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The ‘saving’ church sacrament of ‘water baptism;’ what dogmas are attached to it and how did all this originate? Renette Vermeulen
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SUBJECTS DISCUSSED IN THIS STUDY: Note, as all my work, this study is based on the King James Version of the Bible in American English, as new Bible translations increasingly differ from the written text. 1. ‘Sacramental water baptism’ and ‘Chrismation’ form the foundation of ‘the church.’ 2. Scriptural salvation and everything pertaining to it. 3. Clergies use God’s Word to bait believers and then bring them into ‘church mysteries,’ (Rev. 18:4.) 4. Manmade discrepancies between God’s True Word and church dogma breeds entitlement. 5. Jesus Personally demonstrated His water baptism for attested disciples. 6. Jesus’ commission to water baptize His disciples ‘unto the end of the world.’ 7. What Christ’s water baptism by submersion really means. 8. Spiritual circumcision during Jesus’ water baptism. 9. How Jesus’ water baptism was performed after the cross and Pentecost. 10. Church water baptism is also ‘the way to enter into the ‘church kingdom by initiation into the mystery of the church.’ 11. God perfectly named and described the ‘mystery kingdom of the church’ in His Word. 12. More surprising components of sacramental church ‘salvation’ through ‘water baptism.’ 13. How myriad Christian denominations were formed. 14. The origin of church dogmas, which attempt to smother God’s Truth. 15. Christians grew accustomed to the church as their ‘savior.’
THE ‘SAVING’ SACRAMENTS OF ‘THE CHURCH’ MEANS, ‘BESTOWING DIVINE GRACE;’ BUT ONLY THE TRUE GOD OF BIBLE SCRIPTURE IS ABLE TO DO THAT. ASSUMING ‘GOD STATUS’ BY DISPENSING ‘SAVING’ MANMADE SACRAMENTS IS COMMON IN THE OCCULT - BUT WHAT MUST WE THINK ABOUT THE CONFUSING CHRISTIAN DEBATES CONCERNING ‘ADULT OR BABY ‘BAPTISM;’ ‘HOLY WATER SPRINKLING, POURING, IMMERSION OR SUBMERSION;’ ‘THE BAPTISM OF JOHN OR THE BAPTISM OF JESUS;’ ‘ALL-SUFFICIENT SACRAMENTAL CHURCH BAPTISM;’ ‘IS WATER BAPTISM SPIRITUAL OR PHYSICAL;’ ‘IS IT COMPULSORY OR VOLUNTARY;’ ‘IS SALVATION INSTANTLY THROUGH ACCEPTANCE OF CHRIST OR PROGRESSIVELY BY STARTING WITH WATER BAPTISM;’ ‘DOES WATER BAPTISM REPENT, CLEANSE OF ALL SIN, RECONCILE TO GOD, SAVE, FORGIVE, BAPTIZE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, SANCTIFY, REDEEM, JUSTIFY, AND PROTECT UNENDINGLY AGAINST SATANIC ATTACKS?’ ►►INTRODUCTION: God gave His believers His absolutely comprehensible, Scriptural Word, where Jesus Christ and the apostles describe His Gospel of Salvation, water baptism by submersion, as well as the true motivation behind it. ►So, why all the chaos among Christians, as the True God is NOT the author of confusion? (1 Cor. 14:33.) ►The answer is obvious. All church chaos is caused by its clergies who manufacture their own gospels as they go along, while they pretend to obey God’s Word. Billions of believers through the ages rebelled against it, yet to this day most believers still submit to them. ►►Jesus Christ addressed this abnormality in the O.T. and also before N.T. clergies built ‘the church’ at Antioch to form Christianity, (Isa. 66:1-2; Acts 11:26.) ►Stephen became the first N.T. martyr because He said to the temple priests, “GOD DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES MADE BY HANDS,” (Acts 7:44-50.) Before that, Jesus warned, “THE WORLD CANNOT HATE [members of a temple where God does not dwell, as they pose no threat to the devil.] BUT IT HATES ME BECAUSE I TESTIFY THAT ITS WORKS ARE EVIL,” (John 7:7.) ►►Here is how we distinguish between false religion and God’s Holy, Spiritual Kingdom. The Lord continued, “If anyone chooses to do God’s will, you WILL KNOW CONCERNING THE DOCTRINE, WHETHER IT IS FROM GOD OR WHETHER THEY SPEAK ON THEIR OWN AUTHORITY. He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of God is true; no unrighteousness is in him,” (John 7:17-18.)
SACRAMENTAL WATER BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION FORM THE FOUNDATION OF ‘THE CHURCH.’ ‘Ordained’ or ‘super anointed’ clergies attached ‘Chrismation,’ (the manufacture of Christians,) to their sacramental ‘water baptism,’ (Acts 11:26.) This is how they even turn unintelligible babies and uninformed converts into ‘church members,’ who “form the foundation of the church.” ‘The church’ offers sacramental ‘salvation’ through its ‘water baptism’ to human beings of all ages. So, neither babies nor new converts have to understand anything about God and His Word to be ‘eternally saved’ through ‘water baptism.’ Consequentially, only “the [sacramentally baptized] church” can go to ‘heaven!’ (Acts 11:26.) ►So, the water baptism sacrament of Catholicism and Protestantism, (practiced on church members through the CLERICAL use of ‘holy’ water,) remains prevalent. ►And yes, most Protestant churches ‘subliminally’ believe that ‘holy’ water aid in their ‘salvation process.’ ►But the religious application of ‘holy water’ stems from occult rites, where shamans have the cheek to supposedly turn God’s natural elements, (water, smoke, fire, and wind,) into ‘powerful, magical gods,’ who practice the same type of sacraments, which church clergies perform to ‘save’ their church members. ►►In fact, Christians copied their ‘holy’ water, baby-sprinkling baptism rite from pagan Germanic tribes, (among them the Vikings,) who, (just as Christians do,) also named their babies during the same water ritual. The Germanic rite “consecrated the child to the household god,” [Wikipedia,] while the Christian rite ‘dedicates’ babies to ‘the church. ►►SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, Acts 21:20-21,25-26, “Myriads of Hebrews who believe are all still zealous for the [O.T. sacramental temple] law, (Heb. 8:7-13.) But they must ALL FORSAKE MOSES. SO THEY MUST NOT CIRCUMCISE THEIR CHILDREN or live according to those customs... And concerning [N.T. believers from] the Gentile nations, they must NOT observe any such thing, except [the Truth of God’s Word and the precepts of His inward Moral Law,]” (Heb. 10:16.) ►►Jesus Christ [simply] laid His hands on children and blessed them, saying, “To children [before the age of accountability, already] belongs the Kingdom of heaven,” (Mt 19:13-15.) Thus, to teach that ‘unbaptized’ babies and other people go to hell is clerical fear mongery to accumulate and control church members.
SCRIPTURAL SALVATION AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO IT God is Spirit, so He created man sinless with a personal human spirit, (‘heart,’) and soul, (a mind with free will, intellect, and emotions: 1 Thes. 5:23,) to “worship Him in spirit, truth, [and obedience to His Moral Law, N.T. commandments,]” (Jn. 4:21-24; 1 Jn. 3:18-19; Heb. 8:10 KJV.) ►But in the garden humanity disobeyed God. Instantly, they ‘died’ spiritually and were corrupted soulically. That separated them spiritually from God The Spirit. ►Thus, humanity was cast out of God’s holy presence, (Gen. 3:1-8,24.) Since then, all people are born into that sin-state of separation from God, (Rom. 5:12; 3:9-20;) continually breaking all the many precepts of God’s Moral Law, (Heb. 10:16;) heaping up demonic control and trouble for themselves, (Rom. 3:9-20.) ►►To reconcile humanity with God, their personal human spirits must live again for them to enter the holy presence of God. There exists NO other way. ►Jesus explained, “Unless one is [spiritually] born again from water, [not from sacramental water baptism, but from God’s True Word,] (1 Peter 1:23 KJV; Jn. 4:14,) and from Spirit, [which is the conviction and power of God,] (John 16:7-14,) he cannot see, [understand,] or enter the [spiritual] Kingdom of God, (Jn. 3:3-6; 18:36!) What is flesh, [natural,] is flesh, and what is spirit [supernatural,] is spirit,” we cannot blend the two. ►►So God sent His Son Jesus Christ: The Word of God and God Himself ‘in the ‘flesh of a man,” (John 1:1-10,) to fully reconcile man to God, (Rom. 5:8-11.) ►►To bring humanity into a right standing with God, Jesus Christ PERFECTLY ATONED for all the sin of humanity, (2 Cor. 5:21; Col. 2:9-15,) by fulfilling ALL the precepts of the inward Moral Law, as well as all the O.T. ceremonial temple laws (Mat. 5:17-20; Heb. 10:16.) In the place of ALL those who would choose to believe in Him, (Jn. 19:28-30; 3:16,) He also endured everything people can suffer on a human level, (Isa. 53:3-9.) ►►Thus, through Christ’ complete blood atonement on the cross, His death, and resurrection, He entirely “did away” with the O.T. Covenant, (Heb. 8:5-13;) its physical temple, (Heb. 9:8-12,) its human priesthood, (Heb. 7:11-19,) and ALL its ‘saving’ sacraments, (Heb. 10:1-14; 1 Pt. 2:9-10.) ►►Through Jesus’ complete atonement for man, He then immediately established His everlasting, spiritual, N.T. Covenant, (Mat. 26:28,) with all true BELIEVER-DISCIPLES from all nations, Jews as well. Belief in Christ is not a mere feeling. Through Jesus’ atonement for them, real believers are able to ‘trust in, cling to, rely on,’ and obey Christ. So, “they will not perish but have eternal life,” (Jn. 3:16.) ►►JOHN 1:12-13 EXPLAINS EXACTLY HOW MAN IS BORN AGAIN AS JESUS COMMANDED, (Jn. 3:3-5.) “Those who [personally] believe and [decidedly choose to] accept [the only Savior,] the Lord Jesus Christ, God gave the right to become THE [spiritual] CHILDREN OF GOD; WHO WERE BORN, not of blood, [ancestry,] the will of the flesh, [human effort,] or the will of MAN, [church, dogmas, and sacraments,] but [spiritually] of [the power and grace] OF GOD,” (Jn. 1:12-13.) ►►The rebirth in Christ is a once-off, personal, one-on-one experience with God that happens INSTANTLY just as natural birth; NOT PROGRESSIVELY through ‘saving’ sacraments! ►Additionally, the Lord Jesus Christ FINISHED OFF THE INDIVIDUAL REBIRTH OF HUMANS PERFECTLY ON A SPIRITUAL LEVEL, (Heb. 10:14! Col. 2:9-10!) ►Straight away after accepting Jesus, they are spiritually born again ‘OUT OF’ the sin-state of death and darkness ‘INTO’ Life and Light; Jesus Christ Himself, (1 Pet. 2:9-10.) ►So, Christ is “the Only Way, Truth, and Life, and [absolutely] no one comes to the Father in heaven except through Him,” (Jn. 14:6-11; 6:40!) ►Therefore, Jesus Christ is also the ONLY ETERNAL MEDIATOR (1 Tim. 2:5-6,) AND HIGH PRIEST, (Heb. 4:14-156,) Who can “stand in” for humans before God with His perfect ATONEMENT in their place, to RECONCILE all real believes with God, (Jn. 1 Tim. 2:5-6; Heb. 4:14-16.) (This definitely speaks of singularity.) ►►And He does that ONLY at the rebirth of BELIEVERS through His complete Forgiveness, (Eph. 1:7,) which results in Salvation, Redemption, Justification, Sanctification, (Holiness,) Righteousness, Blessing, (Gal. 3:10-14,) and everything else they need, (2 Cor. 5:17-21; Gal. 3:10-14; 1 Pt. 2:9-10.) ►Conversely, living merely on the abilities of the mind is philosophy, (Col. 2:8,) which cannot bring understanding of God The Spirit and His Word, Will, and Way, (1 Cor. 2:14-16.)
CLERGIES USE GOD’S WORD TO BAIT BELIEVERS AND THEN BRING THEM INTO ‘CHURCH MYSTERIES’ It is not strange that church clergies preach some truth when it suits them. They have the Bible at their disposal and many of them preach the basis of Jesus’ Gospel to bring people to God. But shortly after that, they slyly detach them from Jesus ‘The Narrow Way’ to divert them onto their separate broad, “mysterious, church kingdom way;” [this is real church dogma,] which they designed “to tickle itching ears” while converting as many people as possible to their ‘church salvation.’ ►►Due to that, church members have little if any personal responsibility to CHOOSE GOD’S TRUTH and SURRENDER TO GOD ABOVE ALL, (Jn. 1:12-13; Mat. 22:36-40,) to live only in His righteousness, holiness, and genuine Scriptural Truth and Commandments, (Rom. 12:1-2; Jn. 14:15.) ►Especially in the basic Catholic and Protestant churches, the sacramental ‘water baptism’ does it all for them! ‘The reality is that ‘the church’ is all about numbers, money, and clerical glory. Hence, God seriously commanded, “Come out of her My people, all [those who are sincere in serving only the True God,] lest you share in her sins and receive of her plagues…” (Rev. 18:4.)
MANMADE DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN GOD’S TRUE WORD AND CHURCH DOGMA BREEDS ENTITLEMENT According to what church clergies supposedly ‘teach from God’s Word,’ it is not strange that they blatantly force themselves into the shoes of Jesus Christ to perform their own sacramental ‘church salvation’ the way they desire. Jesus addressed that O.T. temple-priest audacity as follows, “You DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I SAY TO YOU because you are of your father the devil, whose will you want to do…” (Jn. 8:44!) For nearly two millennia, church clergies have been doing with the SOULS OF GOD whatever they wish, (Acts 11:26; Ezk. 18:4-5.) ►Ignoring the true, Scriptural salvation in Jesus Christ, they not only turn uninformed church converts into ‘saved church members’ but babies too - years before little ones can exercise personal understanding and choice as God’s Word requires, (John 1:12-13!) ►►Even worse, while ‘initiation’ speaks of masonic occultism, they take the liberty to “initiate babies and new converts into their so-called ‘eternal church forgiveness of past and future sin,’ repentance, redemption, holy-spirit baptism, sanctification, [incorruptible holiness,] justification, [eternal right standing with God,] and their greatest contradiction, ‘unending protection against satanic attacks, because Satan cannot touch Christians.’” ►►SCRIPTURAL TRUTH: Every one of the spiritual attributes clergies refer to their sacramental power over their church members, is only obtainable through Jesus Christ and His full atonement in the place of all His genuine believers, (see Heb. 9:24-28!) ►1 John 5:18-19 simplify, “He who has been [spiritually] born again [as Jesus commanded in John 3:3-6,] does not sin [deliberately and unrepentedly. This is how] HE KEEPS HIMSELF, AND THE WICKED ONE CANNOT TOUCH HIM, [without God’s permission,]” (Job. 1:8-12.) ►►Paul shoved clergies out of God’s Real Salvation and every credit pertaining to it by warning, “DO NOT BE DECEIVED. [No unrepented sinner] will inherit the [spiritual] Kingdom of God! …And such were [all unbelievers. But those who sincerely chose to believe and follow Christ] WERE WASHED, [NOT in a ‘water baptism’ of any kind, but [spiritually] in the blood of Jesus, because [only by His full atonement at the cross] they were FORGIVEN,” (Eph. 1:7;12-14 KJV.) “[God Himself did this] when believers first trusted in Christ by receiving Him after they heard the Word of Truth; THE GOSPEL OF SALVATION, in Whom they were sealed [or baptized with the Holy Spirit by Jesus Christ Himself,]” (Mt. 3:11; 1:1-13.) ►NO man can place GOD inside believers – only Jesus does that at the moment they personally believe and choose to accept Him, (Jn. 1:12-13!) ►►“The indwelling Holy Spirit is the guarantee of THE REDEMPTION [of genuine born again believers,] as they are His [OWN, BLOOD] PURCHASED POSSESSION,” (Eph. 1:7,12-14.) ►‘CHURCH AND CLERGIES’ HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!” Solely by Jesus’ atonement and their spiritual rebirth in Him, (John 3:16-21,) real believers in Christ “are SANCTIFIED, [made holy at the moment they choose Jesus’ salvation,] and JUSTIFIED [or instantly brought into a real right standing with God] in the Name of the Lord Jesus through the [grace and power of] the Spirit of God,” (1 Cor. 6:9-11.) ►Truly beyond a shadow of doubt, satanic ‘initiation’ and ‘progressive” or step-by-step, SYSTEMATIC church ‘salvation’ through sacramentalism, do not exist in God’s genuine Word!
JESUS CHRIST PERSONALLY DEMONSTRATED HIS WATER BAPTISM TO HIS DISCIPLES The Lord Himself illustrated His one and only water baptism as an example for all His believing disciples to follow, (Mt. 28:19-20.) As seen, His disciples are those who personally chose to believe in Him, accept Him, and follow Him to the end as their God, Lord, and Savior. Nothing about any of this has anything to do with clergies, sacramentalism, or church membership, (Jn. 1:12-13! 8:31-32.) ►►While still ministering under the O.T. Covenant, but to illustrate the N.T. Covenant that Jesus would establish at the cross, (John 19:28-30,) the Lord came to John to be BAPTIZED IN ORDINARY WATER, (Mt. 3:13-17!) And “when He was baptized [by submersion,] He came up immediately from the water…” ►►Before that, John the Baptist started his ministry to prepare Hebrews for the inauguration of Jesus’ eternal N.T. Covenant, (Mal. 4:6.) John preached, “REPENT, FOR THE [ETERNAL, SPIRITUAL] KINGDOM OF GOD IS AT HAND!” (Jn. 3:1-2!) ►This means, everyone must consciously repent from religion, (for Hebrews it was O.T. Judaism, which is still ritual, religious death,) to fully accept Jesus, the N.T., life-giving Savior-Christ; “God’s [Only Sinless, Sacrificial] Lamb, Who takes away the sin of the whole [believing] world!” (Jn. 1:29; 3:16-21.) ►►Acts 21:20-21 confirmed, “…Myriads of Hebrews believed that [Jesus Is The Christ,] but remained zealous for the law, [sacramental Judaist temple worship.]” BUT THEY MUST FORSAKE MOSES [to accept the N.T. Savior, Jesus Christ and His N.T. Covenant,]” (Mt. 26:28!) ►►Scripturally, JESUS’ FULL ATONEMENT is the unchangeable focus of the ‘cross,’ which is now a mere symbol of how He suffered, died, and was resurrected as the Only One Who can reconcile all true believers to God, (1 Tim. 2:5-6.) Thus, there is NO other way to be reconciled to God or to be saved, redeemed, and blessed, than through the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ, (Isa. 53:3-6; 2 Cor. 5:18; Jn. 14:6; Gal. 3:10-18.) ►►►Accordingly, “John’s” O.T. water baptism pointed FORWARD to the ‘cross,’ while Jesus’ N.T. water baptism LOOKS BACK at the ‘cross;’ but THEY REMAIN THE SAME WATER BAPTISM. There can never be any other ‘water baptism’ than the water baptism that was demonstrated by The Lord Jesus Christ! (Acts 21:25-26!)
JESUS’ COMMISSION TO WATER BAPTIZE ALL HIS DISCIPLES ‘UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD’ At Jesus’ ascension into heaven He COMMISSIONED all His disciples, saying, “ALL AUTHORITY WAS GIVEN TO ME IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH. THUS, GO [on My authority,] (Mt. 28:18,) AND MAKE DISCIPLES FROM ALL THE NATIONS, [not church members through false dogmas and so-called ‘saving’ sacraments, but by preaching the real, N.T. Gospel of Salvation,] (Eph. 1:12-14!) WATER BAPTIZE [these believing disciples as demonstrated to you] IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT; TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE [or obey] ALL THINGS I, [NOT church clergies,] HAVE COMMANDED YOU. AND SEE, I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU, [genuine disciples,] EVEN TO THE END OF THE WORLD,” (Mt. 28:18-20!). ►►This baptism must be done until the end of the world as there exists no other! This is Truth from Jesus’ own mouth that annihilates all church lies on a multilevel! He also commanded, “If you love Me Keep My [N.T.] commandments,” (John 14:15.) ►Hence, His water baptism is NOT OPTIONAL BUT CHOSEN OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST. ►What’s more, Jesus’ commission cannot be ‘changed’ into a “N.T.” pagan-Christianized, baby sprinkling rite that supposedly “spiritualize the O.T. circumcision of Hebrew boys.” ►Acts 21:20-21,25-26 command, “Do not circumcise your children according to Hebrew customs!”
WHAT JESUS’ WATER BAPTISM BY SUBMERSION OF ATTESTED DISCIPLES REALLY MEANS Paul detailed the meaning of Jesus’ Scriptural water baptism of real disciples. He began by proclaiming, “I have [died to sin] to live my life in Christ, Who gave Himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if RIGHTEOUSNESS comes by [any other means,] Christ died in vain,” (Gal. 2:20-21.) ►►So, true disciples cannot continue in sin, though they live by His grace! (John 1:12-17!) Sinning unrepentedly is a diabolical choice to abuse God’s grace by ignoring His commandments, (Rom. 6:1-5; Heb. 6:4!) ►►True disciples must repent from personal sin because they “were baptize into His death and buried with Him. [This is a physical baptism representing a symbolical burial.] ►But just as Christ was raised from death, water baptized disciples were [allegorically] raised from the grave in a new life with Him [when they surfaced,]” (Rom. 6:1-5.) ►►How can anyone believe that the sprinkling, pouring, or whatever of so-called ‘holy’ water in a church rite can replace Jesus’ baptism of disciples by submersion? ►This symbolic burial and resurrection declare that Jesus’ authentic disciples, (NOT babies or any other ‘church initiated members,’) are “NEW (SPIRITUAL) CREATIONS IN CHRIST,” (2 Cor. 5:17,) from the moment they personally accept Jesus – and definitely not because of the literal act of baptism itself or because of so-called ‘holy’ water - as if any physical act or element has spiritual properties. ►NOTE: It is certain that NO water baptism by itself can ‘save’ anyone. ►►But following Jesus’ demonstration of the Scriptural water baptism is also a powerful declaration of what He already did spiritually and mentally for all His genuine born again disciples when they accepted Him, (Mt. 28:18-20.) ►Therefore, Luke 7:29-30 KJV state, “Even tax collectors JUSTIFIED God, being baptized with the water baptism of John, [which is also the N.T. water baptism of Jesus.] But the Pharisees and lawyers REJECTED THE WILL OF GOD, not being baptized, [to cling to their dead, O.T. temple religion…]”
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE HOLY-SPIRIT CIRCUMCISION IN JESUS’ WATER BAPTISM Paul announced in Romans 6:6-12 that our old ‘sin man’ or sin nature, inherited from the fall, (Rom. 5:12,) was also conquered by Jesus Christ at the cross, (Col. 2:9-10,13-15.) ►He wrote, “The old sin man was crucified with Christ. (Rom. 6:6-7,) So, in the water baptism [of real disciples,] the dead body of sin is [buried spiritually] and is [personally] done away with [for authentic disciple-followers,] that they are no longer slaves of sin…” ►►Colossians 2:9-13 say it like this, “Being dead in their trespasses and in the uncircumcision of their flesh, Jesus has made [real disciples] alive together with Him; having forgiven them all trespasses, [NOT in water baptism but when they believed and accepted Him,]” (Jn. 1:12-13.) ►►Thus, ignoring Jesus’ commandment to be water baptized as He illustrated, causes believers to constantly drag the ‘stinking corpse’ of the old sin-man with them. ►►Colossians 2:9-10 explain, “[True believers] were [made spiritually perfect or] complete in Christ,” (Heb. 10:14.) ►►►“But in water baptism they are not ONLY [symbolically] buried into Jesus’ death and resurrection, (Col. 2:11-12; Rom. 6:3-5.) ►►They are ALSO circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, [at the moment they are symbolically] buried in baptism…” ►►While some clergies teach that “believers cannot repent from sin because they still have a sin nature,” these Scriptural passages PROVE that they lie! Jesus’ disciples have NO EXCUSE TO CONTINUE IN SIN, (Rom. 6:1-14.) “They were freed from sin and [are fully capable] of living a holy life in Christ,” (Rom. 6:6-7; 1 Pt. 1:13-15!) ►►NOTE: Neither Jesus’ water baptism itself, nor the Holy-Spirit circumcision of the old sin-man during baptism, can “be replaced with the Christian baby, new church convert ‘baptism’ rite, which is supposedly “the N.T. version of the O.T. circumcision of Jewish boys” as Calvinists teach, (Acts 21:20-21,25-26!) Similarly, Jesus’ actual spiritual circumcision in submersion cannot be the “baptism with the Holy Spirit.” God’s spiritual Kingdom operations can only be performed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself – as revealed in the whole contextual Truth of His Word, which is ‘spirit and life,” (Jn. 3:11; 6:63.)
HOW JESUS’ WATER BAPTISM WAS PERFORMED BY HIS ‘FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY’ AFTER PENTECOST Jesus’ water baptism of believing, spiritually born again disciples is so far above church initiation and other progressive sacramental performances as heaven is above the earth. ► NO unintelligible baby or uninformed church convert can be sacramentally ‘water baptized’ to claim any of the incalculable God-given spiritual ‘benefits,’ such as being a real disciple-follower of Jesus Christ! (Jn. 8:31-32.) ►NOTE: In Acts 8:27-39, “[Jesus’ disciple] Philip [declared the Gospel Truth to an Ethiopian,] who said, ‘There is [ordinary] water. What hinders me to be baptized?’” ►Verse 37, which was omitted from new translations: “Philip answered, ‘IF YOU BELIEVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART, YOU MAY BE BAPTIZED...’ So they STEPPED DOWN into the water where Philip baptized him, and HE CAME UP OUT OF THE WATER… [just as Jesus illustrated.]” ►From this we can safely say, BECAUSE GOD IS HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS AND “DOES NOT DWELL IN TEMPLES/CHURCHES MADE BY HANDS,]” (Acts 17:24,) He will never resort to church tricks to bind believers to a worthless shrine! Continue to: INITIATION INTO THE MYSTERIES CHURCH KINGDOM