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God’s Creation Principles: 1. God’s Universal Order for Male and Female is Joint Management of the Earth, (Gen. 1:26-28) 2. God’s Specific Order for Male and Female is the Marriage Covenant, (Gen. 2:21-25)
Renette Vermeulen
[Acknowledgement to the person who published this image]
GOD’S UNIVERSAL ORDER FOR BOTH MALE AND FEMALE IS JOINT MANAGEMENT OF THE EARTH Do wives have to feel guilty because they, through mounting economic pressure in today’s world, have to leave their children in day care to work in the corporate world as well? Do they have to feel inadequate because holding down the career of homemaker and the career of business woman at the same time, overburden them and they cannot, through unavoidable circumstances, make a choice between the two? Or should a wife bury her God-given gifts and talents to stand ‘barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,’ instead of glorifying God with all the gifts and talents He had entrusted to her, (and for which she will have to give an account before His throne, Mt. 25:14-30,) just because she is female? Is it true that women, although personally called by God, cannot minister “in church” or “have any ‘authority’ over men?” Well, let us not listen to the false clergy that tampered with the Scriptures through the ages, (Mark 7:13; Mt. 15:6-9,) and still take Bible verses out of context to oppress women. They even added their misogynist views to Scripture to make Paul speak out of two mouths; condemning women to silence and beating them into submission to all men on all levels of life - while also making them equal to men before God at the same time, (Gal. 3:28.) Was Paul confused? No, I believe the evil church clergy that came after him made him speak their language of misogyny, because in the full context of Scripture God Himself never said the terrible things these misogynists teach to wreak havoc in secular male/female relationships, and in marriage in particular, (Acts 2:17-19; 1 Cor. 14:34; Gal. 3:28.) Listen to what God himself originally said at creation. When the Pharisees came to snare Jesus in their man-made divorce laws, He answered, “Because of the hardness of your hearts Moses allowed you… But in the beginning it was not so…” (Mt. 19:8.) The so-called “passive Ahab” and “controlling Jezebel” dogma is a dangerous deception. At creation, God planned that male/female humanity should live in a flawless relationship with Him, with one another, and with His whole creation. Þ So, in Gen. 1:26-28, God described how He made the male/female, human species to achieve this original plan. “Then God said, Let Us, [Father, Son and Holy Spirit], make mankind in Our image and let them, [both male and female], have dominion [over all the earth…] So, God created humanity in His own image: in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, [male and female], and said to them, [male and female]: Be fruitful… [not just in your marriage covenant, family, and home, but in everything I have entrusted to you.] Replenish the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over [everything] that moves on the earth... I have [entrusted to your care] every herb... tree [and] seed... beast... bird... and everything that creeps on the earth. Then God saw everything that He had made [and the way He had structured His entire creation under the care of male-female humanity,] and it was very good.” Þ This is God’s universal order for both male and female, which firmly rests on joint management of the whole earth. This was God’s Universal Plan for humanity when He created one male, and divided him into two separate human beings, (male and female,) to fuse them together again through His holy marriage covenant, for the sake of their family and home, not for the sake of the corporate and religious worlds! The fall in Eden marred and corrupted both God’s Universal and Specific (marriage covenant) plans for humanity, but Jesus Himself made it plain that it certainly could not, and will not annul what God had planned and commanded in Eden, (Mt. 19:1-9.) Þ God would not have entrusted His Holy Spirit gifts, talents, and calling to both male and female humanity, if He also commanded that females must bury their gifts, talents, and calling, for which they will have to give an account on That Day when Jesus comes for them, either at death or at His return on the clouds. He clearly commanded in Acts 2:17-21, “I [poured] out My Spirit… on My sons and My daughters to prophesy… see visions… dream dreams. And My menservants and My maidservants… will prophesy [or minister in My Spiritual Kingdom, where spiritually, ‘there is neither male nor female, but all believers are one in Christ Jesus,’ Gal. 3:28.)” Þ Both God’s Universal Plan and specific Marriage Covenant are His incorruptible blueprints for humanity. Both male and female are called to obey these original callings and commandments of God to fulfil their places in society and in marriage. There should not be any competition between male and female in their joint management of the earth. Each gender should simply fulfil his and her place in the corporate world, according to their own giftedness, as God had entrusted to them. And each gender should simply fulfil His plan as husbands and wives in the marriage covenant, as they themselves had promised to do. This is His master plan, which He treasures for both male and female: to resemble His outward form; to possess His virtues and Godly character; to communicate with Him in spirit and in truth; to worship and revere Him above all else; to love, help, support, and respect one another while fulfilling their marriage covenant and caring for their home and family - all the while executing their joint responsibility for planet earth under His authority, (Mal. 2:14-15; Eph. 4:13; Jn. 4:23-24.) God’s universal order and marriage order are vastly different and yet, they compliment each other in ways, which only God could have foreseen. Working together to obey God's original creation-principles, both male and female must submit to each other in everything good, true, and Godly, to fulfil His will in the corporate world, as well as in their marriages, families, and homes, (Eph. 5:21-25.) This is not a disfigurement of the husband’s role in the marriage covenant or in secular life. God’s Universal Plan for male and female humanity pertains to the management of everything that falls outside the sphere of our marriages, homes or personal lives, where the different sexes are of no consequence - except maybe, in careers where much physical strength is required, (Gen. 2:15; 3:17-19.)
YES, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY OF THE GODLY HUSBAND OVER HIS WIFE? It is exactly as it is written in Eph. 5:21-25: Jesus refers to the truly Godly authority of the husband, [not all men] over his [own wife,] “Wives, submit yourself to your own [good and Godly] husbands [and not to all men in general…]” Eph. 5:28, “In this same way, husbands must love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his [own] wife loves himself.” The marriage relationship has nothing to do with other men and women. It is a holy covenant between one husband and his own wife, and between one wife and her own husband. Nowhere in the real context of the New Testament Covenant does either Jesus or any of the Bible writers refer to male spiritual authority over women just because they are female. And of course, marital so-called “authority” never refers to anyone outside the husband-wife marriage covenant. Nowhere in the New Covenant does Jesus command that all men must be in authority over all women just because they are female — and neither should a husband be in authority over his own wife. Men were commanded to fulfil their husband-servant-provider-protector role in the marriage and nowhere else.
GOD’S SPECIFIC ORDER FOR MARRIAGE PARTNERS: MARRIAGE COVENANT COMPANIONSHIP In the marriage covenant, the husband must be the main protector and provider. However, he should never forget that God gave him a specially courageous, intelligent, gifted, and forceful helper: his “own wife.” Together, as perfect partners, joined together by God Himself, they must do life together on all levels to honor and glorify Him. That is why, besides the earth that male and female was supposed to manage together, God also gave them their personal territory, (their marriage, home, family, and everything that pertains to it,) to tend, guard and keep, (Gen. 2:15.) God rebuked the corrupt Old Testament, Levitical priesthood as follows, “You cover the altar of the Lord with tears... Because He does not regard the offering anymore... Because the Lord has been witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously, yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one because He wanted Godly offspring on the earth?” (Mal. 2:13-15.) Þ God planned that, being unified by the marriage covenant, husband and wife should manage their marriage, home, and family together and in mutual submission to one another in everything good and Godly, (Eph. 5:21.) Þ That is why God structured the home for the needs of a husband and his wife and their family, without the demonic and selfish interference of anyone else. As a result, humankind’s home necessitated a specific cast of play, (Gen. 18:19; Eph. 5:21; 6:4.) Þ God began this structuring by assigning to the husband and wife each their specific place or position in the home. Then He defined their different job descriptions within the marriage. God lavished so much attention on the home, because this is the place where the husband and his wife are supposed to bring their family into the world, and where they must teach their children to love, honor, and obey Him, (Deut. 4:9.) Gen. 2:7, “The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” God breathed His own breath into man. Not into the animals, as His Breath is His Spirit. For man to live spiritually, God, Who is Spirit, imparted His Holy Spirit to him, (Jn. 4:24.) Then, in Gen. 2:18, God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make a helper for him.” The Spirit Filled Bible explains, “A suitable helper, comparable or equivalent to him, complementary to him, completing him,” (Mal. 2:14-16.) Eve partook of God’s Spirit when He formed her, as a companion comparable to Adam; taken from his own body. Whatever the man feels, the woman feels. The husband does not have ‘extra’ desires or needs, which the woman does not have, as sinful men were taught to believe. That is why God created only one wife for one husband and one husband for one wife. They can fulfil each other’s needs completely. They have the same spiritual, soulical, and physical DNA. They were made by the same God in the same image of their God, and of the same spiritual, soulical, and physical substance, (1 Ths. 5:23.) God only made the male and the female physically different from each other because the male was created for his “own wife,” and the female was created for her “own” husband, (Gen. 2:21-22.) No one else is allowed by God to share in this privilege — mainly because there is absolutely no need for anyone else. This is why the husband is the one and only husband or love-head of his one wife, and father to their children in their home. He has to lovingly lead and protect his “own wife” and children spiritually, soulically, and physically, and provide for them. The wife is the one and only love-heart of their home. She has to respect her “own” husband in everything good and Godly and be his companion; because she was specially made to match him perfectly. So, she must assist him in everything possible, particularly in the task to care for, protect and teach their children, and to serve God wholeheartedly. We can be certain that God did not make the woman a lesser being than the man. The words ‘superior,’ ‘inferior’ and ‘domination’ did not originate from God and therefore, did not exist in Eden. Such sinful thought-processes stem from the fallen state of humanity.
THE AHAB AND JEZEBEL DECEPTION SO, WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN THESE PERFECT MARRIAGE PARTNERS THAT DAY OF THE FALL? Þ Did God give Men permission to Rule Abusively over all Women? Þ The Marriage Covenant and Divorce
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