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Is God’s “Only and Personal Name” Jehovah as

Jehovah Witnesses claim? 

Renette Vermeulen


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[Acknowledgement to the people who complied and published these images] 



They say that “God” is “merely a title, and "His real name" is ‘Jehovah.’ Unless one calls on the ‘true name' of God, ‘Jehovah,’ one [allegedly] cannot be saved.” Let us test this exclusive religious assertion in the light of contextual historical and Biblical truth; not in the false ‘light’ of ‘personalized’ Russellite bibles, (the masonic agent Charles Taze Russell was one of the main founders of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization,) such as the “New World Translation,” or other so-called ‘authoritative’ writings that are in tandem with their Watchtower magazine!

The Jewish Encyclopaedia: “Jehovah” - a mispronunciation of the unpronounceable Hebrew Name YHWH. [The Hebrew language pronounces only non-vowel sounds or consonants (B,T,G,H,W,V…) Thus, to add vowels, (A,E.I,O,U) to the Old Hebrew language twists God’s Name and the meaning of His Names.] YHWH is not “Jehovah” but “I Am Who I Am,” which is the True Name of God. The pronunciation [of YHWH] in modern language is grammatically impossible. The form 'Jehovah' is a philological impossibility." God said to Moses at the burning bush, “Thus you must say to the children of Israel [in Egypt,] I AM [JHWH] sent me to you…. This is My Name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations,” (Exodus 3:14-15.)

It is no “coincidence” that Jesus referred to Himself as “I AM” [YHWH.] He Is God incarnate or revealed in the “flesh.” Hence, He constantly declared, “I AM the Truth; [He did not say He only spoke the truth,] I AM the Way, [He did not say He only shows the Way,] I AM the Life; [He did not say He only preaches or represents Eternal Life,] I AM the Resurrection, [He did not say He only teaches on the resurrection,] I AM the Bread [or Spiritual Life Itself] from heaven...”

The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia: “Jehovah is an erroneous pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton of the Name of God, [YHWH] made up of Hebrew letters. The word "Jehovah" is a misreading for which there is no warrant and which makes no sense in Hebrew.”

The New Jewish Encyclopaedia: “It is clear that the word Jehovah is an artificial composite.”

Encyclopaedia Judaica: “The true pronunciation of the tetragrammaton YHWH was never lost. The Name was [artificially] pronounced Yahweh. It was regularly written YHWH until 586 B.C., as is clear from the Lachish Letters written shortly before this date.”

Even when they made God’s Name, “I AM Who I AM” (YHWH) into the ‘pronounceable’ word “Yehowah,” the latter is neither ‘a name’ nor a ‘personal name’ in itself. In original Hebrew, God’s Eternal Name YHWH is unpronounceable as Hebrews pronounced only consonants. So God’s “Personal Name” is not “Jehovah,” which is ALSO an erroneous Christian Jehovah Witness transliteration of ‘The Lord’ or ‘Master:’ Adonai.

Orthodox Jews still call God “Hashem” (The Name,) as they believe His Name “I AM” (YHWH) is too Holy to say out loud. So, I could not find a Scriptural reference to where Jesus’ first disciples called Him YHWH, or by the Hebrew transliteration of Jesus, “Yeshua,” or something similar. The New Testament was written in Hellenes Greek NOT in Hebrew. So, they probably would not have called Him by the FULLY LEGITIMATE English pronunciation of the Hellenes Greek Name “Jesus.” His first disciples called Him “The Lord” or “Master” (Adonai,) or “Teacher,” (Rabbi.) They understood that Jesus’ “I AM” declarations, (“I AM the bread of Life… BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM…”) referred directly to Exodus 3:14-15; 6:2-3 & 8, when He plainly said to Moses, “I Am [YHWH], GOD ALMIGHTY, the Lord.” The general conclusion of these passages is that “The Lord” in itself does not mean YHWH, (I Am Who I Am.) “The Lord” is one of God’s Titles that firmly connects to His Eternal Name “I AM.” So God said, “I Am [YHWH] the Lord…’”

Strong’s Concordance: paraphrased according to Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush, “The [so-called ‘Hebrew’] transliteration Yehowah [is actually the unpronounceable YHWH,] which, [in Exodus 6:2-3 & 8, connects to] ‘The Lord,’ [which means] Self-Existent or Eternal [Master.]”

That is why Jesus declared to His disciples, “YOU CALL ME TEACHER [‘Rabbi] AND LORD, [Master or ‘Adonai’] and YOU SAY WELL, FOR SO I AM… [YHWH,]” (Jn. 13:13; 14:5-6; Ex. 3:14.)

Conclusion: Most scholars of the Bible who interpret God’s Word in it’s true context agree that God has only One Eternal Name: the unpronounceable Hebrew Name YHWH, (I AM WHO I AM.) Additionally, He has three primary ‘Titles’ namely, GOD (Eloah — singular; erroneously translated in the plural form Elohim which means “mighty ones:” Deuteronomy 4:6-9; Mark 12:29,) Master or Lord (Adonai,) and Teacher, (Rabbi,) Exodus 3:14-15. Besides these, the God of the Bible is called by nearly a hundred compound ‘Descriptive Titles.’ Consequently, when we say “The Lord created the heavens and the earth,” we actually say, “YHWH [I AM] the Lord [the Master] created the heavens and the earth.”

If ever there was a UNIVERSAL, so-called ‘personal Name’ for God, then it is the most Honorable Title, “Father!” Jesus Christ, being “One” in Essence, Nature, and Divinity with the Father as God Himself, taught all His disciples to address God as “our Heavenly Father,” (Col. 2:9; Mt. 6:9.



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