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(Continued from: The ‘Saving’ church sacrament of ‘water baptism’ and its dogmas)


Renette Vermeulen


SUBJECTS CONTINUED FROM THE PREVIOUS PAGE: Note, as all my work, this study is based on the King James Version of the Bible in American English, as new Bible translations increasingly differ from the written text.

10. Church water baptism is also ‘the way to enter into the ‘church kingdom by initiation into the mystery of the church.’

11. God perfectly named and described the ‘mystery kingdom of the church’ in His Word.

12. More surprising components of sacramental church ‘salvation’ through ‘water baptism.’

13. How myriad Christian denominations were formed.

to the church as their ‘savior.’ 

14. The origin of church dogmas, which attempt to smother God’s Truth.

15. Christians grew accustomed to the church as their ‘savior.’ 



 ►►This additional ‘way to enter the CHURCH KINGDOM by INITIATION into sacramental ‘water baptism’ openly proclaims, ‘the church’ is a SEPARATE ‘KINGDOM’ from the eternal, spiritual KINGDOM OF CHRIST. As there exists only one other ‘kingdom’ in the spirit world BESIDES the Kingdom of Christ, ‘the church’ cannot be anything else than THE KINGDOM OF SATAN.  Additionally, ‘the mystery of the church kingdom’ speaks of occult ceremonies and doctrines; practiced in magical power to bring people step-by-step into the mysterious or hidden, supernatural realm of masonic orders and other secret societies. ►►►SCRIPTURAL TRUTH: In John 18:36, the Lord Jesus Christ wiped this ‘mysterious church kingdom’ off the map as He is The Only Way to the Father in heaven, (Jn. 14:6.)  He stated, “MY KINGDOM IS [neither a mystery nor] of this world.] It has no [church] origin [or any other earthly source,] as it is NOT from here!”

►►Paul cautioned, (paraphrased in context,) “[DO NOT let false teachers confuse you… [God’s Word is not a mysterious puzzle.] We are able to understand all the riches of the full assurance in Christ, which WERE mysteries in God (during the O.T.,) but are NOW revealed through Christ. THIS I SAY LEST ANYONE DECEIVE YOU WITH PERSUASIVE [church dogmas,]” (Col. 2:1-4.)

►►Bible commentary, “When heretics through devious methods [such as the ‘saving’ water baptism,] promise [MYSTERIOUS, PROGRESSIVE church] spirituality, CHRIST IS DEMOTED AND THE BASICS OF HIS WORD ARE DENIED. So, Paul summons the Colossians back to the TRUE CHRIST.” The apostle continued in Ephesians 3:8-9, “…God called me to preach the unsearchable [true Word] of Christ [in depth.] This is how I must make all [willing believers] see what is the fellowship [or Scriptural Relationship with God in Christ,] which from the beginning of the ages was a mystery...” [It was incomprehensible in the O.T. as Jesus Christ and His Spiritual N.T. Covenant Kingdom was only revealed at His death and resurrection, and all this must be understood on a spiritual level,] (1 Cor. 2:14-16; Jn. 3:3-6!)



The Roman Catholic church is the “mother” of all her many denominations. All Christians should know that clergies proclaim, “Outside her, (the ‘mother’ church,) there is no salvation.” ►Thus, all her denominations belong to her ‘church kingdom’ and its satanic ‘initiations’ into her ‘mysteries.’ Knowing this, no one can see anyone or anything else than the church system in Revelation 17:1-15. 

It reveals, “The great harlot… committed fornication.. with the [monetary and political] beast… HER NAME IS MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, mother of harlots, [her multitude of denominations,] and the abominations of the earth…

►[Through centuries of satanic Christian crusades and inquisitions,] she is drunk with the blood of the saints, [Jesus’ Followers Of The Way,] (Acts 9:1-2,) and Jesus’ martyrs, [whom she tortured to death in unthinkable ways.] ►►This is God’s factual Word, exposing ‘the church’ in its entirety as an ungodly, manmade, MURDEROUS shrine “WHERE GOD DOES NOT DWELL,” (Acts 7:44-50.) Consequently, it is a fact that all references to “church,”  “Christians,” (‘little christs’ not ‘disciples,’) and other inconsistencies in Scripture are clerical fabrications and gross tampering to force the false Christian religion into God’s Truth.



The true God of Bible Scripture stated even in the O.T., “So that you may know and believe Me, UNDERSTAND THAT I AM HE, [the Only True God.] Before ME there was no god, NOR will there ever be another. I AM The Lord and beside Me there is NO savior. I [Myself] have proclaimed and saved [throughout history...] [SO LET] THERE BE NO FOREIGN GOD AMONG YOU,” as we see in ‘the church’ and its egocentric clergies, who practice idolatry and witchcraft with God’s Word to preach their Christian religion! (Isa. 43:10-12; 9:6; see 1 Sam. 15:22-23!)

►► In conjunction with CHRISMATION, (making church members or Christians through the ‘saving’ sacrament of unscriptural water baptism, which form the foundation of the church,) “the first instalment or step into PROGRESSIVE CHURCH ‘INITIATION’ eventually leads to ‘christlikeness.’” ►Most appallingly, ‘the church’ supposedly does everything for its members, which only God Himself can do for humanity. So, clergies even took Christ out of Christlikeness. 

►► SCRIPTURAL TRUTH: 2 Peter 1:1-43, 2 Peter 1:2-4, “Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD THROUGH JESUS OUR LORD, [not through anything of ‘the church,’] as His Divine power has given all things to [His disciples] that pertain to life and Godliness. For He Who called us by [His] glory and virtue gave us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these we may be partakers of His Divine Nature, [His Christlikeness;] having renounced the CORRUPTION that is in the [religious church] through lust [on a multilevel – spirit, soul or mind, and body!]” (1 Thes. 5:23.) 

►►►All the pretences about the ‘saving water baptism’ and its otherworldly ‘advantages,’ which sacramentally INITIATED church members ‘enjoy,’ are lies. Actually, clergies are blasphemously saying, “GOD, [WHO DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES/CHURCHES MADE BY HUMAN HANDS,] (Acts 17:24,) is the head [of masonic orders such as] the church, and we, (the clergies,) sacramentally transform His spiritual body of Real Believers, (1 Cor. 3:16-17,) into the body of “the church.” ‘The church’ is obviously busy with pure masonic and other secret society dogma and language; which take people directly through occult initiation into the mysterious world of Satanism. This ‘headship’ can only refer to Satan himself, whose minions all CLERICAL INITIATED church members then are!

►►►GOD’S TRUTH: Jude 1:20-21, “[Authentic disciple-believers who CHOSE to believe and follow Jesus Christ,] continually build themselves up in their most holy faith, [on a mental level to understand and obey God’s Word,]” (Rom. 12:1-2.) “[By this they live a disciplined life to] KEEP THEMSELVES IN THE [TRUTH, WHICH IS] THE LOVE OF GOD; [constantly] looking for mercy in Christ unto eternal life.” So, solely by choosing Jesus and mind growth after salvation in Christ, (Rom. 12:1-2,) true “Christlikeness” manifests in the lives of believers through the indwelling Holy Spirit, [Who leads them into ALL TRUTH,]” (John 16:13.) That is why [responsible disciples] will NOT fulfill the lust of the flesh by obeying godless men and unscriptural teachings, (Gal. 5:16.)



Apart from Christianity, there exists no other religion that is so shattered and divided among themselves, while still embracing a totally corrupted, religious ‘mother’ organization. As “GOD DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES MADE WITH [human] HANDS,” (Isa. 66:1-2; Acts 17:24,) neither ‘the church’ itself nor the denominational system, which clergies are still frantically building, could have been the will of the Lord Jesus Christ of Bible Scripture, (see 1 Cor. 1:10-17; 3:1-4!)  Once the church was established at Antioch toward the end of 1 A.D., (Acts 11:26,) it was inevitable that many believers would compare the True Scriptures with church dogmas, ‘saving’ sacraments, and whatever else - but that did not bother clergies. They openly allowed gnostic services in ‘the church;’ centering on philosophy instead of on Scriptural knowledge, (Col. 2:8.) Likewise, clergies encouraged Montanists to teach that the apostles ‘have power to forgive sins,’ and many such atrocities they promoted, (Mark 2:5-12.) ►►The Christian arrogance to mess so dangerously with God and His Word could only have been to plant Christianity globally by satisfying church demand; attracting and satisfying people who cling to all types of religious preferences while deliberately deviating from the Creator God and His genuine Truth.

►►So, ‘the church’ divided into multitudes of denominations through different interpretations and practices of God’s Word; various ways of salvation, redemption, blessing, worship, and so forth.  Each denomination thinks it has the perfect way of salvation – yet all of them slyly remain under the banner of their Roman Catholic ‘mother.’ This already began during and after the Judaist-Christian church was established in the latter part of 1 A.D. During that time, Paul pleaded with believers, “In the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, let all of us speak the same thing.  Let us perfectly be joined together in the same mind and [fear God’s] judgement… IS CHRIST DIVIDED? Were [clergies] crucified for you? Or were you baptised in the name of [the church?]’ (1 Cor. 1:10-17.) ►►►One thing is certain, no matter what Christian clergies still make of God’s Word to justify ‘the church’ and their dogmas, the Lord Jesus Christ unalterably declared, “The heavens and earth, (the whole universe,) will pass away. But My [true] Word will never pass away, (Mt. 24:35.) He who REJECTS ME [by not] receiving My words… The Word I have spoken will judge him in the Last Day, (Jn. 12:48-49.)  As long as we interpret the Bible in context from the perspective of the Lord’s N.T. Covenant, Gospel Truth, we will always be able to find the truth about ANY false dogma.]

►►Can all the divisions of Christian religion, based on the “mysterious church kingdom,” really serve the Real God of Bible Scripture?’ Without knowledge of the Scriptures it is impossible to soberly “test all things [according to the contextual truth of God’s Word,] to see if it is from God, to “abstain from every form of evil,” as Paul and John advised, (1 Ths. 5:21-22; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.) If we ignore their guidance, “another god” will manifest among us in unexpected ways, (1 Pt. 5:8; 1 Cor. 2:13-16!) ►►Hence, Paul repeated his grave concern about the soulical safety of believers, writing, “[Do not allow anyone to] deceive you with persuasive words; [doctrines that camouflage the abuse of Scriptural Truth…] (Col. 2:4.) FOR I FEAR, [beguiling arguments] WILL CORRUPT YOUR MINDS FROM THE SIMPLICITY IN CHRIST,” (2 Cor. 11:3.)

►►We tend to think church performances, intricate formulas, and showy prayer will reach God easier and conquer needs and pain better than simplicity.  But thus says The Lord, “DO NOT LEARN THE WAYS AND CUSTOMS OF THE PAGANS, [as it encourages their demon gods to live among you,]” (Jer. 10:1-3.) ►►That’s why Jesus taught us to simply pray sincerely to our Father in heaven without religious formulas, prescribed postures, complicated phrases, and rituals, (Mt. 6:5-15.) “FOR IF ANYONE PREACHES ANOTHER JESUS [than the Jesus, Who IS the Word of God; revealed in the accurate context of the N.T. Covenant,] or if you receive a different spirit [than the Holy Spirit of unadulterated Scripture,] or a different gospel [which Jesus Christ did NOT teach,] you may tolerate it!” (2 Cor. 11:4.) This means, above all religion, politics, problems, knowledge, and anyone and anything, we must know that we call upon the ONLY REAL God, Who rules the universe and everything in it!  As previously noted, “LET THERE BE NO FOREIGN GOD AMONG YOU, [as we clearly see in Christian church religion!] (Isa. 43:10-12.)



Since the Roman Catholic church system started MANY generations ago, it remains based on O.T. Hebraic Judaism, Hellenist Judaism, O.T. AND N.T. Covenant events, and Scriptures written by the apostles – which clergies are still misquoting to support their church beliefs. But as seen, Jesus’ Word IS SPIRIT AND LIFE. NO ONE CAN ANNIHILATE HIS CONTEXTUAL TRUTH, (Jn. 6:63; Mt. 24:35!)

►►Yet, to that mixture, (sprinkled with the Name and watered down teachings of Christ,) theologians added church dogmas and practices, (‘saving’ sacraments among other things,) formed from philosophies such as Aquinasim, Molinism, Thomism, and Arminianism, which originated from pagan gods, (Col. 2:1-8,16,23.) Later on, philosophies of Neo-Platonism and Aristotle “impacted generations of midieval scholars and Christian thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas,” [Britannica.] Aquinaism in Calvinism still focuses on exclusivism.  It replaced vital teachings such as God’s gift of free will with things like “total depravity” or ‘inability to choose salvation.’ Thus, Calvinists “are sovereignly predestined and chosen by God as His “elect for whom Christ died,” while God allegedly ‘created all non-Calvinists for hell.’

During 1 A.D. already, Paul alerted believers, “BEWARE LEST ANYONE CHEATS YOU THROUGH PHILOSOPHY AND EMPTY DECEIT, ACCORDING TO THE TRADITION OF MEN AND THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE WORLD, (carnal thoughts religionists use to control the minds and lives of unsuspecting believers,) AND NOT ACCORDING TO CHRIST,” (Col. 2:8-10!) 



When “the church” began to CHRISTIANIZE most of JESUS’ FIRST “FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY” at Antioch,” (Acts 9:1-2; 11:26,) believers familiarized themselves with the notion that they cannot be saved without ‘the church.’ Church members overlooked the way clergies “speak in the ‘matter of clerical ordination,’ (which turns them into ‘spiritually elevated,’ ‘holy,’ ‘specially anointed,’ ‘savior figures;’) practicing authoritarian church forms, manmade dogmas, and ‘saving’ sacraments, which ‘supernaturally’ turn church members into ‘children of God.’

►►Scriptural Truth: As seen, only spiritually born again disciples of Christ are the ‘children of God, (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) It is mind boggling that the first disciples after the cross and Pentecost, The Followers Of The Way, (Acts 9:1-2,) could have been so easily misled. All they had to do when they encountered that dreadful church-onslaught was to reject its authority, (1 John 4:1-6,) to turn directly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Who said, “The rulers of Gentiles [have ruling, religious hierarchies,] but it must not be so among you. If you want to be great become a servant [in My Spiritual Kingdom…]” (Mt. 20:25-28.) 

Instead of converting to the church “WHERE GOD DOES NOT DWELL,” (Acts 17:24,) as the first Followers of Christ also knew from the Hebrew Scriptures, (which form our Old Testament in the Bible,) they should have simply shown ‘church and clergies’ their heels, while hiding their minds in the Gospel Truth of Christ and the original epistles of the apostles, which were written to them.

 ►►►Where we find uncontextual Bible verses or strange verses and teachings that do not fit into the “All Truth” of Scripture, we can be certain that it was mistranslated, added, or changed to ‘prove’ false church doctrines.

►►E.g., ‘Peter’ supposedly said in Acts 2:38, “Repent [by being baptized.] (No one can repent in water baptism. Believers must repent from religion to embrace Jesus Christ!) And be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. [Peter also knew that ONLY the blood atonement of Jesus can forgive sin,] (Eph. 1:7.) And you will receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” This does NOT refer to the Spirit’s GIFT of speaking in tongues (1 Cor. 12:1-11,) as some clergies allege. If Peter did say that it most likely means, ‘the Holy Spirit Himself is the Greatest Gift of God.’ Peter also knew that Only Jesus can baptize believers with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus does that at the moment believers accept Him and are spiritually born again, (John 1:12-13,) NOT in water baptism! (Mt. 3:11!)  So, Acts 2:38 clearly proves how clergies adjust Scripture as they please. Genuine believers in Christ, let us show those malignant church worshipers our heels as ALL the first Followers of The Way should have done at Antioch!





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