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“GOD IS NOT WORSHIPED [OR SERVED] WITH MEN’S HANDS, [THE RELIGIOUS CEREMONIES AND TEACHINGS OF CHURCH CLERGIES,] AS THOUGH HE NEEDS ANYTHING, SINCE HE GIVES TO ALL LIFE, BREATH AND ALL THINGS, (Acts 17:25.) [THIS IS SO] BECAUSE “GOD DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES (CHURCHES) MADE BY HANDS,” (Acts 17:24; 7:44-50.) ►This study extends from two previous Facebook posts on the origin of church, denominations, dogmas, and the ‘sacrament’ of water baptism.
Renette Vermeulen
[May God be glorified by the person who published this verse]
SUBJECTS DISCUSSED IN THIS STUDY: 1. Why is the word ‘christianity’ not in the Bible and did Jesus call His disciples ‘christians?’ What did Jesus call His religion? 2. Questions and Answers. 3.The temple of the Holy Spirit Versus the manmade church, (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Acts 17:24.) 4. The real royal priesthood of Melchizedek Versus church clergies, (Acts 17:25!) 5. Where did the hierarchical bishops, pastors, deacons, etcetera come from? 6. Church ‘anointing’ Versus God’s real anointing. 7. Christ’s “elderly” and ‘younger’ disciples are all stewards and servants. 8. “Yeah,” someone said, “but someone must take control in meetings!” 9. Paul boldly called out the false function of church clergies. 10. Here is the worldview that Paul taught to the real body of Christ. 11. Clinging to church and clergies is total disobedience to God, (Acts 7:44-50; 17:24-25.)
WHY IS THE WORD ‘CHRISTIANITY’ NOT IN THE BIBLE AND DID JESUS CALL HIS DISCIPLES “CHRISTIANS?” WHAT DID JESUS CALL HIS RELIGION? ►►Because Jesus IS The Truth and “The Way” to the Father in heaven, (Jn. 14:6,) His first disciples after the cross and Pentecost were merely known as “The Followers of The Way,” (Acts 9:1-2; 24:14.) As seen thus far, the Lord NEVER consented to the church shrine, the religion of christianity, or the betrayal of His first disciples who discarded Jesus, “The [Narrow] Way,” to fall in love with ”the broad way:’ ‘the church’ and it’s manmade religion, which clergies call ‘christianity,’ (Acts 11:26.) ►►Actually, Jesus The Narrow Way is a world apart from church and christianity, as He is NOT a religion, which can be anything from twisted Bible-verse sprinkled christianity to naked satanism. ►Thus, Christ destroyed the religion of Judaism at the cross to establish His eternal, spiritual, N.T. Covenant for all authentic, born again disciples globally, (Heb. 8:5-13; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-6,16-21.) ►Wikipedia: “The word ‘christian’ is used three times in the New Testament: Acts, 11:26; 26:28, and 1 Peter 4:16. ►[“But NO ONE had God’s permission to change ‘The Way’ to ‘christianity,’ and ‘believers,’ ‘followers,’ or ‘disciples’ to ‘the church’ or ‘christians.’ In fact, clergies discarded Jesus The Way and His disciples to call their church members ‘christians,’ which means ‘little christs.’ Acts 11:26.] The original usage in these verses reflects a [mocking] element in the term ‘christian’ to refer to [genuine] Followers of Christ, who did not acknowledge the Roman emperor [and definitely not the Judaist-Roman church!]” ►From the fundamental truth we still find in the epistles, it is clear that the ‘apostles’ did not accept church and christianity. Even where ‘christian’ is promoted in the Word, it is clear that the church clergies inserted it there. ►►Based on the notion of “Followers of The Way,” Christ did NOT call His followers anything but “disciples.” ►If He did give the twelve prominent disciples a title, He probably used the Hebrew word “shaliakh,” (defender, supporter, or messenger.) More likely, He used the Greek words ‘mathéteuó,’ (disciple,’) and ‘doulos,’ (servant,) [Strong’s Concordance.] ►►It is likely that the church title “apostle,” (mentioned only three times in Jesus’ Gospel,) was invented some decades after Jesus ascension into heaven, when church clergies took control of God’s original, N.T. Scriptures at Antioch, (Acts 11:26.) ►►Acts 2:40-43 proclaimed, “[The Followers of The Way obeyed God’s call] to be SAVED FROM THAT PERVERSE GENERATION, [Hebrew church clergies mixing Jesus’ N.T. Truth with ousted, sacramental, Judaist christianity: Acts Chapter 15; Hebrews 8:5-13.] They continued steadfastly in the doctrine of Christ and in fellowship… And [because of their obedience to God,] fear came upon every soul, and [He did] many wonders through them,” (Acts 2:40-43.)
►►SERIOUS QUESTIONS AND SCRIPTURAL ANSWERS: The unmistakable truth that God rejects the entire church shrine and its hierarchies of clergies, stands firm throughout the Bible, (Isa. 66:1-2; Heb. 7:11-19; Acts 17:24-25.) Priests or clergies and their temples or churches clash head on with the Almighty God. Clerical attempts to silence this Truth began with the brutal murder of the world’s Only Real Redeemer Christ on the cross, the stoning of Stephen after Pentecost, and their hatred for God and His Truth continues to this day, (Acts 7:44-60.) ►►So, how does God view the more than 45,000 denominations or christian divisions, 4.2 million churches, and their 2.3 TO 2.6 billion members? What can motivate anyone to rebel against God like that, to guide billions of people into disregarding God and His True Word: Jesus Christ the Creator? (John 1:1-14.) Conversely, how is it possible that billions of people blindly stumble into ‘church’ to slurp up clerical teachings and sacramental practices, instead of choosing to believe and obey the Highest God and His Actual Word? ►►Fact is that rebellion is seated in sinful pride and egotism that cause the rejection of God and His Word; (Ezk. 28:11-19.) Sinful pride recklessly craves comfort, riches, pleasure, fame, mastering others, and aspiring to godhood over even Christ Himself – which describe the broad church way to a T. ►So, “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness [unrepentance] is as the sin of idolatry. ►“Because [Saul] rejected the Word [and sovereignty] of the Lord, He also rejected [him] from being king; [Satan from being his perfect archangel, and Judas from being His chosen disciple,]” (1 Sam. 15:23.) ►How can anyone think God will treat the stubborn generations of clergies and their subordinate ‘christians’ otherwise? ►Since the first fall in Eden and the second fall of ‘The Followers of the Way’ at Antioch where the church was established, (Rom. 5:12; Acts 11:26,) this dreadful “falling away from God’s Truth through the man of perdition,” (Satan,) manifests his mind-murdering power by turning God’s Word, which is Spirit and Truth, into lies and deception, (Jn. 6:63.) ►Dismissing the certainty that “Righteousness, Truth, Justice, and Mercy, [for those who accept, obey, and follow God,] form the foundation of His throne,” obliterates repentance from sin, obedience, and fear and respect for the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, (2 Ths. 2:1-3; Ps. 89:14; Jn. 3:16-21.)
THE ETERNAL TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT VERSUS THE MANMADE CHURCH When the Lord Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead, He completely annulled the O.T. covenant with the Hebrew nation, (Hebrews 8:5-13,) and established His Everlasting, Spiritual, N.T. Covenant for all believers globally. ►►Simultaneously, He brought to life His ever-living, greater, perfect, HOLY-SPIRIT INDWELT TEMPLE “NOT MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, THAT IS, NOT OF THIS CREATION; having obtained eternal redemption” for every single sincere disciple, (John 1:12-13; 3:3-6,) who is part of His God-created temple of true believers worldwide, (Heb. 9:8-12; Jn. 3:16-21!) ►Paul solemnly warned, “If ANYONE DEFILES, [changes, nullifies, or commits any other sin against the body of Christ, which is] THE TEMPLE OF GOD, GOD WILL DESTROY HIM. For God’s temple is holy, which temple [all unfeigned believers] are,” (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:15-20!) ►So, messing with God’s Truth to cling to nonexistent clergies in “a temple where He does NOT dwell,” poses eternal danger to Jesus’ believers worldwide, (Heb. 17:25,24.) ►►►God’s everlasting “temple NOT made with human hands” is dimensions or worlds apart from the O.T. temple, (Hebrews 8:7-13,) and the Scripturally illegal N.T. church system with its manmade clerical orders, (Acts 17:24,25.) ►►When the Lord Jesus Christ futilely attempted to explain His Spiritual Kingdom, “which is NOT from here,” to the sneaky O.T. temple rulers, (John 18:36,) He concluded, “You will die in your sin, because where I go, (Luke 22:42-43,) you cannot come… [You choose to reject the Eternal, Spiritual Life that I bring to stick to your worthless manmade temple,] (John 3:16-21.) ►“YOU ARE FROM BENEATH; I AM FROM ABOVE. You are of this world; I Am NOT of the world,” (John 8:18-29.) ►►This is NOT the “bringing down heaven to earth through the anointing” of Bethel and other clergies, by confessing ‘God is good!’ “Let Your Kingdom come” refers to the spiritual KINGDOM OF GOD through the indwelling Holy Spirit in His temple of genuine believers, (Luke 17:20-21 KJV; 1 Cor. 3:16-17.) The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is in God’s spirit world way beyond the clouds somewhere, (Acts 1:9-11.) NO ONE can have ‘heaven’ inside him or pull ‘heaven down to earth’ - least of all by turning God’s Holy Character and Presence into a “saving” mantra, while residing in a church that God did NOT acknowledge even in the O.T., (Isa. 66:1-2!) ►►The entire N.T. Covenant broadcasts the Wonderful News that, at His resurrection from the dead, Christ Jesus created the direct opposite of the senseless “church” by establishing His everlasting, Holy-Spirit indwelt temple of sincere, blood-washed disciples, (Heb. 9:11-15.) ►Yet, christian clergies rebelliously built their “mysterious church kingdom” and after nearly two millennia they still think they thrive on ABSOLUTE DISOBEDIENCE to God! THE REAL ROYAL PRIESTHOOD OF MELCHIZEDEK VERSUS CHURCH CLERGIES ►No one can ever change or miss the facts, which Acts 17:24-25 proclaim. Yet, since the establishment of the first christian church at Antioch, the entire context of this irreplaceable Truth of God is completely ignored by clergies and their church members. ►Reading it again might hammer this crucial declaration home. It is written, “Since God gives to all life, breath and all things, He is NOT [served] with men’s hands as though He needs anything,” which are the ceremonies of unscriptural clergies in ‘the church’ that God forbade; teaching hordes of deceptive dogma; devoid of Scriptural Truth. ►►►As a result, Hebrews 7:11-19; 8:5-13 disclose, “IF PERFECTION WERE THROUGH THE [O.T.] LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD, for under it the people received the [outward, ceremonial services of the temple] law, there would NOT have been a need for Christ to rise according to the [eternal, spiritual] Order of Melchizedek. [For at the cross Jesus first FULFILLED the entire O.T. law and then ousted the whole outward, ceremonial part of the law; to keep only the inward Moral Law in His N.T. Covenant,] (Mat. 5:17-20; Heb. 8:10, 10:16!) ►►SO, THE [physical] O.T. PRIESTHOOD WAS [also annulled at the cross and] CHANGED…” ►►1 Peter 1:22-23 explained, “[All true disciples] have purified their souls [or minds of religious and other sin,] by obeying The Truth through the [indwelling] Spirit in sincere [agape, deed-in-truth] love of the brethren from a pure heart; having been [spiritually] born again through THE WORD OF GOD, which lives and abides [in them] forever.” ►►Not a single thing about these wonders are possible by joining a church to adhere to clergies, dogma, and sacraments, (Rom. 12:1-2! John 1:12-13; 3:3-6,) ►Peter resumed, “[Only real disciples can] OFFER UP SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES [through Moral-Law, Gospel obedience] to God, [which is only viable] through Jesus Christ.” ►►►So, only genuine disciples, (the holy, spiritual temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit, 1 Cor. 3:16-17,) “are the [spiritual] “ROYAL PRIESTHOOD [of Melchizedek, their Ever-living High Priest.] (1 Pt. 1:22-23; 2:4-10!) ►“[Hence, church clergies] STUMBLE, BEING DISOBEDIENT TO THE WORD… ►►But [all true disciples] are a chosen, [New Covenant] generation, [who have nothing to do with the church, clergies, dogmas, or sacraments.] They are God’s [only] holy nation; His own special people, that they may proclaim the praises [and True Word] of Him, Who called them OUT of darkness INTO His marvelous Light.” So, Satan has NO hold on Jesus’ eternal, Melchizedekian priests, (Col. 2:9-15!) ►►To distinguish between false church clergies and the holy priesthood of Melchizedek is easy. As the Lord said to the notorious temple priests, “Just as your father the devil, whose will you want to do… [you are from beneath.]” But The Lord’s unadulterated priesthood were born from God and live in Christ Jesus, GOD’S WORD, “Who came from above,” (John 8:44; 18-23; 1:1-14.)
WHERE DID THE HIERARCHICAL BISHOPS, DEACONS, ETCETERA COME FROM? Christ Jesus sternly forbade all sinful pride, which always result in the oppressive control of the gullible and innocent. Mark 10:35-41 describe this horrible scenario. James and John actually said to the Lord that they are able to do everything He did. Thus, He is [obliged] to do everything they want, so they can rule at His right and at His left in His Kingdom. 1 John 5:14-15 put that audacity in its place, stating, “God hears anything according to His will!” ►►Self-entitled sin such as that still streams from the mouths of church clergies. But the Lord forbade all hierarchical, pagan rule in His Spiritual Kingdom by commanding in Mark 10:42, “The rulers over the Gentiles lord over them and their great ones exercise authority over them. LET IT NOT BE SO AMONG YOU. [True disciples are all equal before God’s throne and must remain submitted to Him above all.] The great ones AMONG you are servants, [as Christ Himself illustrated by washing their feet,]” (Jn. 13:12-15.) ►►Yet, to spitefully organize anti-god, antichrist ranking orders in their manmade church system, clergies copied the original ranks and offices of Greek and other pagan, government officials to apply it to their church. ►They then supposedly “ordained” ‘super anointed,’ ‘sacramentally consecrated,’ handpicked mockers of God to occupy those christianized offices. ►This undoubtedly shows, everything about “the church” is clerical poison, pomp, filling pockets and eternal perdition!
CHURCH ‘ANOINTING’ VERSUS GOD’S REAL ANOINTING Sensibly, “anointed one” literally means “Christ” in Hebrew. But authentic disciples of Jesus Christ must realize they cannot be ‘christians,’ (‘little christs,’) as they are the ones who “ALREADY HAVE A FULL ANOINTING FROM CHRIST [through the indwelling Holy Spirit,] WHO ABIDES IN THEM [from the moment they were] BORN OF GOD [by accepting Christ, as His true temple can never be without the indwelling Holy Spirit,]” (1 Cor. 3:16-17! Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-6!) So, God’s real anointing [or Constant Presence] enables believers to obey, follow, serve, and glorify Him in All Truth, (Jn. 16:13, 1 Jn. 2:20,27.) ►►However, clergies changed God’s anointing into ceremonially smearing them with ‘magic’ NOT ordinary oil, which exult them above humanity to manage a “divine church office.” That supposedly fills them with incredible abilities from a so-called ‘holy’ spirit to rule, perform, ‘heal,’ etcetera, in super mode - even with ‘power’ to allegedly ‘war’ against the fully defeated Satan to ‘destroy’ him,’ (Col. 2:9-10,13-15!) ►This unscriptural ‘power’ also puffs clergies to ‘excel’ in health, happiness, fame, and fortune. ►With that, they rake in billions of souls by mixing God’s Word with manmade dogmas to sacrifice them to their godless church, (see Acts 7:44-50.) ►But by grace, the reality of God’s True Word will hit God-seekers in time to escape the “abomination of desolation;” crushing the deceptive brainwashing that controls them, (see John 16:8-13; Mark 13:14; 2 Cor. 10:3-6.)
“ELDERLY” AND ‘YOUNGER’ DISCIPLES ARE ALL STEWARDS AND SERVANTS PLEASE NOTE: As mentioned, do not be distracted by the word ‘church’ and the clerical ranks that dominate N.T. Scripture. NONE of God’s Word can be righteously applied to a temple (church) were He does NOT dwell, and to clergies who do not exist, as He cannot be served by them!’ (Acts 17:24-25!) ►The Godly opposite of church and its ranking ‘elders’ are all the ‘elderly’ servants and ‘younger’ disciples of Christ together, (1 Pt. 2:9-10; 1 Cor. 4:16-17.) ►The Lord’s non-hierarchical elderly are not necessarily old people, but ‘elderly’ in knowledge of God’s Word, will, and ways. Just as all the other members of the authentic Body of Christ, they must be “living sacrifices to God, [totally submitted to and dependant on Him,] which is their reasonable, [basic] service. They do NOT conform to this world [and especially not to the false clerical ‘church,’] but are [still constantly] transformed in their minds to know and [obey] the will of God,” (Rom. 12:1-2.) ►Thus, the elderly are sincerely humble disciples, who “wash the feet” of other disciples with God’s Truth in Holy-Spirit leading, wisdom, and most importantly, by living or “abiding in God’s Word” to glorify Him in everything, (Jn. 16:8-13; 8:31-32!) ►►What totally flattens the clerical order in the discarded church, (Acts 7:44-50,) is that God has no favourites among men, (Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9; Acts 10:34.) He gave everyone the gift of free will, (Jn. 1:12-13.) ►So, the Holy Spirit called everyone to accept and follow Christ from before they were born, (Jn. 16:8-13; 3:16; Isa. 49:1; Rom. 8:29.) “God knows who [would choose to be] His… So, LET EVERYONE WHO NAMES THE NAME OF THE LORD DEPART FROM [church and other] INIQUITY,” (2 Tim. 2:19-21; Gal. 1:15; Rev. 18:4!) ►►Similarly, every believer is called to serve, but most do not know that, (Isa. 9:5-6; Joshua 24:15; Deut. 10:12, Rom. 12:9-21.) ►This is how we serve. “As everyone received gifts [as the Holy Spirit WILLS not as ‘clergies’ supposedly give, 1 Cor. 12:4-11,] the [real] Body of Christ, [each according to personal knowledge, experience, and Holy-Spirit leading,] SERVE ONE ANOTHER as good STEWARDS of God… Everything we do must be with the abilities that God supplies, so He may be gloried through Jesus Christ…” (1 Pet. 4:9-10.) ►►►God Himself taught how His stewards must serve. In both the Old and New Testaments, He commanded them to personally SUBMIT to Him by fully surrendering their hearts, (human spirits,) souls (minds) and strength to Him above all else, (1 Ths. 5:23; Deut 6:1-9; Mt. 22:36-40.) Only then, will they be able to OBEY His full authority, (His True Word,) to SERVE Him decidedly according to His will, which must be their Highest Priority, (Rom. 12:1-2!) ►As a result, God never submitted His blood-redeemed, born again, spiritual priesthood to clerical commanders, (1 Pt. 2:9-10!) Clergies are of this world, as Jesus said. The priests of Melchizedek were born from above, (Jn. 8:23.) ►►The Lord’s calling on the lives of all believer-servants is definitely a Scriptural STEWARDSHIP of every single thing God delegated to them, as ALL the members of the body of Christ are supposed to watch out for their own souls AND the souls others, as “we must all give account [of everything and everyone God had entrusted to our care,]” (2 Cor. 5:10! Heb. 13:17.)
“YEAH,” SOMEONE SAID, “BUT SOMEONE MUST TAKE CONTROL IN MEETINGS!” Because God is NOT the author of disorder, confusion, and chaos, believers must also submit to real Godly, human authority in the government, marriage, and in other personal relationships; especially in the assemblies of believers; the ecclesia NOT ‘the church,’” (1 Cor. 14:40; Eph. 5:21.) ►►For far too long, believers have followed false doctrines and unscriptural, church authority; (justified by uncontextual and twisted Bible verses and passages;) evil men who intend to substitute the truth of God’s Word, His Scriptural disciples, and especially His servant-elderly, to “make utensils” of them, (2 Tim. 3:13; Acts 7:44-50.) ►►Peter brought all false authority through church hierarchies into Godly perspective by writing, “[The elderly, not ruling elders but spiritual, mature servants in Christ] AMONG YOU, I exhort, I who am a FELLOW SERVANT; a witness of the suffering of Christ… SHEPHERD THE FLOCK OF GOD, WHICH IS AMONG YOU. [We find NO ranking church clergies in true Scripture. So, treat one another as equals as we were all saved by grace. Impart God’s Word and protect one another as GOD’S STEWARDS;] not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as lords over those trusted to you, but as EXAMPLES to [‘younger’ disciples with lesser knowledge and experience.]” ►►As seen in the contextual truth of N.T. Scripture, ‘younger’ believers in Christ as well as elderly servants “among them,” form the spiritual temple, body, and royal priesthood of the Eternal High Priest Melchizedek, (1 Pet. 2:9-10.) ►Jesus’ spiritual body functions “in unity through their personal diversity” in their meetings, in the world, and in any situation they might face. ►►This is perfectly illustrated as all the different members of a physical body working together in dependency on one another, (1 Cor. 12:4-30.) ►It means, the members of Jesus’ body all share the individual gifts and callings of the Holy Spirit to serve one another as a single unit, (1 Cor. 12:4-11; 27-30!) ►In the meantime, genuine disciples will constantly strive to focus in one accord on the ONLY HEAD OF HIS ETERNAL BODY, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Truth of His Word to magnify His Name! ►Ephesians 5:21 is not only good marital advise. It resonates in every relationship God delegated to His disciples. ►It reads from Verse 9, “The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth – to find what is acceptable to The Lord. ►And have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them… (Verse 21,) submitting to ONE ANOTHER in the fear of God [and in the full leading and control of the Holy Spirit!]”
PAUL BOLDLY CALLED OUT THE FALSE FUNCTION OF ‘CHURCH’ AND ‘CLERGIES’ The opposite reality of the fairytale ‘church’ is The Kingdom of God, (Acts 17:24-25.) It is His everlasting, spiritual Kingdom where Christ Jesus Alone reigns as High Priest, Redeemer, Savior, and King; and all the members of His true body are His servants. ►►Paul highlighted this important principle by addressing church clergies as follows, “You are already full, rich, and rule like kings! But we, [the elderly and the younger disciples who |