:18-19; 1 Sam. 15:22-23!) Jesus constantly exposed the hypocrisy of the Old Testament priests as examples to us to avoid religious systems that function outside the contextual Truth of The Most High God, (1 Cor. 10:11.) We have to take serious note of what clergies say and model. Frik and Amelia display the MENORAH EMBLEM, (false Hebrew light not Jesus The Light,) and call Jesus Christ by so-called “Jewish names” such as “Yeshua.” Such abuse of Jesus the One and Only True REDEEMER, His Holy Name, and eternal blood Covenant is a dead give-away of their ANTICHRIST MESSIANIC JUDAISM affiliations, which reject the New Testament, Greek Name of Jesus to substitute Him for the false Jewish ‘messiah’ all Judaists are still waiting for. Thus, Messianic Judaist orientated clergies lead JESUS’ FULLY DELIVERED believers back into old-covenant Judaism, which Jesus fulfilled and annulled at the cross, to bind them to worthless sacramental church laws and the destroyed Old Testament temple with its discarded Levitical priesthood, (Jn. 19:28-30; Heb. 8:7,13; 9:8-12! 1 Pt. 2:9-10!) ► WAS JESUS’ BLOODLINE ALSO CURSED, AND DID “HE HAVE A DEMON TO CAST OUT DEMONS IN THE POWER OF BEELZEBUB,” (SATAN,) AS THE PHARISEES SAID IN JOHN 8:48-51? Some disturbed teachers may link this blasphemy to the fact that all ancestors were involved in paganism and false temple/church dogmas – the so-called dogmatically ‘delivered’ Christian ancestors of the corrupt church system as well, (Rev. 18:4! 2 Cor. 6:15-18!) Old Israel was permeated with fornicating, idolater kings and priests, (Malachi chapters 2-3.) Even King David was an adulterer and murderer, although he was forgiven on his repentance. So, the ANCESTORS of Mary and her son Jesus, (God Who became a man,) were definitely not perfect. Yet, the sinless animals, which were slaughtered in the ousted old temple, were symbols of Jesus, the UTTERLY SINLESS Lamb of God, Who atoned forever for all the sin, bondage, and cursedness of His true believers, (Heb. 10:1-10; Jn. 1:29.) ► This is so because the physical blood, bone, and flesh of animals and humans can be destroyed and desecrated. Still, it is never evil or cursed, as Christians teach in their ‘cursed bloodlines’ dogmas, (1 Cor. 3:16-17! Acts 11:26.) Paul warned as follows, “[Do not receive] those who preach another Jesus whom [we] did not preach, [so that] you do not receive a different [‘holy’] spirit… and a different gospel… Such are deceitful workers, transforming themselves into ministers of Christ... No wonder, for Satan himself transforms him into an angel of light. So, it is no great thing if they do the same, whose end will be according to their works,” (2 Cor. 11:4,13-14; Heb. 7:11-19; 9:8-12! 1 Pt. 2:9-10!) ► Sin is spiritual not physical. It controls the corrupted minds and comatosed human spirits of unbelievers and false believers, (1 Cor. 2:14.) Since the fall the battle has always been for the mind of man, not for his sinless blood or physical ‘flesh,’ (2 Cor. 10:3-5; Rom. 8:5-12!) God, in Whom there is no spiritual, soulical, or physical darkness, became a COMPLETELY SINLESS HUMAN THROUGH THE SINLESS BLOOD AND BODY OF MARY, (1 Ths. 5:23; Jam. 1:17-18 KJV.) Not because Mary was “immaculate, a perpetual virgin, or ‘god’s wife,’” but because the physical bodies of humans and animals are sinless. Yet, Mary also had to believe in and accept Jesus as her God and Christ to be saved, (Mt. 12:46-50; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) ► Frik and Amelia also allege that believers are under satanic attack because their ancestors ‘opened doors that must be closed by cutting off inherited evil bloodlines to cast out those demons.’ Whether people are ‘possessed’ or ‘oppressed,’ they still supposedly ‘cast out’ demons from their physical blood to break ‘ancestor curses.’ But Paul explained, “arguments” such as this “exalt themselves above the [real] knowledge of God,” to erect STRONGHOLDS of DECEPTION in the minds of men. This must be CAST DOWN by preaching the True Word of God; bringing every THOUGHT into captivity to Christ,” (2 Cor. 10:3-5: ► NO SINCERE BELIEVER IN CHRIST, WHO HEEDED GOD’S CALL TO COME OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS LIGHT, CAN BE CURSED FOR THE SIN OF SOMEONE ELSE - not even by Satan himself, the brides of Satan, or the mightiest of his human instruments on earth! (Jn. 1:12-13.) The Lord Jesus Christ totally conquered ALL principalities and powers at the cross! (Col. 2:9-15; Rev. 12:11!) OUR LORD JESUS SAID IN MATTHEW 25:34-36, “…Come, YOU BLESSED OF MY FATHER, inherit [heaven… For you proved your love for Me by sincerely striving to obey My Moral Law.]” Proverbs 26:2 proclaims, “As the swallow flies overhead, so the CAUSELESS curse CANNOT come [upon true believers.]” In the Old Testament, God’s example for New Covenant believers, (2 Corinthians 10:11,) He promised, “[The enemy] will not come into this [place] nor shoot an arrow here… By the way they came they will return… [Everyone will reap what they sow,]” (Isa. 37:34; Gal. 6:7-9.) Revelation 12:11, “[Real believers] overcame [past tense] Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, [Jesus’ victory on the cross,] and they did not love their lives unto death… ” (Phil. 1:21.) ► CLERGIES ALSO USE FEAR MONGERY TO PUT PHOBIAS INTO THE MINDS OF CHURCH MEMBERS. Fact is that no Satanist or evil human has even a pinch of real spiritual power over true believers. Jesus’ genuine disciples were FULLY redeemed by His blood – the forgiveness of ALL their [confessed and repented] sin, (Eph. 1:7; 1 Jn. 1:8-10!) Demonic attacks, (always under the control of God,) might manifest in attempts to scare and divert true believers from God’s calling and purpose, but besides God’s infinite grace in Christ, believers have the indescribable authority and power of Jesus to withstand and overcome it all in His Name: (Mt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:16-18; Rev. 12:11!) Hence, “by the way [attackers and besiegers] come they will return… They will not shoot an arrow [inside,] nor build a siege mound against [us.]” (Isa. 37:34.) ►►► SO, LET NO TRUE BELIEVER EVER FEAR WITCHES OF ANY KIND, OR THE FEAR POWER OF CHURCH CLERGIES! Those, who profess the Name of Jesus but abuse His Word, are the ones who have indwelling demons. They are still in a state of personal sin and cursedness without God as the Pharisees were. Suffering people need God’s Truth and knowledge to be redeemed, saved, and blessed in Christ - NOT ‘exorcism’ for so-called ancestor crimes, (Jn. 1:12-13.) Clergies that give people lies instead of Truth insult God to justify their false dogmas, (Ex. 20:5-6; 2 Sam. 15:22-23; Prov. 18:21 KJV.) They desecrate God’s Word on countless levels to bind even real believers, (the spiritual temple of God,) to their church system where “GOD DOES NOT DWELL,” (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Acts 7:44-50!) For fame and fortune they endanger even the everlasting lives of believers by pressuring them to accept that they are cursed and demon possessed, and that they need their satanic ‘deliverance’ techniques. In fact, Jesus said His disciples will know the truth [by constantly renewing their minds to understand and obey God’s will,] and the TRUTH [about all things] will set them free! (Jn. 8:31-32.) ► IT IS INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS TO CAST OUT DEMONS left, right, and centre – even from unbelievers. Jesus warned in Matthew 12:43-45, “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man… and he returns to find his house empty, [but religiously swept and falsely ‘put in order,'] he takes seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first…” ► WHAT THEN ABOUT CONFESSING ANCESTOR SIN TO BE “DELIVERED?’ As repeatedly said, true believers are fully delivered from all darkness from the moment of their spiritual rebirth in Christ, and they stand accountable for only their own, unrepented sin, (Ezk. 18:19-20.) Without living in God’s true state of redemption and blessedness in Christ, even the happiest, richest, cleverest, healthiest person remains cursed! (Eph. 1:7, 12-13.) To be spiritually born again into the Light of Jesus Christ means true believers have, through the constant indwelling Holy Spirit, God’s Kingdom of Light, Redemption, Salvation, Blessing, and Anointing fully “abiding within them,” (1 Jn. 2:22,27; Lu. 17:21 KJV! 1 Pt. 2:9-10; 1 Cor. 3:16-17.) ►►► Once taken from darkness and brought into God’s Light, only we ourselves, through OUR OWN, UNREPENTED SIN and by returning to Judaist and other church sacraments, lies, and deceptions, can ‘curse’ us - which will cause us to fall away from God’s grace into bondage to Satan, (Gal. 3:10-14; 5:1-7; Deut. 28:1-14.) ► CHURCH CLERGIES ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS WITCHES, BECAUSE THEY USE GOD’S WORD TO CURSE BELIEVERS. (Heb. 9:8-12; 7:11-19! 1 Sam. 15:22-23.) For instance, the next time you pay ousted Old Covenant, temple tithing to ‘be blessed,’ remember that you are attempting to add to Jesus’ full atonement for you to pacify and enrich a bunch of Scripture-abusing witches. Actually, you are PAYING THEM to deceive and curse you! (Gal. 3:10-14; Sam. 15:22-23.) Give to those in need as the Holy Spirit leads and NOT because they threaten you with God’s curses to get hold of your money, (2 Cor. 9:5,7.) Your obedience to True Scripture will glorify God and dissolve the fear power of church covens; powered by shamans, (Acts 11:26; Rev. 18-4!) God promised to supply our every need. What more do we want? ►►► HOW DO WE REALLY “OVERCOME” OUR PROBLEMS AND SIN? Concerning everything sinful we participated in, still practice, and consent to – CHURCH SACRAMENTS AND FALSE DOGMA IN PARTICULAR - it is vital to confess our own sin, ask God’s forgiveness, (which “cleanses us from all unrighteousness,”) and repent from it. Sincere prayer and obedience to God’s Moral Law can never be separated from each other, (Mt. 5:23-24; Col. 1:12-14; Rom. 1:32!) After that, we must then renew our minds by seeking the truth about everything; reject all falsities, and study God’s True Word to understand and obey His will, (Rom. 12:1-2.) Our prayers and ‘battle to overcome’ suffering, (not ‘war’ against the fully defeated foe,) do NOT consist of supposedly “cutting off non-existent bloodlines,” exorcising fabricated demons from true believers, reciting dangerous church dogmas, or getting lost in ‘soaking prayer’ and other Buddhist/Hindu practices that permeated the churches, (Col. 2:9-15.) We ‘resist’ the devil by obeying JESUS, Who demonstrated, “Be gone Satan, for it is written…” (Mt. 4:10-11.) Thus, we ‘battle’ all satanic onslaughts with the True Sword of the Word in the Almighty Name of Jesus Christ, and by rejecting, stopping, “CASTING DOWN” and sending away all demonic deception, attacks, temptations, attachments, etcetera, while living in the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Heb. 12:4; 2 Cor. 3-5; Rom. 8:5-12!) Jesus declared in John 8:12; 31-32, “I Am the Light of the world. He who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life… If you CONTINUE in [the truth of] My Word, you are really My disciples. Then you will know the truth [about everything,] and the truth will set you free.” Nothing in heaven or on earth can substitute or enhance the fully competent Word and Truth of God: Jesus Christ Himself! Home Let’s Talk Blessing or curse — the choice is yours The Great ‘Deliverance’ Deception Are Soul Ties real? |